Simon Cowell

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It has come to my attention that Toronto is in Canada and not New York. I'm too lazy to edit these so don't pick on me. :P

Louis' POV

Oh damn if those girls find out then I'm sure Simon will gut us all and sell our organs on eBay.
We can't let them. Knowing they're sympathetic selves, their going to sacrifice for the greater good.
Well the greater good needs to collect its shit.
"If it comes up as a surprise the day before than there will nevertheless be consequences" Simon threatens.
When he leaves the lads and I sit in the poorly lighted room. Liam doesn't seem to notice as he smiles down at his phone, most obviously texting his girlfriend for the fiftieth time today.
It's Harry, Zayn, and I who have to worry about it.
Niall wears his asshole smirk.
"I'll give you all twenty bucks if I can watch you three break the news"
I ignore him. I don't have time for his bullshit. He's not getting a reaction out of me.
"Loosen up, I was just joking with you" he continues.
Harry kicks the soles off his boots against the wooden stool.
"Well this isn't a time to be a dick. We can't let them find out. Because if we go down, so does your ass"
Niall rolls his eyes and walks over to Liam.
Breaking the news won't be too hard. I mean, so what if they can't trust us? We're doing then a favor in the end. Well from what Simon told us.

I find Luna down the hall refilling a water bottle. As I'm just a few paces away, she turns around and frowns when she sees me before starting to walk away.
Oh fuck. She better not have found out. I didn't even say anything and neither did the lads so how does that even happen?
As I stand there like a dumbass debating with myself, she's way ahead of me.
"Where are you going?" I call out.
She ignores me and I have to start sprinting to catch up to her. God I need to start working out before I lose my endurance altogether.
Maybe I can say something to mess with her and she'll slow down.
"Will you stop?" I ask.
"No. What's the matter, you can't keep up with me?"
"Your right. And pretty fast for a girl"
And she stops just like that.
She may be hard to get to but there's always a way.
"What's your problem?!"
Oh here we go.
Her brown eyes narrow a little and I have the time I need to catch up.
"Look I need to talk to you"
"Well I don't want to talk to you"
Well then.
"You make everything so difficult"
"Well that's what happens when someone doesn't like you" she snaps.
"Aww come on, you like me"
"Maybe I would if you weren't so rude to me all the time"
"I prefer sarcastic. And don't act like you don't do it too."
She exhales.
"Alright can I just talk to you seriously without any snarky remarks?"
She rolls her eyes dramatically.
I reach into my pocket, digging out a mess of keys and then sticking the right one into the door. This stupid hotel doesn't even have those key cards. Like, come on. That especially will mess shit up when your being chased by your fans.

Harry's POV

"I need to tell you something" I say to Lily as we sit at the empty bar.
"Okay. I need to ask you something too" she says sternly.
"Yeah, alright love"
"You go first" she instructs, her light blue eyes penetrate into mine.
I am aware that she won't take no for an answer, so I go first.
"Okay. Lily, your old enough for me not to sugarcoat what I'm about to say. So I'm just going to tell you" I take a deep breath and a moment of hesitation in order to configure my thoughts.
"Lily we're extending the tour"
She gasps and her pupils dilate, a hand over her mouth.
"What?! Why would you even?.."
Instead of cussing me out like I'd expect her to, she just looks hurt and distrusted.
"Lily, I'm sorry"
"No. Don't apologize to me Harry. You screwed up too many times. Just don't do it again"
"Okay.. It won't happen again. I promise"
"If you promise, then show me"
"I will"
I am relieved for this second chance. Or in my case, the fiftieth chance.
Its awkward for a few minutes until I remember that she wanted to ask me something.
"Did you want to say something, babe?"
She raises her eyebrow,
"Oh so it's okay when Louis does it but you have to question me?"
She smirks,
"Your certainly the jealous type aren't you? He was only doing that to get to you"
I love how she can switch moods so quickly because it especially comes in handy when she's pissed at me and then can turn herself right around and smile at me.
"I guess I am" I shrug.
A smile tugs at her lips. But it's sad and halfhearted grin.
It most definitely breaks my heart.
"You've already answered my question Harry" she responds to my previous question.
"Oh okay"
There's another silence but another question tugs at my mind.
"Hey, can I show you something, love?" I ask.
She answers me with another question.
"What have I got to lose?"
I chuckle before unbuttoning the first three buttons on my shirt.
"What are you doing?" She questions, narrowing her eyes skeptically.
I pull the collar back just far enough for her to see the slightly reddened skin from my new tattoo. A large butterfly ridden with details.
"Oh my god, did that hurt?" She asks, leaning closer to examine the ink butterfly.
"Not really" I answer truthfully. I've gotten quite used to tattoos after awhile and the process isn't as disturbing as it seems.
But this has to be one of if not my favorite.
"It's pretty" she acknowledges, studying it in genuine curiosity.
"Isn't it? You know, a beautiful girl once told me that a woman should be like a butterfly; Pretty to look at but hard to catch."

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