Talk shows

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Luna's POV

If Roxy was a cartoon, I think she'd have hearts in her eyes because she is totally falling for Zayn.
"Zayn that was amazing! Thank you so much!"
I roll my eyes.
It's just like TV.
Once we get back to the hotel it's packed. There are people everywhere. I'm guessing those people are here for us.
"Shit. We've got to use the back door"
mumbles Harry, peeking through the curtain. He takes a key out of his pocket and walks outside cautiously, and then motions for us to follow.
We trek across the grass until we're in the back of the hotel. Harry unlocks it and then kicks it open with his bootleg.
Louis walks over and presses the button on the elevator.
"We're taking the stairs Lou" Harry calls out from the other end of the room.
"No we're not Harry. We'll get caught if we take the stairs"
"Says the dumbass who wants to take the elevator"
"Fine. Just give me a call when you need me to drive you to therapy after you get caught and raped by a ton of
horny twelve year olds"
They continue to argue until Niall shouts, much to my surprise,
"Shut your arses! You can both go your separate ways!"
They both look intimated.
Harry is the only one who takes the stairs.

Lilly's POV

"I'm surprised you didn't go with Harry" snickers Roxy, "are you two a thing now?"
I frown.
I can feel four smirks as they press into the back of my head.
"Shut up Roxy" I mumble, "I'm just trying to tolerate him until I see Luke again. Then I won't have to worry about him"
"Yeah okay" says Luna, who's just decided to be in on too.
I'm glad Louis and Zayn have chosen to stay out of it. Well at least I thought so.
"So are you still keeping things together with that Luke guy?" Louis asks me.
"Yeah, I guess. I haven't talked to him for awhile"
I feel a pang of guilt strike my stomach.
"Harry won't like that" chuckles Zayn.
"Well he's going to have to deal with shit. I can't be his girlfriend. We're just friends"
Luna fails to suppress a grin before snickering,
"That's what she said"
They all laugh.
I've tried to keep in contact with my boyfriend, but he must not get my calls.
We step out of the elevator. Harry is already waiting for us.
How the hell did he get here first?
He smirks and his dimples pop in the process. Why does he have to be so goddamn gorgeous? It really pisses me off.

Roxy's POV

"Well, you all have got everything done just in time for the interview tomorrow. Great job" praises Niall.
Wait tomorrow?! What the hell?!
"Did I hear you correctly?" Asks Luna.
"He's right. After the interview we only have a week to start preparing for the concert" says Liam, who looks up from his phone, most likely texting Sophia.
"For fucks sake, you could've told us earlier!" exclaims Lily. I know how panicked she must feel. Our fans haven't exactly seen us together. Except they will tomorrow when we're on Live television.
I don't know what they'll think of us.
"Believe me, the most feared word in the One Direction is most obviously 'girlfriend'" Zayn laughs.
Harry smirks.
The car ride is boring and long. Luna and Harry take turns telling retarded stories no one cares about until Niall threatens he will start crying and they will have to stop.
I shut everyone out and put my earbuds in. I scroll through some bands; Rolling Stones, Nirvana, Guns and Roses, Arctic Monkeys.
I've heard them all so many times. I put down my phone and decide to just sleep the rest of the way.
"Hey we're here Roxanne" I familiar British accent wakes me from my sleep.
Ugh, we're here already?
Zayn extends a hand to help me up from my slouched position in the back of Louis' car.
"It smells really bad in here to be honest" I say.
"I bought an air freshener" Louis grumbles.
"What's the aroma, horse crud?" asks Luna.
He ignores her comment and we walk into the parking lot. Only to be surrounded by a huge mass of fans. Or as Louis would put it, "a ton of horny twelve year olds"
And not even that can calm my nerves.

Luna's POV

"Wasn't that so ironic how they actually trusted him to get here safety?" Harry snorts.
"Don't blame him Haz. It's not completely his fault" Niall sugarcoats the fact. Louis is no doubt Niall's favorite person.
Harry's favorite person must be himself. Stupid narcissist.
The fans practically throw themselves at us, screaming out of their preteen mouths.
We all move as quickly as we can through them, although they have to touch us as if we are gods.
Which we kind of are after all.
We make our way into the building and security is already there, giving us hostile glares for being so irresponsible.
I sink to my knees, needing to catch my breath.
Harry is missing one of his shoes. I don't think he's realized it yet.
We take the stairs because multi-millionaire Jimmy Kimmel is to cheap to have an elevator.
"What hunks they are!" gawks Roxy's stylist who stands next to me at the moment.
"I know, Harry is definitely my favorite" replies Linda; Lily's hairdresser.
Lily's back is to me, but I would definitely pay a ton to see her expression right now.
"I know! The pants they wear are so slimming, they shouldn't wear any at all!" Roxy's stylist; Greta throws her head back obnoxiously. Her New Jersey accent definitely suits her obnoxious personality.
Roxy cracks up a bit.
"You girls are INCREDIBLY lucky" Linda states, spraying a mist of musty smelling perfume in the air.
I gag as it gets in my nose.

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