7. Couples

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"So you say that the monster just kidnaps couples?" I asked, confused. Sam nodded and opened his laptop. "Exactly. All the three couples were checked into this hotel before that. It's called: The Luxe Lodge." Dean stood next to us and added "Well then we'll go there," but Sam shook his head. "This hotel is designed specifically for couples. We can't just get in there."

"We can," Dean said, smirking at me. "I have a plan."


"You ready?" Dean asked impatiently while waiting in front of my door. "One minute" I answered and made up my lips red. I looked proudly in the mirror. "Ready" I said and Dean came in. He was wearing a black suit, which looked very good on him. Dean had to grin. "You look very beautiful" he whispered to me. I grinned back. "Could you...?" I asked, pointing to my back, where the zipper of my red dress was still open. "Oh yeah, of course." He moved closer to me and grabbed the zipper, gently pulling it down. As felt his breath on my neck, my heart began to beat faster. I suddenly became very hot. What was wrong with me?

I pulled myself together and turned around. "Thank you."

"No problem" he replied and stepped away. I put on my black jacket and picked up anlittle gun. "Are you sure this thing works?" I asked, looking at Dean. He took my hand and showed me how to load the gun. "If you hit the head, you'll kill the monster. Just don't be scared. Remember to breathe and aim at the head." I nodded.


When we arrived, Dean parked the car. Then he opened the door of the impala and offered me his arm, which I took with a smile. "Remember. We'll pretend we're a couple. It's best to let me do the talking." He winked and together we entered the hotel.

We went up to the counter and Dean leaned in, smiling to the receptionist. "Hi. I reserved a room here but I forgot the key. I'm really sorry, it was a spur of the moment thing." The woman smiled at us and looked at the computer. "Sure. Do you have a name?" "Dean and Sara Campbell." I smiled and moved a bit closer to him. He put his arm around my waist and held me close. He had been right. The act of pretending was working really well. I felt myself becoming nervous but that was the only way to fool the monsters.

"That's nice. Do you have any luggage?" she asked. Dean shook his head. "Nope, we're just here for a romantic night." "Oh, that's nice," the woman said dreamily and gave us two keys. Dean turned to me and kissed me softly. Amazed by his sudden action, I widened my eyes. But then I closed them and put my arms around his neck, kissing him back.

"Enjoy your stay" the woman said, blushing. I pulled away from Dean and he took my hand. "Thanks" I said and followed Dean to the elevator.

As soon as the door closed behind us, I realized what Dean had just done and punched him in the arm. "Ouch!" He grinned at me. "It was necessary. Don't you agree?" I gave him a disgusted look. "We should talk about what's necessary and what's not."

He was about to say something, but the elevator stopped. We stepped out and headed for our room. The corridor was full of couples. All of them looked very happy. But they were happy for now...

We found our room and I opened the door. The room was huge, bigger than I had expected. "Wow, it's really nice," I said, turning to him. He smiled. "Yeah."

I went to the window and looked outside. It was already dark. "So what do we do now?" I asked. "Now we wait" he answered and sat down on the bed. I went over to him and sat down beside him, which I had to do since there was no other place left. I sighed. "I hate waiting. Can't we do something fun?" Dean thought about it for a moment before he gave a little nod. "And what baby?" he said sarcastically. I rolled my eyes but actually I thought it was great what he had called me. Even if that was just part of his role.

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