50. Casey Winchester

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The weeks passed and with each day I felt stronger and stronger.

Then it was finally time and we got a little girl. I was lying in the hospital when Dean joined me. "You have an idea for the name." I nodded. "What about... Casey?" He smiled. "Cass would be happy about that. Sounds good."
I grinned. "So, it's Casey."
After a few hours I could go home again. The doctors couldn't explain it, but I showed no signs of having been pregnant a short time ago. I knew, that my powers did that.
Jack looked at Casey with admiring eyes.
"She's so beautiful."
"I know," I answered and smiled. I was sitting in the chair, holding Casey in my arms.
"You know, she's special."
"Yes. I can feel it."
He took Casey from my arms and placed her carefully in her bed.

Finally, she fell asleep but then we heard loud music from Dean's room and Casey started crying again.
"Damn," I sighed. Dean came out with an innocent smile.
"Sorry. She doesn't like the music, does she?"
"No. Not at all. Especially when it's loud."
"Don't worry, I will calm her down again." Dean took her in his arms and walked towards the kitchen.
When Casey was finally asleep again, Dean and I sat down next to me.
"How are you feeling?"
"Good. Very good, to be honest."
He took my hand. Suddenly we could see bright light through the crevices of the door.
Immediately, we jumped up and ran to Casey's room. When we opened the door, it was dark again she wasn't laying in her bed. My heart stopped beating.
"Where is she?" Dean looked me deep in the eyes.
"We'll find her," he tried to calm me down, but I felt that he was also panicking. But then I spotted a little girl, sitting in the corner of the room.
"Casey!" Carefully, I walked to her. "What happened Cutie? Why are you a child?" She looked around the age of seven. "I have powers, Mommy," she answered with a smile. "You said that monsters exist. And I can't fight them if I'm still a baby.
"You won't fight them, Sweetheart. It's too dangerous.
Believe me, you don't wanna do this," Dean added.
"Your dad fights them. That has to be enough. "She started playing with her blond hair. "Okay."
"And Cutie, don't use your powers ever again, understand. That can be very dangerous."
"I'm sorry." She looked down at the floor. I took her into a hug. "Don't be. And now you need to meet your... well what is Jack to her? Anyway, he surely wants to meet you." We told Jack what happened and introduced Casey to him. He was enchanted by her. "I really like you Jack," she exclaimed with her cute voice. He blushed a bit.
"And I like you, Casey."
She yawned whereupon Dean took her hand.
"Come on, little one. Time for bed."
Since we didn't have a bed for her, we let her sleep in our room. "Can you two read me a story?" I laughed.
"We don't have books for kids yet but I will tell you
another great story," I said while sitting down at the bed. "Once upon a time there was a hunter called Dean
Winchester. He saved people from the monsters. One day, he found a woman who was also a hunter and they fell in love..."
When she was sleeping, I slipped out quietly and closed the door. "Wow, I really didn't expect that to happen," Dean said when we were standing in the living room.
"Me too. We missed so much. But now, I want her to have a normal life. I want her to go to school, to have hobbies, to find friends, all that stuff."
"And she will. We will give her everything."
"And I want her to not be a hunter. Never."
"Yes, me too." I smiled at him.
"See, you're nothing like John." He pulled me into a big hug.

The next day, Dean, Jack, Casey and I drove to a school to register her. The teacher greeted us with a big smile. "Welcome. My name is Tina. I'm pleased to meet you, Casey Winchester." Then she looked at me with raised eyebrows. "Are you the mother?" I nodded. "You had to be very young at her birth. That's really impressive."
I could hear Dean giggle. Tina glanced at him. "You are also responsible for that, young man."
Now, I was the one giggling.
"Yes...," he replied shyly. "But I never expected that to happen. I mean, I thought we had protection and..." I punched him in the side and turned my head in Casey's direction. "What is protection?" she asked quietly.
"Something adults need sometimes," I replied quickly.
"So, I need two signatures and then she can start
tomorrow." We did as she had said and went back home. Casey was so excited and couldn't wait for the next day.
"What if she will use her powers by accident?" I asked, turned to Dean.
"Don't worry, Sweetie. She can handle it. She's strong, just like her mom." I blushed.

It was Monday and finally time for Casey's first day of school. She was jumping out of the impala and ran to her new classmates "Bye."
"Have fun, Cutie," I called after her.
"Ready to go?" Dean asked me.
"Not yet. I wanna wait a bit." He put his hands on my face and gave me a long kiss.
"Everything will be fine, Sara. Trust me"

A few hours later, we picked her up again. The teacher walked towards us. "Mr. and Mrs. Winchester, can I talk to you for a second?"

"Of course. What's wrong?" Dean asked.
"Casey has a blooming imagination. She told me today that an angel spoke to her."
"Oh, she watched a movie yesterday. Probably still thinking about it."
"Okay. I just wanted to inform you."

When we came back home, Casey sat down on the couch.
"How was it?" I wanted to know.
"Really cool. I already found a friend. Her name is Ella Adams." I looked at my hands because I remembered that name. It was Julie Adams' daughter. The woman, who I shot.
"Did she tell you something about her parents?"
"Yes. She said that she lives with her dad and that it is pretty cool." I breathed a sigh of relief.
"So, little one, you said you heard an angel speaking to you?" Dean asked. "First of all, you can't tell anyone but us about your powers or angels or monsters. This has to be a secret. And secondly, is this really true?"
"Yes. He said that his name was Castiel."
"What did he say?" My eyes got wider.

"I didn't understand everything, but he said that it's dark."
I looked away. "Mommy, are you okay?"
"Well, Castiel was my friend, but he died."
"But you can safe him."
"No, I can't."
She smiled. "You can. You, Jack and I are very
"That's why I told you that you shouldn't use your powers. Because it is dangerous."
"But we need to take risks. If we want a better world, we have to fight for it. You told me to always keep fighting."
I had to laugh. She was so young but still so clever.
"We will save him, Mommy. We have to. He is alone and scared." I glanced to Dean who nodded.
"Okay. We'll try."

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