25. Archangel

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I was about to knock on Dean's room when I noticed that my door was standing open, which was strange, because I always closed it. Carefully, I entered my room and was startled. A blonde woman sat on my bed and smiled friendly at me. "Who are you?" I asked, taking out my gun. "I am Ariel, an Archangel. You must know my brothers, Lucifer and Michael. They will fight each other until one of them is dead. That's why I need your help. I need you to be my vessel so that I can convince them to be a family again. All you have to do is to say yes."
I glanced at her, confused. Dean and Sam had told me some time before that Michael and Lucifer had visited them also wanting the two to become their vessels.
"No. I won't." She sighed.
"You can change your mind any time. I will wait."

Later, when we were all sitting together at the table, I told them about the weird incident.
"Ariel? Like the little mermaid?" Dean asked with raised eyebrows, which made me laugh.
"Yes, Ariel," Cass replied. "At least she has always been the most reasonable one. But since she has appeared, it means that Michael and Lucifer are fighting again. They will try over and over to convince you of saying yes. You are their true vessels, which means they have the biggest power with you."
"But as long as we say no, everything is good, right?" Sam asked curiously. "Not really. They will both try to destroy their brother's vessel so that he can't reach their full power. But that's still better than saying yes. If one of them gets his vessel, it probably means the end of the world. We cannot win this fight alone. We need help."
I stood up and walked a few steps before asking
"Are there any other Archangels who might support us?"
"There's Raphael but he supports Michael. And..." He hesitated and looked to the side.
"And what?" Dean asked him with crossed arms.
"I have another brother, Gabriel. I don't know if he will help us but at least he hasn't chosen a side. This is our only option, because I doubt that Ariel will help us. She would never hurt one of them and thinks that everything can be settled with words."
Sam looked at Cass. "Okay, how can we reach him?"

After Cass told us that he would try to contact him through his angel radio, Sam, Dean and I went out to get a few things to make the bunker even safer, although it was already very secure.
As we got out of the Impala, my eyes fell on Sam's hair.
"I love your hair Sam," I said happily. Dean gave me a disgusted look while Sam grinned cheekily at his brother.

We entered a store for supernatural things. Immediately, I spotted the Holy Oil on a shelf at the top. Since I was
relatively small, I had to stand on my tiptoes, but even that was not high enough. Dean came to me, laughing, and grabbed the oil. "You're short." I rolled my eyes.
"And you're really nasty sometimes, but that makes you even hotter." He grinned and handed me the oil.
Embarrassed, I looked to the side. Why did I just say that?

When we went to the checkout, the saleswoman smiled at us in a friendly manner. "Holy oil, hex bags. Stress with angels, right?" Dean nodded.
"Yeah. Specifically, with the Archangels Michael and
Lucifer. We are their true vessels, but since we don't say yes, they want to kill us." Sam pushed his elbow into Dean's side, so that he wouldn't reveal more, because even now, the woman looked totally puzzled. Dean gave her his credit card and added "Actually, we aren't supposed to use this card, but we have a friend who knows a lot about technology and programmed it for us."

"He says the truth," Sam replied and raised his eyebrows. The woman shook her head.
"You are lucky that I let you get away with this. But the world needs hunters."
As we left the store, I looked at the two of them in
confusion. "What was that all about? Why did you tell her?" Sam shrugged his shoulders.
"I don't know. It's almost like we can't lie anymore."
"Sam," Dean said with a little grin. "What do you think of romantic movies?"
"Sometimes, I really like them." Dean started to laugh. "It's true. We can't lie anymore."

"Oh, I have a hunch," Sam said, sighing. "I think it's the Trickster."
"The Trickster? Who's that?" I asked, curiously.
"Someone who changes reality according to his ideas and makes fun of it. We met him once and even killed him, but probably that was just an illusion."
"That is right," we heard a voice and turned around.
A brown-haired man was standing there, smiling broadly at us. "Did you miss me?" Dean pulled out his gun.
"What do you want?"
"What do I want? You want my help, I mean that's what Castiel said." Happily, I glanced at him.
"You are Gabriel."
"She is smart," he answered with a grin, pointing at me. "What's your name, Love?"
"Sara. "So, you will help us?"
"Only if I can take you to dinner."
Dean stepped between us. "That's not gonna happen."
Gabriel laughed and shook his head.
"Why so serious, Dean? This was just a joke."
"Sure. All of this is a joke to you. But not for us."
Gabriel rolled with his eyes. "I can help fight Michael, but Lucifer... this is a fight you must win alone." Sam and I thanked him and we decided to go back to the bunker.

As the four of us entered it, Cass stood at the door,
waiting for us. "Castiel," Gabriel exclaimed and smiled at him. I noticed that he smiled very often. "Hello brother," Cass replied and looked at him, before turning to the rest of us. "Lucifer and Michael are on his way. Be careful not to get hurt. Neither Gabriel nor I can heal you then. Sam, Dean, and I make the bunker as safe as possible from the outside. You two from inside." Dean shook his head.
"I'm not leaving Sara alone with him." He gave Gabriel a mean look. "Dean, we don't have time for this now." Cass interrupted him. "He's not going to try anything with her. Now come on, we need to hurry." I took the holy oil, and began to paint angel-banishing symbols in front of all the entrances. I was about to draw one on the front door when it swung open with a slam and a man entered. I couldn't believe my eyes.
"Adam?" I asked and approached him carefully.
"Hey Sara." A smile spread across his face, but then his eyes began to glow blue and the smile disappeared. "Where's Sam?" I took out my angel blade, which was also soaked in holy oil. I knew, that now, this was
Michael and not Adam anymore.
"You won't kill him. We will stop you." He laughed.
"If you kill me, you also kill Adam. Do you really want to do this?" I hesitated. Was that really true or was he bluffing? Whatever, I had to do something, I couldn't just do nothing. I quickly swung the blade, but immediately he grabbed my wrist and stopped me from stabbing.
As he took a step toward me, Gabriel suddenly stood
between us and cut Michael's arm with his blade.

"You can't stop me," Michael shouted angrily and grabbed Gabriel by the neck, choking him. I couldn't bear to watch. In pain, I stood up and attacked Michael from
behind. This time I hurt him on the hand. He didn't care much, but it was enough to turn his attention away from Gabriel and onto me.
"You really want to fight me? I don't wanna kill you but I do if I must."
Now Gabriel took the floor again and told his brother to stop fighting. While he did this, I took a few of the hex bags and placed them inconspicuously next to Michael.
I cut my hand with the blade and let my blood drip onto them so that they glowed white. Then I smiled at Gabriel. Our plan had worked. One of us would distract him while the other performed a ritual to transport Michael to
another dimension.
As he noticed the bags, he gave us a nasty look and tried to fight back, but it was too late for him. A bright light surrounded him and in the next moment he was gone.
I exhaled deeply and dropped to the ground.
"Are you okay?" Gabriel asked worriedly.
"Yeah, just a little exhausted. Can I ask you something?" He nodded slowly. "Why don't you fight Lucifer?"

"Because I know that he would kill me without hesitation. He would do anything for power, even kill his whole
family." I had never expected Lucifer to be so heartless.
"Nevertheless, thanks for your help. I couldn't have done it without you." He smiled and reached out a hand to help me stand up. "With pleasure." Then he also disappeared.
I went outside to check on the others and startled. Cass lay on the floor pressing his bloody hands on his stomach. Quickly I started to run and knelt next to him. "Cass, are you all right?"
"I..." he said breathlessly. "I will survive... but... you need to find... Sam and Dean."
"Okay," I replied and stood up, when someone suddenly grabbed me from behind. "Hello honey. I've heard a lot about you." Cass tried to stand up, with his angel blade in the hand. "Don't hurt her." Lucifer just laughed and raised his hand, causing him to fall back to the floor. I began to struggle, but he was too strong. "Let me go!" I shouted
angrily. "Nope. Either I will kill you or...you will marry me. Your choice."
"Marry you? You have killed thousands of innocent
people!" He laughed again. "What's wrong? Aren't you the hunter? Do you have a problem with killing. Besides, nobody is innocent."
I couldn't believe it. How could he dare.
"And what about me? You also wanted to kill me."
He raised his eyebrows. "Yes, but I have realized that with you, I have a better chance to become the new King of Hell. I assure you; you can rule by my side, I won't hurt you. All you have to do is to say yes."
When I did not answer, he raised his hand for the second time and Cass contorted face in pain.
"Stop it!" I screamed, but he didn't listen. "I will kill you!" "No, you won't." His grip around me tightened.
"Let her go!" I suddenly heard a voice behind us. "You should never force a girl to marry you."
"You really dare to show up here, little brother?" he asked and let go of me.
Unexpectedly, Gabriel grinned broadly at him. "Yes, I do." He raised his angel blade and started attacking him. Lucifer deflected every attack. But then, out of nowhere, Gabriel stood behind Lucifer and stabbed him in the back. Lucifer was so confused by the illusion trick of Gabriel that he didn't fight back, he just looked deeply into his brother's eyes. Then he snapped his fingers and

I didn't know what to say. Gabriel had saved my life, even though it was dangerous for him. "Gabriel, I..." He shook his head. "It's okay. You don't have to thank me." He gave me one last smile and disappeared too.
Castiel, who by now was on his feet again, pointed to a small cottage not far from us and told me that this was the place where Dean and Sam had fought with Lucifer earlier. Quickly, we approached it. I was deeply relieved when I saw Sam sitting on the ground, "Sam, are you all right? Where's Dean?" He gave me a sad look.
"Lucifer has succeeded. Dean is dead." I shook my head. He couldn't be dead. Not again.
"We will save him, Sam. The... the mark... it doesn't allow him to die. Crowley can do something for him."
I closed my eyes. "Crowley, we need your help." But nothing happened. "Please, help us. Dad."
"Hello Seraphina." I breathed a sigh of relief but then I got serious again. "Lucifer killed Dean. You need to bring him back."
He sighed. "Darling, that what I would bring back would not be Dean. Well, not quite. He would be a demon."
"A demon?" I asked with a raised eyebrow. "Isn't there a possibility that he will become human again?"
"Yes, but you have to become the Queen of Hell for that. He would keep the mark, but he would be human."
Sam turned to him. "Save him."
Crowley went to the corner of the cottage, where Dean lay on the floor, motionless. He put his hand on the mark and spoke a few Latin words. Then Dean opened his eyes. They were completely black.

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