43. Casifer!

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All seemed changed. Everywhere, Demons were lying dead on the floor, the walls were destroyed and it was burning. Crowley was also lying on the floor, breathing heavily. "Dad, what is it?" I asked full of fear, kneeling next to him. "Lucifer was here or better is. He wants to rule hell and killed every demon who was against him." "What about you? Are you alright?" He looked at me. "No. He is stronger. He could hurt me and..." He stopped, looking away. "Please don't die."
"You need to go. Now! Before he finds you."
Then, he closed his eyes. I took a deep breath. I couldn't cry, I needed to pull myself together. Quickly, I stood up and ran into Cass. Probably he was here to save me.
I smiled relieved but then I saw his smile.
Mischievous and evil. Rapidly, I took out my angel blade.
"You are Lucifer!"
He bowed himself while laughing. "Exactly."
"Since when? And what about Cass?"
"Well, Castiel is dead. He was the whole time. I just needed a vessel and voilà."
Faithless, I stared at the ground. I couldn't face him, not if he was Lucifer instead of Cass. I didn't even think about running away. I didn't care what he would do now.
Nothing mattered anymore.
"Do it," I said with a broken voice, dropping my angel blade. "What Honey?"
"Kill me! Take your throne. End it." He came a bit close. "Where is the fun in that, huh? No, I won't kill you."
He grabbed my arm and pulled me into a room. My eyes widened when I spotted Gabriel sitting on the ground.
"Gabriel," I whispered and turned back to Lucifer.
"What did you do to him?" He ignored my question and pushed me inside.
"One of you will die today." He put a gun on the ground. "In there, there is one bullet which is made of an angel blade. In one hour, I will visit you again. If none of you is dead until then, I will kill both of you. But if so, I'll let the other one go."
I swallowed hard. "Why are you doing this?"
"Because I can!" With this words, he closed the door. Since it and the walls were made out of iron, I had no way to use my magic.
"Gabe? Are you okay?" He smiled.
"I've been better before but at least I have the opportunity to talk to you again. What happened two days ago was..." "That wasn't me. It was a shapeshifter who wanted
revenge. I'm sorry." He seemed a bit disappointed.
"Oh, it's okay. I mean, I had my fun so..." I laughed. Even if this hard situation, he could make me laugh.
But then I got serious again. "We are running out of time." Slowly, I lifted the gun up to my head.
"What are you doing, Love?"
"I will end it right here. One of us has to die."
"And we both know, that I am this one." I shook my head. "No. You are in this situation because of me. I won't let you sacrifice yourself!"
He sighed. "Don't say that! Put the gun down, please." "This is our only way, Gabriel. I can't lose you two. I
already lost too many people. And they are all dead
because of me. Please, let me do this for you." My hand was shaking so hard, that I almost dropped the gun.
"You have friends, you have family. I have nobody
I shook my head again and took his hand with my free hand. "Tell them, that I love them, okay?" He nodded.
I smiled with tears in my eyes and put my lips on his. He returned the kiss. It felt strange but also right. Then I broke away, pulling the trigger. Nothing happened.
Confused, I glanced at him.

"There is no bullet."
"It's a trick."
"Right," we heard Lucifer's voice behind us.
"But it was so much fun, wasn't it?"
He gave me a big smile and took the gun.
"Let Gabriel go, I was willing to die."
"Yes, but I changed my mind." He took out another gun and shot. I froze. It was like the time was standing still. Then, I slowly turned around, seeing Gabriel lying on the floor. Around him was the image of his two wings. He was dead.
"You will pay for this," I screamed at Lucifer as loud as possible. He only shrugged. Since the door was open a crack, I could use a small part of my magic. I exhaled deeply and raised my hand. In the next moment, Lucifer was thrown against the wall. "You killed my mother; you killed my father." I raised it again. "You killed Gabriel." He was thrown against the wall again, this time even harder. "And you pretended to be Cass."
My eyes began to glow and I could feel my powers again. They were stronger than ever. I had no idea how that was possible, but I wasn't questioning it right now.
"This is enough now! You will never hurt anyone else."

I raised my hand a last time and Lucifer was thrown against the ceiling and then crashed to the ground.
The gun was flying into my hand and I immediately shot at him. He sank on the ground and I could also spot the
illustration of his wings.
Lucifer was defeated. Forever.

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