27. Queen of Hell

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I opened my eyes as I heard a familiar voice. "Hello Seraphina." Crowley stood in front of me. I couldn't remember how I got here. But I knew exactly, where I was. In Hell.

"How did you... bring me here? Where's the portal?" He grinned at me. "Darling, I never needed a portal. And neither do you. You just have to think of this place and you'll be here." He leaned forward, whispering in my ear. "You know, you don't need to be scared. You're the ruler and can do whatever you want."

He started showing me around. Everything was different as I had expected it. It looked more like an old castle or something like this. The air was warm, but there wasn't any fire. There were even bedrooms and a huge library. We entered an underpass, which looked a little bit like a dungeon, but it was much more luxurious. In the middle, there were two thrones. Crowley sat down on one of them and pointed to the other. "It belongs to you, daughter."
I was sitting there for a couple of minutes. Crowley was watching me curiously. "So, did I get it right? I cancommand demons and do everything I want?" He nodded and gave a hand signal to a demon standing by a column. He bowed and led us into a large hall. There was a large table at which numerous demons were seated. Crowley clapped his hands and immediately everyone went quiet. "My dear friends, today is a very special day. We are honored to welcome our new Queen. But before I introduce her to you, I have to say a few words."

He paused and looked at me with a soft smile. "The story of Hell is an old one. Since the beginning of time, it has been inhabited by demons. This place is your home, your birthplace." I glanced at the demons. All of them seemed to be really interested in what he had to say.
"As you might have noticed, Seraphina is not a demon, but my blood runs in her veins. So, you will accept her as your queen and you will serve her! She will be completely equal to me."
As he said that, one of the demons stood up to protest. "No. She will never be able to command us. She is a woman. And a human being as well." Crowley clapped his hands again and two other demons grabbed him and brought him to us.

"That's not quite right. She's half witch." He grabbed the demon roughly and forced him to his knees. "Now, kill him daughter." He handed me his knife, which I looked at with wide eyes. "No. I can't do that. You talked about family and now you want me to kill..." I looked at him, stunned. "They will accept you only if you show your strength. You have to do it," he whispered to me. My heart began to race and my hand was shaking as I took a step towards the demon. The other demons were already getting impatient and talked wildly until I stabbed the
demon in the head. They cheered loudly, clapping their hands and throwing things on the table. Crowley put his hand on my shoulder. "See? It wasn't so hard." I felt a
little dizzy and looked around. Everything seemed to move as if I was watching through a tunnel. I stared at the knife in my hand and put it back on the table. Crowley put his arms around me.
"You're going to be a wonderful Queen, daughter." He reached behind him to pull out a beautiful crown. Then he put it on my head. The cheering got louder as he led me back to my seat. "My dear friends, I introduce you to your new Queen: Seraphina!" I was staring at the demons with wide eyes, not knowing what to say. Crowley took my hand and raised it into the air, which the demons cheered. "Welcome to Hell, Queen!"

I sat down in my throne, holding my hands together to stop them from shaking. My heart was pounding so loudly that I was afraid it would give me away. Crowley stood next to me and gave me a small smile.
"In the next days, Rowena will teach you how to use your magic. Until then, try to get used to this place." I shook my head vigorously. "I need to talk with the boys first and tell them about my new..." I hesitated "Job."
"No! They aren't allowed to know about it. You have to lie to them." I looked at him, startled.
"What? I can't lie to them. I can't. They are my friends, my family." He clenched his fists.
"Don't you understand? This is your family now. Your real family. It doesn't include those morons!" I stared at him, unable to say anything back. He sat down and gave me a serious look. I took a deep breath.
"It does! And I will live with them. I will come down here a few times, but I will stay with my friends. And you have to accept that."
Crowley stared at me for a while and then nodded.
"Okay, daughter." He got up and left. I closed my eyes and thought of the bunker. A short time later, I was standing in my room again. Dean was still lying in bed as if nothing had happened. I wanted to leave the room quietly, but I bumped into a cabinet and woke him up immediately. "Damn. Sorry." He smiled and walked
towards me. "You're up early." I shrugged. Maybe it was a mistake to accept Crowley's offer. But otherwise, Dean would still be a demon.
Dean looked at me worriedly. "Hey, what's wrong? You're trembling. And you're soaking wet."
"I'm fine. Just a... nightmare."

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