23. John Winchester 2

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This night, I had another strange dream vision.

"I can handle it, as long as I can save her," Dean said and rolled up his sleeve. A strange man stood next to him. "Okay, but I warned you." He put his hand on Dean's arm and spoke a few words in a foreign language. Suddenly, a strange symbol appeared at the place where he removed his hand. "Take care of yourself. Soon, you will feel the first impacts." Then the image blurred and I woke up.

We didn't drive long before John stopped the car. Dean also stopped and got out to open the door for me. "Thanks," I giggled and walked over to John. "This is where the demon was last seen," he whispered to us. We are hunting a demon?" I asked, confused. Dean nodded. "Yeah, the demon that killed my mom." As we entered a small warehouse, I smelled something familiar. Sulfur. The Yellow-Eyed Demon had actually been here. "Be careful. I think the demon is still around," John said, looking at us with a serious face. I pulled out my gun as we walked closer. The warehouse was huge, with boxes piled up in rows. We were still at a distance, so I couldn't see any sign of the demon. "This doesn't feel right," I heard Dean say as I moved forward.

"It could be a trap," John agreed. "How are you planning to kill the demon? Normal weapons aren't very effective." "How would you know? Have you ever hunted this kind of demon before?" John asked with raised eyebrows.

"No but..."
"Then be quiet. We have everything under control. And of course we don't have normal weapons." Suddenly, I felt how someone grabbed me from behind. Immediately John pointed his gun at me, but with a flick of the demon's hand, it was thrown away in a high arc. "Dean, shoot," John commanded his son, but Dean shook his head. "Yeah Dean, shoot. But be careful that you don't shoot your girl," the demon replied with a laugh. When Dean lowered his gun, the demon threw me against a wall and vanished in a cloud of smoke. Dean ran to me and looked at me in shock. "Are you okay?" I nodded and got up. John gave us an angry look. "What were you thinking, Dean? We could have killed him."

"I could have hurt or even killed her," Dean said, his voice rising. John rolled his eyes. "When I order you to do something, you obey, understand?"
"No, buts. Do you understand me?" Dean looked at the ground. "Yes, sir."
John threw him one last glance before he quickly turned around and got in his car.

When I looked at the clock, I groaned. It was the middle of the night, but nevertheless John woke me up. Quietly, trying not to wake Dean, I went into the living room, where John was waiting for me. "I want you to go." His face was harsh, almost emotionless.. "What do you mean?" I asked confused. "I don't want you here anymore. You already mean too much to Dean. You make him weak. He won't stop worrying about you and that endangers our job." I stood there, speechless, not knowing how to react. I never expected anything like this to happen. "Can I say goodbye? Please, I need to tell him..." My voice tremled.

"No. I don't want to take any more risks."

I felt like I had just been stabbed in the heart with a knife. I couldn't do that to Dean. "But I love him," I whispered, trying to hold back my tears. He grabbed me by the arm and shoved me towards the door. I stumbled outside and John closed it.

With a sob, I sunk down against the door. I pulled out my cell phone and tapped Dean's number, but I was afraid that John would notice, so I turned it off again and buried my face in my hands.

"You can't sleep here. Either you pay for a room or you leave," said the janitor, who came by a few minutes later. I nodded and left the hotel, looking for a place to stay. When I found a bar, I sat down at a table and ordered a bottle of whisky. The barkeeper looked at me in surprise, but then followed my request.

Again, I pulled out my cell phone and typed, "Hey, Dean. I'm so sorry I left, but John wanted me to." But I couldn't send the message. It just sounded like an excuse. Hopefully, I would be in the right time soon. But what if I wouldn't make it? What if I had to stay here forever? John's words still echoed in my head: "You make him weak." Was that true? Was I really making him weak? As I looked around, I saw a familiar face. I quickly stood up and walked to him. "Hey Bobby." He gave me a look of confusion. "Do I know you?" I smiled at him sadly. "Yes. I'm Sara." He frowned and looked at me for a moment. "The Sara I know is still a little child." "I am from the future. I know that sounds totally weird but please, you have to believe me. Your name is Bobby Singer, you are a hunter. You know Ellen and John and Dean and Sam are like your sons and ..."

"Okay kid, calm down. I belive you. Do you know how to get back to the future yet?" I shook my head. "No, I don't even know how I got here. But I think Dean, from my time, has a plan."

"You know Dean?" I smiled at him.

"Yeah. He's my boyfriend."

"Huh?" he said with raised eyebrows. I laughed at his expression and sat down. I was about to tell him about my time here, when suddenly a bright light surrounded me. As it faded again, I was sitting in the bunker. Dean was standing next to me and pulled me into his arms. "Thank you," I whispered and pressed myself tighter against him, when I felt something on his arm. "What's that?" I asked and pointed to the symbol.

"It's called 'Mark of Cain.' With it, I was able to bring you back to that time." "And what side effects does it have?" He hesitated and took a deep breath. "It is supposed to make you more aggressive. But I'm not sure if that's true." "You know how this could happen to me?" He nodded slightly. "We talked to Crowley. He said that it happened because of your powers and that you can only control them when you become the Queen of Hell. But you'd better not do that. We'll find another way." He looked deep into my eyes. "What happened, anyway?" Dean asked curiously. I took a deep breath. "Do you remember a girl named Amy?" He nodded. "Yes. I thought that more could happen between us than just friendship, but she just left without saying anything." I reached for his hand. "Dean. I was this Amy. But your dad made me leave." He looked at me in disbelief. "What? Why did you just leave like that?" "I had to. Your dad forced me to. He said that he don't want me to be with you anymore because I make you weak." His face became darker. "Why didn't you write this to me. I thought it was up to me." He slammed his hand on the table. "I didn't know what to say. I am so sorry. Are you mad at me?" He shook his head and hugged me again. "NoSweetie, I am mad at my dad but not at you. How could I?" I smiled andgave him a kiss on the cheek.

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