8. Dean and hell

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It was morning. I woke up and realized that I was on the sofa in the kitchen. I looked around. Dean was sitting in a chair with his head on the table. He was probably still asleep. I grinned and sat up. Sam entered the room. "Hey Sara, you alright?" I nodded. "I'm just exhausted. The case was more stressful than I expected." "Oh yeah, Dean told me. How's your arm?" Sam looked at me with concern. "It's fine. But I don't have a gun anymore."
Sam smiled. "Don't worry. I got you a new one." He stood up. "And besides I have a present for you." He walked into the kitchen and came back a little later with a gun and a bag, which he gave me.
Curiously, I opened the bag. "Omg you got me pie!" I said happily. "Yeah, I thought you needed that now." I smiled at him. "Thanks Sam, you're the best."
I looked at Dean and I wondered if I should give him some as well. He looked so cute when he was asleep. Sam interrupted my thoughts. "What's wrong?" "Well... I just wondered if he wants pie too." He shook his head. "No Sara. There's something else. I can see that in your eyes. So what's going on?" I smiled shyly. "I... I think I fell in love with your brother."
Sam looked surprised for a moment but then he smiled. "Yeah, I thought so." I looked at him questioningly. "You thought so? How did you know?" "I see the way you look at him." I blushed. "Was it that obvious?" He laughed. "To me, yes, but don't worry. I don't think for him it was." "Yesterday, there was this moment where I finally wanted to tell him, but we were be interrupted. But now I guess it's probably better if I wait a little longer." He nodded and gave me a kiss on the cheek. "But don't wait too long! Because..."

"You okay?" he was interrupted by Dean, who had gotten up in the meantime. Sam smiled kinda sad and left us alone. "Yeah, I'm doing much better" I replied to Dean. "Good." He sat down next to me. "Can we talk?" I nodded and waited for him to continue. "You have to know that sometimes I can't really control my emotions. When I hit that shapeshifter, all I could think about was that he hurt someone I care about. Everything else didn't matter to me at that moment. I'm sorry." I felt sad. "It's okay. I understand you. I sometimes have difficulties with this myself." Suddenly he smiled mischievously. "What were you going to tell me when we danced?" I froze. I wanted to tell him about my feelings, but this moment didn't fit for it. I shrugged my shoulders "Uh... I can't really remember. It was definitely nothing important."
I was relieved when Dean didn't ask further questions. Instead, he stood up and also left the room. I decided to search for Sam, and found him in the kitchen. "Sam. What do you wanted to tell me." He had tears in his eyes. "Sara. I'm so sorry I didn't tell you earlier. But Dean, he..." I put my hand on his arm. "What's wrong. You can talk with me." He sighed. "Dean... He will die!" This answer shocked me. "What do you mean he will die? What are you talking about?" I sat down in front of Sam. He seemed to have difficulties to explain. "He made a deal with a crossdemon. I was dead, but he gave his life to save mine. He only got one year to live for that." My eyes filled with tears. "How much longer does he have?" Sam took my hands, who were shaking like my whole body. "Two days." I gasped. I couldn't believe it. This couldn't be true. He couldn't die. I started to cry and Sam hugged me tightly, but I pushed him away. "Sara, wait. You can't see him now. He needs some time to himself now. You can see him tonight."
I nodded but the pain was so strong, I had to sit down again. Sam just sat next to me and didn't say a word. We sat there for a long time until it slowly got dark. Then I got up.

My eyes were filled with tears again as I knocked on Dean's door. He opened with a smile, but when he saw the expression on my face, he looked at me with concern. "Sara, what happened." I looked at the floor. "Why didn't you ever tell me?" I could tell by the look on his face that he knew exactly what I was talking about. When our eyes met, I could no longer hold back the tears. Dean did not respond, he just took me in his arms. For a short moment we stayed in this position but then I pushed him away. "Why Dean?" I sobbed. He looked at me sadly. "Talk to me Dean!" Now I started to scream. I just couldn't believe it. "Sara, please. I know it's hard to understand. I just didn't want to think about it all the time, I wanted to be able to live a semi-normal life."

"Does Bobby know about this?" Dean nodded slightly.

I buried my face in my hands. I couldn't believe it. How could he say that to me? "You selfish bastard! You told everyone but me!" I shouted and brushed away my tears.

My voice became lower as I continued speaking. "I can't do this, Dean. I can't watch you die." He tried to calm me down. "Yes, you can. I know it's going to be hard, but you'll get over it." He threw me a smile and took my hand. "You'll hunt many other monsters with Sam, you'll meet new people, you'll find love. You're going to be happy." At these words, I began to cry even harder. I had never cried so much in my entire life. "No I won't. I will never be happy. Not without you. The last few months have been the best of my life. And it was all because of you." Confused, he looked at me. "What do you mean?" "It means that I love you, Dean." I was trembling and my voice was shaking, but I couldn't stop myself from telling him how I felt. "I have noticed since our first meeting that I have these feelings for you. And they became stronger every day. From that day on, I always wanted to be with you. I went hunting with you even though I was totally scared." I took a deep breath. "I never told you how much I care for you, Dean. And I don't want to live without you, because I love you." He took a step towards me and put his hands on my cheeks. He bent down and kissed me gently. My heart stopped for a few beats. I had imagined this moment a thousand times. It felt like the pieces of my broken heart were being put back together.

After a long kiss, he pulled away and looked into my eyes. "I feel the same." I had to grin as he pulled me to him and kissed me again. This time it was more passionate. He moved his lips against mine, leaving no space between them. I closed my eyes and enjoyed his touch.

My mind was spinning. I wanted to stay with him forever. I didn't want him to leave. But I knew that it was not possible to avoid it. I would miss him terribly. I felt his hands on my neck and pulled me closer. His hand stroked through my hair. Our hearts beat faster and faster. I felt his warm body pressed against mine.

Suddenly he broke the kiss. He looked down at me. "You can't imagine how long I've wanted to do this." "Yes I can. Because I felt the same way." He laughed and hugged me tightly. "Do you forgive me for not telling you the truth?" Without interrupting the hug, I nodded and kissed him on the cheek. "I do." "You know what? We still have a day left. Maybe we can make the best out of it." I giggled. "That's a great idea."

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