30. Book of the damned

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One month later

"Hey, how you doing," Jo asked me while touching her forehead. She probably had a headache, just like me. Last night we had visited a bar, for a long time again, and we both drank a bit. "Great," I replied sarcastically. She laughed and sat down next to me, as someone rang.
"I'll get it," Ellen called, rushing to the door. I couldn't
believe my eyes. Sam and Dean were standing there.
I just looked at them in silence until Sam pulled me into a tight hug. "We missed you, Sara."
"Me too. But why are you here?"
Dean cleared his throat. "We need your help."

In the bunker, everything I needed for the ritual was
lying ready. "So, you are saying that with the help of this book, we can remove the Mark of Cain."
"Yes. The book is owned by an old family, but we don't know where. That's why we need you to do a tracking spell." I turned around and spotted Charlie walking
towards me. I was so glad to see her again.
"You are in?" I asked surprised.
"I'm the only one who can decrypt the code, so yeah."
I smiled at her and started the ritual.
First, I took a map and unfolded it on the table. I cut my hand and let my blood drip on it.
Afterwards, I filled a small bowl with different herbs and spoke a spell in Latin. After I put the picture of the
family in the bowl, it caught fire and the blood flowed to another location on the map. I handed them the card.
"There it is."
"Thanks," Dean replied.
I threw him a quick smile and to my amazement he even smiled back.
"Take care of yourself," Charlie whispered as I hugged her goodbye. While we searched for the "Book of the Damned," she stayed in the bunker to prepare everything for the decryption.

When we arrived at the family home, I felt a powerful
energy surrounding it. It seemed to be like a shield that protected the house, or at least its contents. We knocked and a man, with a scar on the forehead, opened.
"Let me guess, you're looking for the book, right?"
"How do you know?" Sam asked, frowning. He laughed. "Because everyone wants this book. But tough luck, it's not here."
Confused, I looked at him. "But the spell..."
"The spell is wrong. We want everyone to think it's here, so I can kill those who want to steal it." Sam and Dean shared a look and drew their guns.
"We don't want trouble," Dean replied quickly, aiming at him. The man sighed and raised his hands.
Immediately, Sam and Dean were thrown aside, but I was able to resist the magic and threw him an evil smile. "Who are you?" He looked very concerned.
"Your worst nightmare." I stretched out my hand and
concentrated, until he grabbed his throat.
"Where's the book?" I yelled.
"You will never find it." I tightened my grip.
"I ask you one last time. Where is it?" He gasped for air and then gave us an address. I let go of him, but in the next moment I heard a shot and he fell to the ground.
Startled, I turned to Dean, who took his gun away, with a cold face. It was about time that this mark was removed.

A few hours later, my cell phone rang. I turned it on loud. "Charlie? What's going on?"
"A man just came into the bunker. He had some weird scar." I held my breath. How could that be possible?
"He knew I could translate the book and want me to do it for him. Fortunately, he doesn't know that I've already translated it. I'll send it to you." She sounded very afraid. "Charlie, we are on our way. Hang in there. If necessary, give him the translation."
"I can't do that. This book is too powerful. I'll destroy it." Dean grabbed the phone out of my hand.
"Charlie, don't do this, you hear me. We can take care of this later. The most important thing is that you're safe."
I looked at him with wide eyes as she added "I love you, guys." Then she hung up.
Dean sped up the Impala. I didn't even wait for him to stop the car, but jumped right out and ran inside the
bunker. At the stairs, I took two steps at once and almost fell, but I didn't care. If this guy even touched Charlie, I would kill him. I heard Dean and Sam behind me, but I couldn't wait for them.
When I finally reached Charlie's room, I kicked the door open and spotted the room. Charlie was lying on the bed, a lighter in her hand. The last remains of the book were visible on the floor.
"Charlie?" I stepped closer. It felt like the whole world was falling apart. There was blood everywhere.
Charlie was dead.

The fact that it was raining didn't stop me from going
outside. I just had to get away. Everywhere I was reminded of what had happened. I couldn't believe it.
She couldn't be dead.
I sat down on a field and looked up at the sky. The rain had washed away any tears that might have been left. I closed my eyes. It had been two days since that awful day. We still had not found the strange man. Maybe it was
better that way. I didn't want to think about what I would do to him when I saw him. Why Charlie? She was one of the nicest people I had ever met and the most innocent.
All of a sudden, Dean knelt behind me and took me in a hug. He knew how I felt, even if I had never told him.
"I miss her too." I nodded and leaned my head against his chest. "We found the man." Again, a wave of anger came over me. "Where is he?" He stroked my hair.
"I don't know. Sam and Rowena are taking care of it. But don't worry, he'll get what he deserves."

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