34. Parallel world

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I was startled when I woke up and saw Sam next to me in bed instead of Dean. Quietly I tried to stand up, but then Sam opened his eyes and gave me a kiss. Damn, what was happening? Had I cheated on Dean? With his brother!? No, this couldn't be true. I would never even think of that. And besides, Sam also had a girlfriend.
"Where's Dean?" I asked carefully.
"Your brother Dean." He looked confused.
"Dean Winchester!" I added.
Then, my gaze fell on a brochure with a big picture of Dean in the front.
"One of Americas most successful entrepreneurs"
was the title. I threw it on the bed and ran out of the room. A short time later I arrived at the company with the name "Smith" on it. It was the biggest skyscraper in the whole city. In the hall, a receptionist was sitting and looking through a magazine, also with Dean on its cover.
She lifted her gaze as she noticed me.
"May I help you, ma'am?"
"Yes, I would like to talk to Dean Winchester." She threw a questioning look. "I'm sorry, but we only have a Dean Smith here, and he is busy."
"Please," I begged. "It's important."
She sighed. "Alright, come on." She led me to the elevator and pressed the button for the top floor.
"He's the last office on the right." I nodded and the door closed behind her. When I was standing in front of the door with Dean's name on it, I hesitated.
After taking a deep breath, I knocked. "Come in."
I entered the room. Dean was sitting on his desk and looked up from his papers as he saw me.
"Can I help you, Miss?"
I didn't answer. Instead, I was staring at him. Something was wrong. Why was he calling me Miss?
"Do you have an appointment?"
I shook my head. "I don't think I need one, Dean."
He raised his eyebrows. "Did we meet before?"
I took a step closer. "Stop it. It's not funny."
He put his papers aside and leaned back in his chair.
"I'm sorry, Miss, but I don't know who you are." I grabbed his hands but he pulled them away immediately.
"Maybe you and I had something once, but if so, it was earlier. I am married now." He showed me the ring on his finger. "Leave this office, now!"
I was speechless. It became clear to me. This must have been another one of someone's tricks. But from whom? Gabriel wouldn't do something like that to me, and Cass even less.
"Miss! I said leave the office, or I'm calling the police."
In this moment, Sam entered.
"I am so sorry Mr. Smith. My wife is confused. I will take her to a therapist right away." He took my arm and dragged me out of the room.
"Let me go," I hissed. He pulled me in a corner.
"Are you crazy? He's one of the most important people here." I shook my head.
"Something's wrong. He doesn't remember me."
Sam raised his eyebrows.
"How should he remember you? Did you two date once?" "We did a lot more than just dating," I replied.
His face turned white. "Please, don't tell me, that you and him... that he was your first. That's gross."
I rolled my eyes. "That's none of your business."
"It is. I am your husband." He sighed and took me to
another building right next door.
"It's okay Honey. After the session, everything will be
better again. And then you can go back home to me and our son."
My eyes widened. "Our son?"
"Yes. Jack." I frowned. I wanted to ask him so much more, but in this moment, Cass came to us. "Follow me." He led me to a small room with a sofa in it, on which I took a seat. I tried to use my powers, but nothing happened. It seemed like they were gone.
"What happened today?" he asked while taking out a
pencil and a notebook.
"Everything is so different. Dean doesn't remember me. My powers are gone. Sam thinks he is my husband. Jack is our son and you're a psychologist. Don't you remember anything?"
Cass sighed and leaned back in his chair.
"You're suffering from amnesia. In this case, it is normal to think something that's not true."
"No, I'm not, Cass."
"My name is Steve."
I shook my head. "No, I didn't imagine it all. It really
happened. Saving people, hunting things. The family
He threw me a pitiful look. "Oh, family business huh?
Finally, I know where you're getting all these ideas."
He stood up and took out something of his drawer. It was a book with the title "Supernatural." He handed it me. I opened it and started reading. "Seraphina put his arms around Dean's neck and replied "He's a good person. I can feel it." Dean gave her a long kiss and his hands... wait this all actually happened yesterday."
Castiel, who was still sitting opposite me, cleared his throat. "Amanda, listen."
"It's Sara."
"Whatever. I can understand that this world can be hard sometimes and that some people want to escape... but why you? You have a perfect life, a husband, a son. What are you missing?"
I took a deep breath. "Love. I don't have feelings for Sam. Well, I love him as a friend but not more."
He nodded and wrote something down.
"Okay, that's very interesting. Since when have your
feelings for Sam diminished?"
"I never had this sort of feelings for him." Damn, this was so hard. He had to believe me. Maybe he could help, if he would remember everything.
"But you have feelings for Dean Smith? Feelings like love? Or are they just sexual feelings?"
"Well both, but mainly love."
"Sometimes we are attracted to famous people. But we have to be careful that these feelings don't become too strong, or the consequences can be great. Always remember that he has his own life, his own wife. You have to let him go, Sara."
"I can't." He smiled at me.
"Of course, you can. It's gonna be hard but you can."
"I will. Tomorrow. But first, I need you to answer me a question. Hypothetically. Just think like Castiel. If Seraphina from the book, would be in another reality and Dean would have a completely different life and would not know her anymore. What would be his advice for her, to do." He thought about it for a little while.
"Maybe, she would have to bring back his feelings.
Perhaps through... a date or a kiss?"
"Thank you, Castiel."
"It's Steve."
I stood up and went to the door.
"Wait a minute. I will call Sam to pick you up."
"No, I have to do something first. Please, don't reveal me. Please Steve."
I threw him a grateful smile, and quickly went to Dean's office again. This time, he was not alone. A woman was with him and they were kissing each other.
"I'm sorry to disturb you, but could I speak to Dean, for a moment."

She looked at me annoyed "Who is he, Darling?"
"Just someone who works for me. I'll see you later, okay?"
"Alright." She winked and left the room.
Then he turned to me. "What do you want? I thought, I made it clear, that I have no time for you."
"Yes, you did. This sounds so strange, but can I kiss you? If it doesn't work, I will go, forever."
He sighed. "Fine." I stepped forward and put my lips on his. It felt so familiar, but still so foreign. He quickly broke the kiss. "And now go."
I felt a painful stitch in my heart. It didn't work. He didn't remember anything.
"Goodbye Dean," I whispered and ran outside. Why didn't it work? What have I done wrong? This had been my only chance and now, everything was over. I would never see him again.
Suddenly, someone was touching my arm. I turned around and was faced with Dean. I wanted to say something but in this moment, he pulled me tightly to him and kissed me intensively. Then, like magic, we were standing in the bunker again.
"What was that?" Sam asked stunned. Jack slowly walked to us. "I'm so sorry. It was my fault. I couldn't control my powers and..."
Dean quickly took a step towards him. "You did this?"
"I didn't want to but..."
"But what? What is wrong with you?"
"Dean," I said. "This was an accident."
"Why are you so calm? You were totally shaken up by this whole situation. And it could have stayed that way forever. Don't you remember?"
I sighed. "Of course I do, but he didn't mean to do it. I forgive him." I glanced at Jack and whispered to Dean. "And now please be quiet, you are scaring him. And you also scaring me."
Without replying, he grabbed a beer and walked away.

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