19. Lonely Island 2

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"Babe, I need to talk with you." Dean said the next moring. "About Julie." My heart stopped for a moment. Maybe he had more feelings for her than he wanted to admit. "I've noticed the way you look at her when she's around me." I started to laugh but he didn't join in. He looked at me seriously. "Julie is a great woman, but she's not the one I love. You are! And nothing will ever change that. You see, you don't have to be jealous." I smiled. "Thanks for beeing honest with me. But I would understand if you wanted her. I mean she's beustiful, she's strong, she's..." He put a hand on my shoulder and looked me in the eyes. "I love you, Sara. And I will always love you. There will never be anyone else, do you understand?" I nodded and tears of joy filled my eyes. We kissed passionatly and I put my arms around his neck, when Julie woke up. "Oh sorry, I didn't mean to... I'll just go." She disappeared into the forest before I could say a word.
"We shouldn't leave you alone" I suggested to Dean. It could be dangerous in the forest. We had only been here a short time and hadn't really seen much yet. So, we followed her, until we saw her hiding behind a rock "What are you doing here?" asked Dean, raising an eyebrow. Julie startled and put a finger to her mouth. Inconspicuously, she pointed straight ahead. As I followed her finger, I spotted four men with heavy weapons, in the process of loading boxes from a helicopter. Then they disappeared with them into a small cave.

My gaze fell on the wall of the cave, which had strange symbols on it. I recognized several angels wards and devil traps. "Cass can't find us. These symbols block it." "Then we remove them" Julie suggested. "But we should wait a little longer." She handed me her water bottle. "You thirsty?" Gratefully, I smiled and took a big sip. Somehow the water tasted strange, but I was glad to have something to drink at all. She offered her bottle to Dean as well, but he refused.

After we waited a few minutes Dean didn't want to wait anymore and carefully walked to the cave. He took out his knife and began to scratch away one of the symbols. I wanted to help, but somehow I was no longer able to stand up. Everything felt heavy and I got very tired. I glanced at Julie and...

I woke up when someone poured water over my head. I quickly tried to brush my hair out of my face, but my hands were tied. Dean was also tied up and sitting next to me. Looking around, I saw Julie and breathed a sigh of relief. She must have wanted to save us. "Sara, Julie is the one who tied us up."

"What?" confused, I looked at her, unable to believe it. Surely, this was a misunderstanding. But then my eyes fell on the gun she was holding. She smiled at us in amusement. "Why? Why Julie?" She had betrayed us. How could she do such a thing. I thought we had become friends.

"First, I wanted to help you, I really wanted to," she began. "I am working for the organization here and I wanted me to save you and that Dean would make me his girlfriend in return. But unfortunately I found out that he already has a girlfriend. And since I couldn't convince you to leave him, I have to consider other options."

"Other options?" Dean asked in confusion. "Yes. Don't worry, I won't hurt you, but Sara... when she's gone, maybe you'll choose me. "Was that you with the explosion?" I had the uneasy feeling that she was responsible for it and indeed she answered with "Yes. We needed the werewolf and this was the easiest way."

"And what about the people on the boat? You simply didn't care about them?" This all had to be a mistake, a dream.

"They were collateral damage." I gasped and stared at her in horror. "What happens to the werewolf now?" She unholstered her weapon and felt new parts into it. "We're going to do some experiments. We're going to wipe out all the monsters one day." That was actually something good, but not with these methods. "This can also be regulated in another way. Without sacrificing people." Julie shook her head and untied me. Then she handed me a small bottle of a red liquid. "No. And now drink this." "What is it?" Dean raised his eyebrows. "Vampire blood. We need more monsters for the experiments. A small sacrifice for the whole human race. I took the bottle and threw it against the wall. It shattered into thousand tiny pieces. "Oh Sara, Darling.

Don't be like that. Do you really think that you are more important than the whole humanity?" She gave me a new bottle. "Hey, Julie" Dean said and smiled as she turned to him. "Yes, Dean?" "You look hot in that outfit."

I understood Dean's tactics immediately. He distracted her so that I had time to escape. But instead, I took a pistol that was lying nearby and held it to her head. "Drop the gun." Julie's eyes became cold. "Drop it!" And indeed she followed my request. "And what are you going to do now? Kill me? That's the only way to stop me. So, do it. Show Dean you're a monster." Slowly, I lowered the gun, which was a big mistake, because she immediately reached for her own and shot at me. Instinctively, I also pressed the trigger. Dean screamed my name, but fortunately, I was unhurt, she had missed the shot. Instead, I had hit her. She fell to the ground and I was so shocked that I just stood there and stared at her. When I realized what I had done, I ran to her and looked at the wound. "I didn't mean to... I... I'm so sorry Julie. I just..." I was unable to form a complete sentence. Julie smiled sadly. "No, don't be. I was an idiot. I shouldn't have done that, what was I thinking?" She closed her eyes and her hand reached for mine. "You are going to save the world, Sara. I can feel it." Then, she took her gun in her hand. "Now, go." Confused, I looked at her. "What are you doing? We will save you..." She shook her head. "No. Not every man can and wants to be saved. You didn't kill me Sara, I did." Julie lifted the gun to her head. I removed Dean's bonds and together we left the cave.

But we were not standing outside as I had hoped; we were now in another room. It was a kind of bunker in which we found ourselves. Then we heard a shot. I flinched and stood still. This shouldn't have happened. We should have done something. We began to look around the room. Many Hunter tools we discovered but also a few strange things where we had no idea what they were. For example, there was a ring with a white diamond. Dean took it in his hand and looked at it closely. Then, with a shrug, he put it in his pocket and opened the next door, but immediately he closed it again. "There are the men" he whispered and pushed himself against the door, because the men were already trying to open it. I looked around the room. There must be something useful to in here. "I can't keep them away any longer," Dean said under effort. Then I remembered something. "Were you able to remove the symbol before? The angel ward?" He shook his head. "No, it's mostly still there." "But it's not whole anymore?" "Yes." I took a deep breath. Hopefully, it was already enough. I began to pray to Castiel. "Cass, we need your help. Dean and I are..." "Hello Sara" I heard a voice and a smile formed on my face.

"Castiel." He touched our shoulders and the next moment we were standing at home in the library. I took Cass into a tight hug. "Cass, you saved our lives. Again. I don't know what to say."

"I'm just glad that you're safe." "Me too." Sam was standing in the door with a big grin. After telling them everything, Dean showed Cass the ring we found. "Oh, this is very old but rare object. When you press on the diamond, it glows brightly when a monster is near and makes a high-pitched noise that only that monster can hear."

I looked surprised at the ring. "So, it's possible to track them?" He nodded. "Yes, but you cannot use it often. That's why you have to use it very sparingly."

As I lay in my bed that night, I couldn't fall asleep. Too many thoughts were racing through my mind.
I had shot Julie. If it wasn't for me, she would still be alive. What would Dean think of me now?
I got up and quietly left the bunker to go for a walk.
Outside, everything looked so peaceful. The stars were shining brightly when I sat down on the grass. After a while, I heard footsteps behind me. I knew who it was, even without looking. Dean sat behind me and put his arms around me. "I didn't want to shoot her."
"I know. Don't blame yourself." He pressed a small kiss on my head. "You did the right thing."
"So, you're not mad?" He stroked my hair and replied "Of course not." With a smile, I leaned my head against his chest and closed my eyes.

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