24. Prison

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When I opened the door, I was startled.
Dean was standing there covered all over with blood. I stared at him with wide eyes. "Dean, what happened?" He sighed. "I thought I could control it, but I can't. The mark is too strong." I felt a great urge to comfort him, so pulled him into a tight hug. "What did you do?" I asked, as we moved to the bed and sat down.
"I... killed someone. A man was breaking into a house and I... I couldn't do anything against it. What if I will hurt you next time?" I ran my fingers through his hair. "I will never be scared of you," I whispered. "But you should be." I shook my head and looked him deep in the eyes. "It's not your fault, okay? We'll find a way to remove the mark. We always do." He smiled and gave me a long kiss.

One week later

Suddenly, I heard a loud gunshot and fell to my knees. The other people in the bank immediately did the same thing. Only two men with masks were still standing, with guns in their hands. "No one moves," the smaller one yelled and pointed his weapon at the crowd.
They led us to a bank vault where we had to go in.
"Not you." The taller man looked directly into my eyes and raised his gun. I carefully stood next to him as he closed the vault door. Then the two men took off their masks.
"It's pretty hot under here," Dean commented and smiled at me. "But you are way hotter." I laughed and kissed him on the cheek. "Guys, come on. We need to find the shapeshifter," Sam said impatiently and tapped his foot against the ground. "Make sure they don't do anything, Sara." I nodded and took a deep breath before entering the vault again. "You son of a bitch." I acted and pretended to fight back as Sam closed the vault door again.
The hostages looked at me in confusion. "What did they want from you?" I played dumb. "I don't know. They just told me not to do anything. Then we'll be released soon." In the distance I could hear a noise. "Oh no," I mumbled quietly. It was a police siren. The police weren't supposed to show up for a few minutes. Our whole plan was based on that. I began to panic, but tried to keep my composure. The last thing I wanted was to be exposed now. All at once, I winced when I heard several gunshots. Something had happened. My gaze wandered to the vault door, which opened slowly. "Don't be afraid," a police officer said and approached us with a gun in his hand. "What happened with the thieves?" I asked, full of concern, but I didn't let it show. "We just caught them stabbing a young man. But don't worry, we caught them. They're being taken to jail now." At least the shapeshifter was dead, but that didn't change the fact that the two had to go to jail.

I sat down on a chair in the visitors' room. Sam and Dean had been in prisonfor a week now. I would have visited them long ago, but I wasn't allowed tountil now. When they were led in, my breath caught in my throat. Dean's facewas full of bruises. "Oh my god, Dean what happened?" I immediatelywent over to him and hugged him.
"I'm alright. Just a little fight."
"A little fight? Dean provoked a man on purpose." Sam added.Startled, I looked at Dean. "Is that true? Why would you do suchthings?"
He didn't answer. I sighed and stood up with my back to them, wanting to walkaway, but then I heard him say "Because I deserve it." Shocked, Iturned back around. "What? What are you talking about?" Dean took adeep breath. "I hurt people I love. Way too often. I'm aggressive, I don'ttrust anybody. I'm not a good person even if you both think that." Ididn't know what to say. Sam glanced at his brother.
"Dean, don't say that."
"But it's true. You saw what I did to the shapeshifter. I didn't just killhim, I stabbed him over and over again."
I took his hand. "Dean, how many times do we have to tell you. This isn't you.It's because of the Mark of Cain."
"No. I have always been like this, the mark has only strengthened it."Sadly, I looked at him. I was so sorry to see him like that. "Cass willget you out later," I replied quietly and left the room.

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