33. Jack

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Behind Castiel I could spot a woman, but she was a stranger to me. "What's going on here?" Dean asked, walking towards them.
"We need your help," Cass replied. "This is Kelly Kline. She is pregnant with Lucifer's child and we..."
"Wait what? Lucifer's child?"
"Yes. He took a different vessel and now he's now trying to find her. That's why we have to protect her and the baby."
"Isn't it forbidden for an angel and a human being to... well..." Sam said, clearing his throat.
"Actually yes. But it doesn't matter. Jack showed me a better future when he will be born. That's why I'm going to protect him."
When I looked to Dean, I saw that he shook his head.
"The Nephilim already has a name? Seriously? He hasn't even been born yet and you're already protecting him. I don't know, man. It feels not right."
Cass sighed. "Dean, he is innocent. Lucifer will search him and the other angels will try to kill him. That's why he is in great danger."

Dean was still unsure. "You said, he showed you a better future. Can he also show us?"
Cass shook his head. "No, that's impossible. You need powers to take up the vision."
"And what about me?" I asked curiously.
Cass nodded quickly. "You should be able to do that."
I took a step forward and put my hand on Kelly's belly. I closed my eyes and tried to focus. Many pictures appeared in front of my eyes. It was a world without vampires, werewolves or the other monsters. People lived in peace.
I broke the contact and looked at Cass, with bright eyes. "Wow. That was awesome." Kelly smiled at me.
"Fine," Dean added. "We will help. But first, I need a beer." He left the room and I followed him.
"That's very nice of you." I went up on my tiptoes and gave him a long kiss. "You did the right thing. He will bring peace."
"We'll see." He took a big sip of his beer.

The next weeks, Kelly and I became very close. But I couldn't help thinking that she was going to die when Jack was born. There was no way to save her, but we could save the baby.

"Hey," Kelly said and sat next to me on the bed.
She smiled at me. "You are a good person, Sara. Thank you for everything."
I nodded. "Of course, I mean it's my job, so..."
She put her hand on my arm. "It's not just your job. You care. And not because you're supposed to, but because you want to. I can see that. If I'm dead, please take care of him. Make sure that he will never be alone. Please."
"Okay." I threw her a quick smile before she walked to the door. Suddenly, she groaned. "Kelly? What's wrong?" I asked concerned. "It's time."
"Oh crap!" I yelled and got the others.
Cass told us to wait outside. I wanted to say goodbye, but Dean held me back. "It's too dangerous."
I tried to free me from his grip, but he was too strong. "But I didn't say goodbye. I need to say goodbye."
He pulled me into a tight hug. "I know Sweetie, but we can't risk your life. I know that it's hard." I burying my head in his chest. Everything has gone so fast.

After hours of waiting, Cass finally came outside. He smiled and put his hand on my shoulder. "Jack is well." I exhaled in relief and walked into the room, but there was no sign of a baby, instead a boy was sitting in the corner, his eyes were shining golden.
"Jack?" I asked carefully.
"Sara, is that you?"
I smiled. "Yes, it is. Why are you... well... so old?"
"My mom told me, that the world is not save enough for a baby, that's why I made me older."
I raised my eyebrows. "Wow. You are really strong. But now you have to be careful, okay? Don't use your powers if you are outside this bunker. Most people don't know about magic and it's better that way."
"Good. Wanna met the others?" He nodded and followed me outside the room.
"Hello," Jack exclaimed and raised his hand.
"Why isn't he a baby anymore?" Dean asked confused. "He made himself grow up faster, because it's safer."
Jack looked at them one after the other.
"I need to find my father."
"Listen," Sam said. I could clearly hear tension in his voice. "Lucifer is bad. You shouldn't meet him."

Now, Jack was the one who was looking confused.
"Lucifer? No, my father is Castiel. Well, maybe Lucifer is my real father but my mom said, Castiel will protect me." Cass smiled at him. "I am Castiel." Jack stared at him with wide eyes, before hugging him.
Dean turned to me and whispered, "I'm still not sure if we did the right thing."
"It's gonna be okay," I replied and put my arms around his waist. "He's a good person. I can feel it."

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