48. Meeting him 2

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I opened the door to the gym. I signed up for a boxing club and this was my first class.
"I'm sorry. My bus was late and I ..."
I stopped when I saw Dean, who was wearing red shorts, a white t-shirt and a whistle. It looked like he was the trainer. My mouth stayed open.
"It's okay. We've only just started. Mr. Smith is sick so I'm taking his place for today."
I smiled and got in line with the other people, all men. I had put on a crop top, but now it felt weird. I thought that maybe just one woman would have shown up at least.

Firstly, we started with the basic position. Meanwhile Dean walked down the line and corrected our posture. When he reached me, my breathing got faster and faster. He carefully grabbed me by the waist and turned me a bit to the side. Feeling his breath on the back of my neck gave me goosebumps and tensed my body.
"You need to relax a bit. If you stay tense, you won't be able to move. Try to focus on your breath."
I tried to do so, but it didn't work.
"I don't feel so good. I need a pause."
Quickly, I left the room. Shortly after that, Dean was standing behind me.
"You okay?"
I nodded and turned to him.
"What are you doing here?" he asked.
"Well, learning how to box."
"You? Really?"
I rolled my eyes. "Yes, I am a girl and yes, I wanna do
boxing. Is that a problem?"
He sighed. "Of course not."
"Better question, what are you doing here?"
"Handling a case."
" A case? Here?"
"It's complicated. I'm not allowed to share any details with you." Now, I was even more curious.
"So, you are working undercover. But a normal police officer wouldn't do that... that means you have to be from the FBI?!" My eyes were shining. That was fascinating.
"Shhhh! Keep your voice down." I smiled.
Suddenly, the door opened and a man came out. Without hesitation, Dean grabbed my waist and pressed his lips on mine. I was so shocked, that I didn't move. It felt
awesome even though we just had to do or otherwise our talk would look suspicious.
"Oh, sorry, I didn't want to disturb you."
"No problem," Dean replied with a smirk.
When the guy was gone, I turned to dean again, totally stunned. "This was the best kiss I've ever had."
He raised an eyebrow and smirked. Then he added "So, you can't tell anybody, okay?"
"I won't. But if you need help at the case, just ask me. I would love to help." He thought about it for a moment. "Actually, there is something..."

I was wearing a little police headset about which I was able to talk with Dean.
"Say everything, I say," Dean reminded me.
"Yes, Sir," I joked with a deep voice and giggled.
Even though I couldn't see his reaction, I knew that he was rolling his eyes right now.
I was in front of an old archive and was supposed to steal a file but a man guarded this.
I heard Dean's voice. "Hello there, you are looking so good."
I almost sighed, but in the last moment I could pull myself together.
"Hello there, you are looking so good," I said to the man. "Oh, thank you Miss." Dean talked again.
"Today, my work was very exhausting and I need a place to calm down a bit."
"Today, my work was very exhausting and I need a place to calm down a bit."
The man smiled. "You can stay here if you want."
"That would be awesome."
"That would be awesome." I smiled innocently.
"Play with your hair," Dean said.
"Play with your hair," I repeated.
"What?" The man looked at me, confused.
"I mean... I... like playing with my hair."
He nodded. "Oh, you need to show me later." Then he winked. That was so strange.
"I will, Honey."
"I will,... Honey." I hated Dean in this moment.
Quietly, I could hear him laugh in the headset.
"Shut up," I whispered to him.
The man was confused again.
"Sorry, like I said. Exhausted." I smiled one last time and entered the achieve.
"What was the name again?" I asked Dean while searching through the files.

"Julie Adams."
"Okay, got it."
I hid the file in my pocket and left the building, but the man from before was still there.
"I'll give you my numer okay? We can meet tomorrow, but I really need to go now." I didn't want to stay there any longer, so I wrote some random numbers on a piece of paper, which I handed him.
He winked at me and let me go.
When I finally reached the car where Dean was sitting, I sighed relieved.
"Oh, this was so exhausting."
"Yeah, I can imagine. Thanks for your help." He grinned. "You owe me one, Dean Winchester." I got into the car. "Yes, I do."
When I reached into my pocket to hand him the file, he grabbed my arm and held it tight.
"Not here. It's not safe."
"Okay, then where?"
"I don't know yet. My place isn't safe as well."
"We can go to my home."
"Sounds like a plan. Then, let's go."

Ellen and Jo grinned broadly at me as Dean stepped into our living room.
"That's Dean," I introduced him. "This is my mom Ellen and my sister Jo."
"Nice to meet you." Dean shook their hands.
"You want to eat something?" Ellen asked.
"No thanks, we were just on the way to my room and..."
"You really need to eat. I'll get you something," she said and went into the kitchen.

A few minutes later, we were all sitting at the table, eating sandwiches.
"So, Dean, are you two dating?" Jo asked.
"Yes. She's my girlfriend," Dean replied without
I almost choked on my food. Dean laughed and put his hand on my thigh. I gave him a warning look but unfortunately Ellen and Jo noticed that. Quickly, I gave him a short kiss on the lips. He looked a bit confused, but kissed me back.
"That's so cute. Her first boyfriend," Jo exclaimed.
He glanced at me. "I'm your first? Wow, I'm flattered."

"Enough for today. We should go."
"Always use protection," Jo whispered as I stood up.
I rolled my eyes and took Dean's hand, pulling him out of the living room.

When we reached my room, I closed my door and sat on the bed.
"Your family is awesome. And very funny."
"That was not funny at all!"
He laughed. "I think it was. Always use protection!"
I threw a pillow at him. "Shut up!"
"Make me," he teased.
I had to smile. "Okay."
Rapidly, I stood up and pushed him against the wall. I looked in his green eyes and started kissing him.
He kissed me back and lifted me up. Then he put me down on my bed. I pulled off his shirt and threw it away. My fingers slowly wandered over his chest.
Suddenly, he stopped. "What is it?" I asked out of breath.
"We're married." I had to laugh.
"It's the truth, Sara."
"Wait. Is this a desperate attempt to propose to me? We don't know each other that well, I guess."

He was silent for a moment. "I know this sounds totally insane. When we just kissed, I remembered our real life. We are hunters, we hunt demons and monsters and all that stuff. And we are married."
My eyes were wide open. "We... hunt... monsters?"
"Yes. I mean who does this?"
"Crazy people," I replied.
"Exactly, crazy people. We are insane. When others see a monster, they run away but not we, no. We search out things that want to kill us... or eat us."
I didn't know what to think. It almost sounded like a joke but Dean sounded so serious.
"Okay, assuming this is all true. Why can't I remember anything?"
"I've got no idea. Maybe because you are so damn hot?"
I giggled and blushed. "I can't believe that I could marry such a handsome man, who is also a hunter and protects people. I mean, why was I so lucky?"
"I wouldn't call it lucky. I mean, I am at least 90 percent crap. You have no idea, what I have done."
"Don't say that. You save people, you make the world a better place. You, Dean Winchester, are no crap."
"You don't know me." That was true, but I had this feeling that he was one of the nicest people I've ever met.
I stroked a strand of hair out of my face. "But I want to."
In this moment, the door opened and a strange man came in. Dean pulled out a gun and aimed it at him.
"Woah, easy there. I'm here to make you an offer."
Confused, I looked at Dean. "Do you know him?"
"I do. That's an Archangel named Michael. He tried to kill us once. But it's a long story."
"I didn't want to kill you, I wanted to take you as my
vessel." I didn't understand anything of what they were talking about. "Vessel?"
Michael narrowed his eyes and took a step towards me. "Don't you dare to touch her," Dean warned him.
"Do you want her to remember everything or not?"
This convinced Dean and he let him touch my forehead. Immediately, I saw a million of pictures in my head. About everything that happened until this point.
I smiled at Dean who asked "Why did you do this to us?" "Because I wanted to give you a better life. You were happy together. And in my world, you were gone so I could do whatever I wanted to. But then, you had to
remember his old life. I have no idea how this could
happen. But nevertheless, you can stay here in this world and I can stay in mine."
I shook my head. "It's very hard in the other world, but it is real. This all here is just made up. It's a fake reality. Bring us back!"
Michael's look darkened. "No. I can't let this happen." Quickly, I raised my hand and pinned him against the wall. "Dean, you need to paint angel wards on the wall, I can't hold him for that long."
Dean nodded and began instantly. When he finished, he walked towards him. "Now you can't escape and have no powers. Tell us how to undo this."
Michael laughed. "No chance."

Dean and I walked outside to discuss together about that case.
"He's a douchbag," Dean mumbled.
"I know. But we need to talk with him. We need to go home."
"Talk. We can't talk with Michael. There's only one thing that will work. Torture."
I threw him a sad look. He had to torture once in hell, and it completely destroyed him. I took his hand.
"I can do it, Dean."
"No! You won't. I can't let this happen."
"But what about you. Will you be okay?"

He looked down. "I don't think so. But it's the only way."
I sighed. "I need water and a knife."

He nodded and went to the kitchen to grab that stuff. When he came back, I took the knife and closed my eyes. In the next second, it was an angel blade. Then I took the water and turned it into holy oil. I opened the door and wanted to get in, but he held me back.
"I don't want you to see this. Wait outside."
I gave him a quick kiss and then he entered.
I didn't need to wait long until I heard the first scream from Michael. I was so sorry for Dean.
The scream got louder and louder. I sat down, leaning against the door and covered my ears. A tear rolled down my face. I couldn't even imagine how Dean felt in this moment. It would change him.

Finally, the door opened again. I threw my arms around Dean and held him tightly. He handed me a piece of paper without saying a word. I took it and started reading the spell. After I finished, Dean and I were standing in our house again.

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