Chapter 2

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Akshara fidgeted with her phone as she was waiting in line to disembark from the airplane after a long, tiring journey. She was bouncing her leg constantly and all she wanted to do was run out and hug her family, this was all she had been dreaming about for the last 4 years as she was wrapping up her Master's program and internship in New York City. As she was anxiously waiting for her turn to leave the plane, her cell began to ring causing her to jump in panic and start fumbling. She answered after it had rung a couple of times and tried to whisper "Yes Bhaiya, I'm still on the plane. Yes, yes, ok bhaiya" to what were a couple of instructions as to where she could meet her eager brothers at the airport. She cut the call and anxiously glanced around to make sure she had not disturbed other people with her phone call.

"Ugh Akshu, why are you like this? Nobody cares that you picked the call up. Shush it's ok, you're ok" she muttered to herself nervously. You see Akshara hated being a bother and constantly overthought every single detail and was hyper conscious of what everyone would say to her. Akshara had an anxiety disorder and even though she was a lively chirpy girl, she hated attention and only liked to show her true nature to the people she loved.

It took Akshara almost 40 more minutes to leave the plane and finish her customs process before she could finally breathe outside air. She hadn't even stepped a foot outside the Udaipur Airport before she was engulfed in a warm, loving embrace from both sides by her brothers.

"Kairav Bhaiya , Vansh Bhaiya", Akshara yelled as she started sobbing. "Sorry, I am just overwhelmed since I have not physically seen you guys in so long".

"We missed you so much Akshu, the house wasn't the same without you or Aaru. We will not let you go anywhere now, we will chain you to the house so you can't leave." Vansh said in a comically stern tone.
Akshu let out a giggle to this "ok ok can we go now i have been bouncing off the walls with excitement to come back home"

Kairav started grabbing her bags from the luggage cart and began loading them in the car and as he turned to grab her guitar Akshara let out a shriek and said "BHAIYA CAREFUL! You know how my heart is bound to this precious piece of equipment"
Kairav merely chuckled and made a big goofy show of putting the guitar in the back seat extremely gently. "Ready to go now?" He asked.

"Yes I've been waiting for so long it's you who has been dilly dallying" Akshu replied sassily before skipping towards the car.
"Trouble is back and once we get home this devil and the other devil will join forces and make our lives hell" Vansh whispered to Kairav as they started getting into the car.

"I heard that" Akshu uttered from the back seat "You just wait until I tell Aaru this" she said while smirking.
The ride to the Goenka mansion was quick and passed easily with constant chattering from Akshu and all her questions about the family.

As they reached the Goenka house, Akshara felt like her heart would burst out of it's frame. Before Kairav could hit the brakes properly and bring the car to a stop, Akshara was out of the car and running towards her waiting family. She almost tripped in her excitement but Bade Papa caught her in his arms and gave her a big hug gently admonishing her about her tripping. Soon she was passed from family member to family member all of whom had tears in their eyes. As she reached a sobbing Mimi she whispered gently "See Mimi I am back in one piece and even when I tripped my Bade Papa and the rest of my family had their arms open to catch me, where else will I find such love?"
Mimi smiled through her tears and quickly did her aarti and pooja so that the 'ghar ki lakshmi' as they lovingly called Akshu and Aaru, could enter the house.
"Come beta, we have waited for this for years, the house has forgotten what mischief and giggles sounds like"

As she entered the house, Aaru looped her arm through Akshu's and they walked towards the living room together.

Seeing everyone sitting in the living room laughing and swapping stories Akshara couldn't help but think how full her life was and how coming back home was one of the best decisions she had made.
She couldn't help but feel a premonition within her heart that she was meant to be in Udaipur and that something in her life was about to change drastically. As she ambled up to the sofa she got distracted from that feeling as her family surrounded her and started asking her about the flight. Soon you could only here laughter and joy bubbling through the walls of the Goenka mansion.

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