Epilogue 2

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"ABHIMANYU" Akshara screamed as she entered their house making Abhi laugh to himself in his study. A year of being married and she still screamed inside the house to let him know she was home.

"You know even if you don't yell, I can tell you're home" he said grinning at her, resting his arm on the door frame which he knew drove her wild and she immediately jumped up on him clinging to him like a little koala bear. "I just missed you, loser" she groaned kissing his neck for once, not letting him do the same.

"What's up wife?" he grinned as she continued her kisses, probably leaving a hickey for everyone to see. But when after a few moments she snuggled closer and rubbed her nose on his neck he knew something was wrong, especially when he felt tears.

"Hey, hey baby what's wrong?" he tried to separate himself from her but she refused to let go. "Nothing, I just love you so much."

He breathed a sigh of relief "don't scare me like that, you know what this does to me." He rubbed her back and finally she jumped down grinning at him but Abhimanyu could just tell that something was amiss. "I wake up at night to find you gone, you've barely been sleeping. Are you ok?" he rubbed the dark shadows under her eye. He would do anything in his power to take her pain away but she just nodded, "yeah fine" she muttered not meeting his eye. They had dinner in silence and Abhimanyu hated every second of it. He had asked her way too many times in the past week to tell him what was wrong, but she always had some excuse ready.

That night in their bed he had tried to touch her back, but she had shrugged his hand off muttering how tired she was, something she never ever did. They always slept cuddled up within each other and always kissed each other goodnight but Akshara had begun to act distant with random bursts of affection throughout the day confusing the living daylights out of him.

"I love you" he murmured in the dark but got no response, he hoped it was because she was sleeping and not because she didn't love him back. He had an exhausting week due to some important surgeries lined up and with Aarohi having graduated and not beginning her full time position until her upcoming nuptials with Neil in a couple of months, he had no time to spare, maybe that was it? He wondered as sleep overtook his body.

Waking up with a start, his soul knowing that Akshara was not beside him, he stalked out of bed in search of his recently skittish wife. He went where his heart took him and he knew without a doubt that she would be by the greenhouse where she had set up a couch for herself overlooking their waterfall, something she loved more than anything in the world. And sure enough he found her curled up on the sofa, clutching what looked like his shirt tightly. His heart stuttered at the dried tear tracks on her face.

"Baby wake up" he whispered in the quiet night as he gently removed the hair falling on her face but she remained sleeping. He tried to pry the shirt from her hands to cover her with it but she held onto it so tightly that he almost stumbled back and that woke her up startling her before she immediately burst into tears. Abhimanyu was gutted at the sight, what was happening??

He stared at her for a bit before smoothly lifting her up into his lap, cuddling her closer to his chest "C'mon talk to me. I can't fix it if I don't know what it is." He whispered into her hair.

"I can't" she sobbed "you're going to hate me. You will leave me and then I will be all alone."

"By now you should know that nothing would make me leave you, so spill" he demanded tilting her chin to look at her eyes.

"I'm going to be so fat and everything will change and you won't think I'm good looking and then you will go find someone else to love and then I will be here by myself waiting for you." None of what she said made sense to him "you know 50% of men cheat when their wives are pregnant because they cannot stand to look at their wives all fat and ugly" she wailed loudly.

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