Chapter 66

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Akshara stumbled away from Abhimanyu horrified that Kairav might have been privy to what was supposed to be a private, gentle moment between the couple. She looked up at Abhimanyu resignedly who was still surprisingly holding her hand but before mustering up the courage to face Kairav and the impending lecture he was sure to dole out, she needed to talk to Abhimanyu.

"Abhimanyu I'm sorry I created a scene" he wildly shook his head at her but Akshara continued "And I'm sorry I lost my calm. I get it if you have to reprimand me, I was just so fucking mad, but I will understand if you have to escalate this to HR before someone else does." she couldn't meet his eyes, horrified at herself for creating such a big scene at her place of work and putting her Abhi in this position. She should have gone to him first before acting this impulsively, tears gathered in her eyes again at the realization that she might get fired from the job she loved so much.

"Don't be ridiculous" he responded fiercely as he wrapped his hand around her shoulder, pulling her close. She had to do everything in her power to not melt into his embrace. "I'm not going to let you get fired over this, especially after what you found out. Hell, if I had found out before you did I would have 100% smashed his face in, he had it coming for the longest of times anyway" he used his thumb resting over her shoulder to stroke it back and forth which eased her anxiety.

"What's going on?" Akshara hastily wiped the remaining tears from her face as she saw Mimi walking over to them with Manjari Aunty but Akshara had been a tad too late since both Mimi and Manjari clocked her tears.

"Is Aaru okay? Akshara did something happen?" Mimi asked anxiously but Akshara was tongue tied, was she supposed to tell them what had happened?

"Uh yes, everything is okay Mimi, she was just worried about Aarohi. You know how miserable she will be since she can't operate for a while" Abhimanyu supplied hastily, squeezing Akshara's shoulder as he did so. Mimi seemed to have bought his lie because she just cupped Abhi's cheek, adoration written all over her face and Akshara could 100% relate with her.

"Abhi, can I go see Aarohi?" Manjari Aunty asked hopefully "I have some halwa for her, I know she likes it a lot. She can eat it?" Abhimanyu nodded as he let her go, "Come Maa I'll take you to her." He dropped a kiss on Akshara's head before turning around and leaving with his mother. Akshara didn't realize their faux pas until she turned to see Kairav Bhaiya slack jawed and Mimi smirking up at them, causing the blush to rise on her cheek. Crap!

Kairav Bhaiya looked between her and Mimi before pointing an accusatory finger at Mimi "You knew" he asked in a hurt voice, but Mimi simply rolled her eyes "Yes, I've known forever."

"Mimi this is not right" Kairav said making Akshara's hackles rise, she was so over this over protectiveness. Sure, she knew it came from a place of concern and love, but she just couldn't talk to someone who refused to listen. They had spent the night in Aaru's room in silence and when Akshara had tried talking to him he had shut it down quickly stating it hadn't been the time or the place, so Akshara had merely shrugged and left him there to go sleep in Abhimanyu's cabin.

"How can you condone this, Mimi? Akshara is going to end up hurt. He is not right for her." Akshara was surprised to see a flash of anger in Mimi's eyes "Kairav you might think you have a right to demand who your sisters date and question their lifestyle choices but you absolutely don't. But more than that, the one thing you don't have is the right to insult Abhimanyu. I will not allow it in my family."

"If you cared about your sister getting hurt then pray tell why are you the one hurting her? Have you tried to listen to her?" Kairav looked at the floor, shame written all over his face as he shook his head. "I will not have this big brother narrating their sister's lives bullshit in my house. Everyone has the right to love who they want."

Twin Flames: a YRKKH Abhira ffWhere stories live. Discover now