Chapter 56

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When Akshara got to the car after wrapping up the party, her phone pinged with an incoming text *Did I tell you how beautiful you looked tonight? * she blushed and looked around to see Abhimanyu leaning by a tree and when she narrowed her eyes at him he winked at her before turning around and going back to his mom. She was not going to melt this easily, nope! He had punished her for something she didn't do and if she let him off easily, he wouldn't get how much his silence had hurt her.

"Akshu don't forgive him so easily; I am telling you men deserve to be kept on their toes. You get too comfortable and BAM they start disrespecting you" Aarohi yelled fiercely from her position on the bed as she punched the air making Akshara giggle. "But anyway, I will give him shit too, you just wait" Akshara shook her head at her sister's antics pretty sure that her anger was more for Neil than Abhimanyu. She felt lighter than she had in the past few days because atleast there would be a solution soon instead of the weird limbo they had been stuck in.

The next morning when Akshara made her way over to her office at Birla hospital, she saw a single red rose lying on her desk with a note next to it *from the world's most idiotic boyfriend* she squealed loudly before suspiciously looking around to see if he was a witness to her antics but she was alone. Around noon when there was lull in between her session, someone knocked at her door but when she opened it she didn't find anyone instead there was a parcel on the floor with her name on it. She opened the package to see pasta from one of her favorite places in Udaipur along with some dessert. The note this time read *Hope this reminds you of the last time we had past together~ from world's stupidest boyfriend*

The smile refused to leave her face and she should've probably sent a text to Abhimanyu to thank him but she was enjoying this so much that she wanted to test the waters to see how far he would go.

The next couple of days continued with her receiving silly gifts and trinkets throughout the day. Every morning she would come to work and find a single red rose followed by whatever the gift of the day was and Akshara could feel herself melting. She hadn't seen Abhimanyu since that night at Rooh and she was desperate to catch a glimpse of him, even if it was from afar. It was probably fate that when she went to grab some food that she saw Aarohi, some other interns and to her absolute glee Abhimanyu sitting at one of the tables with food scattered amongst them. Abhimanyu was looking at some reports and instructing everyone about something.

"Akshuuu, come sit with us" Aarohi grinned from her spot at the table making Abhimanyu whip his head around so fast to where she was standing that she worried he might have gotten a sprain. She walked over to where Aarohi was sitting and mumbled a quick oh no I don't want to be a bother "Don't be silly, you can sit while we chat, I haven't seen you in 2 whole days. I'm sure Dr. Birla won't mind, right?" Aarohi needed her ass beat, Akshara thought before she looked over to where he was sitting, looking exceptionally hot today for some reason. She watched him choke at Aarohi's question before shaking his head "uh no."

Again, it was fate or Aarohi's meddling that she moved away to let Akshara sit in between the two of them. "Umm hey guys" she nodded at Aarohi's friends who were all smiling back at her except that one guy who always gave Abhimanyu shit. Akshara narrowed her eyes at him before turning to Aarohi and grabbing a piece of her sandwich "God I am so hungry" she groaned but the groan turned into a yelp when she felt Abhimanyu's hand on her thigh. When everyone turned to look at her, she shook her head and muttered a quick sorry making everyone turn back to their case files.

"Hi baby, I am so happy to see you" he whispered from the corner of his mouth; his face covered from everyone else by some papers. Akshara's heart sped up at his words and his closeness , the asshole knew what he was doing because he had sidled his thigh as close to her as possible and she could feel the heat of his body warm her at the close contact. She tried to move her leg away, but he held her thigh in an iron grip.

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