Chapter 22

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It had been almost a week since Abhimanyu had seen Akshara and he couldn't help but feel restless. He had tried to chalk it up to some physical ailment he might be suffering from, but his heart knew that it was probably because of Akshara. After a grueling surgical day he had finally had time to shower and get into a comfortable sweatshirt and sweatpants and he let out a groan at the stack of paperwork on his desk. Even with his mind working at an inhumane speed, his brain still diverted his attention to Akshara's face every few minutes. 

"Abhimanyu finally! I have been waiting around for you since an hour, where have you been" As Abhimanyu heard Parth's voice from the doorway to his office and he couldn't help but roll his eyes. He had been trying to ignore Parth since a week for the fear of him talking about Akshara with him and now here he was having cornered Abhimanyu finally after 5 whole days. As Abhimayu situated himself on his chair behind his desk, he realized that Parth wasn't alone and had brought in people with him. If his gut instincts were correct, which who was he kidding, they always were; this was going to be an ambush about hiring Akshara at Birla because lo and behold Parth had brought with him Neil, Two members of the chair and Dr. Rohan for some reason?

"What is this? An intervention? I don't have time for this" Abhimanyu muttered glumly before urging everyone to take a seat. He knew a lost battle when he saw one.

"Abhimanyu if you had deemed it worthy enough to pick up my calls I wouldn't have had to resort to underhand techniques yet here we are" Parth Bhai replied primly in a manner that could only be mastered by an older sibling.

"Fine fine get on with it" Abhimanyu replied grudgingly while glaring at Neil who refused to meet his eyes. The bastard could have warned him about this yet chose not two, he just knew that he was going to beat his ass once this was over.

"We're here to urge you to rethink your decision regarding Akshara, even Rohan here can vouch for her bedside manner so to speak and he has had a wonderful experience with Akshara.. Rohan why don't you tell the board what you witnessed?" Parth bhai looked expectantly at Rohan. Rohan went off on a spiel about how he first met Akshara and what she did to ease the kid and how it eased the kid's mind enough for Rohan to administer the drugs he needed. Abhimanyu couldn't help but feel enraged at Rohan's description of the encounter. Who was Rohan to wax poetic claims about HIS Akshara. He was going to make his life fucking insufferable! Blinded by his rage, it took Abhimanyu a moment to realize that he too had staked a claim on a woman he barely knew and his brain shortcircuited at the realization, so much so that he did not realize when Rohan had stopped talking and suddenly everyone was looking at him expectantly like they were waiting for his answer. DAMMIT!

"No." Abhimanyu blurted out while still spaced out. "I don't want her here" He saw Neil finally look at him questioningly because if anyone knew him, it was Neil and suddenly Abhi was the one not quite meeting Neil's eyes.

"Abhimanyu, Mr. Shah and Mr. Bhatt here also think that this alternative therapy might be a good track to take the hospital towards. It works! I have seen Akshara's previous work and spoken to her bosses back in NYC and they all claim that she just has this magic touch that somehow translates wonderfully to everyone she treats, look I have her referrals here, why don't you take a look?" Parth refused to give up and kept pushing the envelope towards Abhimanyu.

Abhimanyu knew that the rage he was feeling was baseless and wanted to take the folder and throw it out of the window. He felt like the walls were closing in on him and his heart would beat itself out of his mind. A mist of fury was building up in his eyes and he was about to blurt out something nonsensical and yell at Parth but before he could do that the strums of guitar filled his office followed by a soft voice singing a song he was unaware about. It was his Akshara!! He was brought out of his fit of rage instantly and tried to find the source of the music. Turns out, Parth had synced the video Jay sent to him on Abhimanyu's office TV and was showing the board, Neil, Rohan and Abhimanyu a physical proof of this girl's talent.

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