Chapter 7

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Abhimanyu groaned loudly and rubbed his eyes trying to give himself some respite from the raging headache he had mostly due to the lack of sleep. He had had another sleepless night bringing his total to almost 76 hrs with maybe 2 two-hour naps he managed to keep him sane for his patient's sake. Luckily he was not operating for the last two days and only seeing post-op patients in the clinic as he would never put any of his patient's under harm from him being sleepless. 

The door to  his office banged open causing him to let out a loud "what the f*uck?" as he glanced up to see who would have dared to come in into his safe space without knocking. His pain in the butt sister, Anisha, stood by the doorway with a cocked eyebrow and a hand on her hip glaring at him "Did you just swear at me Bhai?" she asked in a chilled tone. 

Abhimanyu knew that the tattle tale would probably snitch on him to their mom if he didn't try to backtrack immediately. "Sorry Ani, I wasn't expecting to be disturbed for the next few hours and it's just my head is killing me, please come in" 

Anisha looked at her brother and felt guilty looking at his red rimmed and tired eyes. She sauntered over to stand behind his desk and began giving her exhausted brother a head massage. Abhimanyu let out a sigh of relief and looked up to his sister  and asked her about her day "How was your day Ani? Did you manage to make some headway with the contractors? Let me know if anyone troubles you and I will go and speak with them".

"Bhai!! no please, the last time you did that nobody could look me in the eye and I had to have Neil come in and appease them. Please no more yelling. I want to contribute to the hospital as my own and i was lucky enough to get this opportunity even if it was handed to me on a platter by you. I want to prove my worth as an architect and I dont need my big brother to barge in when I am stuck all the time." Anisha said in a no nonsense but pleading voice to Abhi as she massaged his head. 

"ok ok baba it's just that I see you and Neil as my little responsibilities and that will never go away" Abhimanyu replied grudgingly. Contrary to his mother's lamenting a few days back, he did in fact meet his siblings and cousins pretty regularly. Neil and Anisha both worked in the Birla hospital part-time. Anisha as an architect currently and Neil as the head of HR, Neil tended to work remotely only choosing to come in if and when he was needed.  All the siblings and cousins had dinner together at a fancy restaurant in Udaipur once a week as a standing date, come what may. 

"Bhai I'm not a kid anymore you know that na?? I am getting married soon, be serious" Anisha's words brought Abhi out of his musings with a jerk. "No nO the wedding is still far away, shut up. I wont let you go so soon. And are you even sure this Kairav guy is good enough for you? My background check said he was all clean, too clean in fact. " Abhi spat out. 

"BHAIYA YOU HAD HIM CHECKED?" Anisha yelled and stopped her head massage. "Of course I did Ani, what kind of brother would I be if I didn't?" Abhimanyu retorted and pulled her hands to continue their head massage, his headache easing slowly but surely. 

He felt like he could relax finally after days and almost dozed off as he hmmed as and when appropriate when Anisha went on her "Kairav is my prince charming etc etc" spiel.  He wasn't focused and was barely paying attention but something caused him to jerk, he wasn't sure what caused it so he asked Anisha to repeat what she had said .

"Bhaiya you never pay attention if it's not about your patients.. I was saying that I am going in a few hours to meet Kairav's sisters today for coffee."  Anisha replied in an excited tone. 

"no, not that, something else...something before the coffee date" Abhimanyu said as he turned his head up to look at his sister.  "Oh yes bhaiya I was saying that you probably know Aarohi as she is starting her residency at the Birla hospital under you as a general surgical resident. She is one of the upcoming interns.,,but you knew that bhaiya" 

Abhimayu hummed because he knew that wasn't what brought him out of the reprieve, "no no after that..what did you say?" He repeated trying to capture the feeling he was currently feeling.

"OH ya ya my bad bhaiya" Anisha giggled as Abhimanyu looked at her annoyed, he sometimes wanted to strangle his sister out of love obviously. He couldn't figure out what was causing him to react this way and needed to know what Anisha was talking about. 

"Arre I was saying Bhaiya that you probably don't know about this because you never listen when i talk about the Goenkas..but Aarohi has an older sister, she just moved back to Udaipur from NYC and is possibly going to work with your charitable foundation 'Rooh'  but nothing is concrete yet. From what Kairav tells me, his sister Akshara is the love and light of the Goenka family, I am so excited to see her"  Anisha told Abhimanyu as she glanced hurriedly at her phone to check the time. As Anisha was looking down at her phone, she missed the stupefied expression on Abhimanyu's face. 

Something was very wrong with him, Abhimanyu thought. Why was his heart fluttering suddenly he wondered? 

Probably the lack of sleep made him ask  Ani - "Akshara? what kind of name is that?" 

Anisha glanced up from her phone surprised that her normally cold, keeps to himself, brother was inquisitive about something inconsequential like this. She was about to reply but her phone rang and she rushed out of the room yelling at Abhimanyu "Sorry bhaiya contractor has some issues i need to figure out before i go meet Aaarohi and Akshara, see you, love you, BYEEE" 

Abhimanyu felt like something in his universe had tilted on its axis and he sighed as he closed his eyes "Huh Akshara.. weird" and surprisingly he fell into a deep slumber. 

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