Chapter 15

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Abhimanyu watched as his siblings flitted around getting dressed and decided that this would be the perfect opportunity to make his escape. He began saying his goodbyes to his siblings and made his way over to Anisha who looked gorgeous in a pink saree. He told her she looked gorgeous and avoided looking at his sister's face  because he knew he would find a beseeching expression in her eyes asking him to stay back for the pooja. 

God was one of the biggest bone of contention between Abhi and Manjari because he refused to believe God's existence. No God would have given him such a terrible childhood and shoved this much trauma upon his believers. He always scoffed at Manjari whenever she said that it was god's grace that they had escaped and were so successful today. Abhimanyu refused to give god the credit for his hard work and continued to disregard everything God related much to Manjari's grief. 

"Have a great pooja Ani, I promise I will be at your roka next month but you know I can't do this.." He guiltily told Anisha because as much as he refused to sit for the pooja he knew this wasn't just a regular pooja, this was supposed to be the foundation for  his sister's first step into her marriage rituals. He couldn't look at himself in the mirror when he saw his sister's eyes well up with tears and promised himself that he would partake in all her wedding rituals going forward even if some of them were against his strong beliefs. As he looked at Anisha's pouty expression, he couldn't help but kiss her on the forehead and whisper a soft apology. 

Anisha knew that even when Abhimanyu bhai treated her with kid gloves, he didn't understand that she understood more than he would like her to and that was the only reason she forgave him for not sitting in for the pooja. She didn't want his bhaiya's belief to break that her and Neil were unaware about the boiling hatred Abhi bhai felt for their father and the animosity he harbored for their Tauji Taiji. She knew that he would see it as a personal failure if he ever found out that Anisha and Neil both had some inkling about the history between their father, Manjari and Abhimanyu and because of that she reluctantly let herself out of Abhimanyu's embrace and let him go giving him a bright smile and a promise to send photos. 

"KIDS THE GOENKAS ARE HERE, COME QUICK" the siblings heard Manjari yelling from downstairs and all of them began rushing out of her room to  go see the new family they had just attained, all with different agendas in their mind. 

Abhimanyu couldn't believe that he had stayed back at the place he hated the most and lost track of time, he knew that he was stuck and couldn't make his escape from the front door. So the massive 6'2 frame of the strong, brave Dr. Birla skulked and bent to crawl by the intricate frame covering the second floor passage and made his way stealthily to the back stairs which led him to the kitchen. Abhimanyu rushed out of the house by the back doors and breathed in the fresh air in the quiet of the garden, his mother's and Parth Bhai's most prized possession. 

As Abhimanyu made his way towards the garden door leading to the back alley where he had thoughtfully parked his car, he felt his heart rate quicken again. He again felt like he would fall to his knees and there was a strange premonition filling his body. Abhimanyu, as much as he wanted to, could not disregard it again and began worrying for his family. He just needed to check on Manjari and Anisha, and as he started to rush back to the garden, he saw a girl fumbling while trying to open the kitchen door. Abhimanyu couldn't make out the face of the girl due to the tinted glass doors but could see a 5'3 silhouette trying to gasp for air and struggle to open the door. He rushed over to help her as his entire being was filled with dread and a unprecedented rush to reach the girl as soon as he could. 

HE JUST NEEDED TO GET TO HER DAMMIT his heart thudded against his chest but before he could help her, she opened the door and quite literally stumbled and fell in his arms. Abhimanyu's breath rushed out of him in a hurry and his entire being felt like it was buzzing with an electricity he had never felt before. Abhimanyu looked at the girl and  his entire world spun roughly 360 times, for he had never seen a girl this beautiful. he couldn't turn his gaze away from    her face, he saw her reddened round cheeks,  full pouty lips, long beautiful hair falling around her face and long eyelashes fanning the curve of her cheeks. Abhi could feel the girl tremble as her chest rose and fell at odd rhythms like she was gasping and as he stood and stared at her in his arms feeling like his body was under lockdown, he saw her open her big beautiful doe eyes and gasp out a whispered " HELP.. please..cant breathe" and almost passed out. 

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