Chapter 19

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Akshara stood stock still in the middle of the garden while everyone fluttered around her to check up on her. All she could see in her mind was the image of Abhimanyu walking away from her and her heart pinched every time at the reminder. She wasn't sure if she had done something to alienate him or if she had offended him in some way? 

She was brought out of her trance when the kid who had initially caused Akshara to stumble pulled on her kurti.  " I am Vansh are you Abhi bhaiya's princess? " The little boy sweetly asked Akshara as he looked at her adoringly with big eyes. 

Akshara didn't know how to respond about the little kid linking him with Abhimanyu, so she just bent down to his level and said sweetly "you know sweet boy, I have a brother who is also a Vansh and he is the most special man just like you are." The little boy puffed up his chest at being called a man and looked around him to make sure the other kids had heard Akshara call him a special man. 

Parth ambled over to Akshara's side to check up on her and they started slowly making their way over to the standing staff. Parth introduced Akshara to Sunita, Sakshi, Mrs. Dutta and cook bhaiya all of whom were silently giving Akshara the once over for different reasons. Mrs Dutta spoke up first "Hi Akshara, I am Reema Dutta but everyone calls me Mrs. Dutta" . 

"Mrs Dutta is the heart and soul of this place Akshara She makes sure every kid has what they need. Nothing gets past her so it is always better to remain on her good side." Parth served with a sheepish wink thrown at Mrs. Dutta who just rolled her eyes. Sunita and Sakshi looked visibly annoyed with Akshara, unbeknownst to her. They had seen the way Akshara- Abhimanyu had been on the ground and they hated that Akshara could get out such emotions from Abhimanyu without trying while they had been bending over backwards to get a little bit of his precious time. 

"Sakshi and Sunita are our child care specialists and they do a wonderful job with the kids, I am sure you will get along well with them" Parth said as a way of introduction. Both the ladies offered a lukewarm smile before sending a questioning glance at Parth about who she was. Parth was more than happy to sing Akshara's praises, he put a hand across Akshara's shoulders like older brothers generally do and said  "Akshara here is family but more than that she is a music therapist with a specialization in child psychology, she is going to be a wonderful addition to our Rooh family"  Hearing Parth's words Akshara couldn't help but feel like an impostor. What if she wasn't good enough or worse what if she had a breakdown in front of the kids? She pasted on a small smile on her face and blushed effectively trying to evade Parth's smirk. 

Jay who had been mesmerized at first glance of Akshara, walked over to the growing crowd and introduced himself "I'm Jay but the kids call me cook bhaiya, we are lucky to have you here" Akshara took his waiting hand for a handshake and grinned up at him. She was about to answer him when she could feel the air around her change...oh no, he was here! 

She turned slowly to an oncoming Abhimanyu who was stomping angrily towards the crowd. He was fully dressed now, what a shame, Akshara thought before immediately turning a deep shade of red from her embarrassing thoughts. Her hand was still in Jay's grasp and she saw Abhimanyu's eyes laser focused on their joint hands causing Akshara to fumble and get her hand back from Jay's grasp before apologetically glancing up at Jay and sending him a reassuring smile. 

Abhimanyu made his way to the staff and Parth bhai and spoke directly to Parth without making eye contact with Akshara. "I need to leave, Bhaiya. i'll see you later and we can chat then" he bit out before turning around and walking away once again. Akshara's heart was beating a mile per minute.. why was he not acknowledging her? How would she ever thank him if he refused to even accept that they knew each other? As she became lost in her thoughts she heard Parth yell out a "Abhi stop!!! We need to talk to Akshara together, I want you to connect because I just had a brilliant idea" 

Akshara saw Abhimanyu's back stiffen as he paused before turning over to Parth Bhai, he still refused to meet Akshara's beseeching gaze. " Can I talk to you for a minute in the office please? " he said swiftly to Parth Bhai and walked towards the office without waiting for Parth's response. 

"UGH Akshara please ignore my stupid brother he has no manners, why don't you come with me and you can wait in the room outside my office while I talk to this idiot?" He said before bringing Akshara along to his office. Akshara's heart was still beating wildly after the whole exchange. She  was almost certain now that Abhimanyu disliked her but she wasn't sure why. She sat on the sofa twiddling her nervous thumbs while Parth went into the office and closed the door behind him. She could hear faint murmurs from inside the office for a while before she heard a raised "BUT ABHIMANYU I WANT HER TO WORK AT BIRLA HOSPITAL FOR MAYBE 2-3 DAYS IN A WEEK, I ALREADY CLEARED IT WITH NEIL" 

"She will not be stepping foot inside birla hospital and definitely not as my staff. Keep her here at rooh full time. There is no space for her in the hospital, i don't want her there" Akshara's heart broke at Abhimanyu's heated confession. She could feel tears gather in her eyes but she shook herself out of it. She was not going to cry for him!! 

"she is family Abhimanyu" she heard Parth say in a lower tone. 

"She might be your family but she is definitely not mine" Abhimanyu spat out and Akshara soon heard a "you are fucking impossible sometimes Abhi" froM Parth before she heard the office door open. Parth sent an apologetic glance towards Akshara because he had in fact forgotten she was right outside and could have potentially heard a lot of the conversation. "I'm sorry Akshara, my brother doesn't mean all of it. He just has a hard time trusting new people.. look i will talk to him again but let me go speak with Mrs. Dutta about an urgent financial matter. I will send Sunita to come get you and give you a small tour. You wait here alright?" 

Akshara could only nod as she watched parth walk out of the office. Her mind was racing.. should she be brave and confront Abhimanyu? She couldn't forget the harsh words he had said and she really didn't know what had caused it. She gave herself a long pep talk before she slowly got up from her place at the couch and walked over to the office door. With a shaky fist and watery eyes she knocked on the office door to here a small "come in" from inside. 

Akshara squared her shoulders and slowly opened the door to meet Abhimanyu's shocked eyes..

Author's note

Sorry for being AWOL for a little bit, i'll try and update it regularly from now on

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