Chapter 59

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Abhimanyu crowded her space to try and talk to her but she was unfeeling and unseeing like that day in the hospital, nothing he said would seep through. He needed to touch her but there were so many people currently taking up precious air and space in her room that he couldn't do anything. He looked at Aarohi and only because they worked so well in sync did he not have to say a single word.

In the back of his mind he heard her shoo her family out citing the need for space as a very valud excuse, he saw her lock the door and only then did he lift Akshara sideways onto his lap. He felt some much needed hope when she clutched his kurta tightly, at least she wasn't as broken as that day in her office.

He clasped her head closer to his chest, making sure she could hear his heartbeat and rocked the two of them gently whispering "shhh.. it's okay, I'm here baby" over and over again. His tormented gaze met Aarohi's who pretty much had the same look reflected on her face, "What happened?"

Aarohi teared up but angrily brushed her tears away "I don't know, It's all my fault. I left her alone for hardly 15 minutes, I had to send emails about tomorrow's rounds..I came back to this." She looked so frustrated with herself that Abhimanyu now had two women who needed his help. While he wanted to rage and scream, maybe putting the sisters above his needs was best.

"Don't be silly, it's not your fault. Go get me some cold towels" putting her to work would definitely ease her rising panic. As Aarohi left to go to the bathroom, Abhi dropped his lips to Akshara's forehead refusing to let go even as he rocked them. She was still clutching him tightly, but her lips were not as blue, she was still gasping for breath and every gasp made Abhimanyu feel like the biggest loser on the earth. What good was his degrees if he couldn't even placate his love when she needed him the most.

He was broken out of his self-loathing when Aarohi rushed back with a couple of towels, she put one cold one on Akshara's feet while Abhimanyu put one on the back of her neck and on her chest, at least whatever was exposed by her blouse. Aarohi hurriedly got up and ran around before coming to a stop in front of them, she thrust an open jar of moisturizer that Abhimanyu recognized as something Aakshara used frequently, the scent familiar, towards Akshara's nose and asked her to breathe it in deeply.

"I didn't even think of this, I get so blinded when it comes to her. Thank you!" he whispered in gratitude, especially when Akshara's limbs loosened and her breathing became more even.

After a while, Abhimanyu lifted her onto the bed fluffing pillows behind her so she could sit up properly, "Do you feel better?" she nodded grimly, a couple of tears escaping from her eyes. "what happened?" he asked but she shook her head defiantly and when he saw her chest rise and fall rapidly, he lifted both his palms up trying to appease her. "Ok, ok, we'll talk later. You should rest" as gently as he could he fixed her disheveled hair and dropped a kiss on her lips before nodding at Aarohi to let her family in.

Both him and Aarohi stood on sidelines as everyone rushed in and gathered around her bed, showering her with their love and concern. "Did you see anything? Maybe somebody leaving her room? Or a phone call?" he whispered Aarohi who shook her head "No, I was literally gone for only 15 minutes, what could have happened?" they both looked over at Akshara who looked slightly out of it. When bade papa piped up with a voice devoid of emotion "so this panic attacks? They've been happening a lot?" Both him and aarohi looked at each other in horror. Shit.

Akshara's face lost what little blood she had gained in the last few minutes but she bravely nodded "yes"

"And you didn't think about telling us? Warning us?" Badi Ma sounded so hurt that he felt like he could feel Akshara's heartbreak. "I- I didn't want to worry you." She stammered out between soft sobs. Abhimanyu wanted to rush in and take over but Aarohi pulled his hand back, effectively halting him. "don't, you'll make it worse, she'll worry about you getting angry" he hated hearing it but it was true, maybe this was one of those moments where he could only support from the sidelines.

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