Chapter 3

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As Akshara's family surrounded her with lots of questions and showered her with love and home cooked food in their living room, a lost soul gazed out of his office window on the other side of the town.

The man looked outside his window, deep in thought and with a hardened heart. He created an imposing picture reflected back on the office window. The door to his office burst open, causing the man to snap out of his musings and gaze sharply at the man dressed in a peon uniform "What the hell do you want, Mishraji" he asked in a menacing voice.

"Dr. Birla, sorry to disturb you but the nurse in Room 2A asked me to call you urgently as your pager was unreachable" the peon responded hesitantly.
Dr. Abhimanyu Birla got up quickly from his chair, grabbed his stethoscope and tossed his pager to Mr. Mishra with a menacing look "Get it fixed, Mishraji" he responded as he hurried out of his office.
As he ran towards the 2nd floor everyone started clearing out a path for the larger than life Dr. Abhimanyu Birla. Everyone he passed seemed to lower their gaze for the fear of being called out or being yelled at for some mistake or the other.
Dr. Abhimanyu Birla burst through the room 2A only to stop short because there sitting on the patient bed was a very smug looking older woman surrounded by 2 of his nurses who tried to avoid looking directly at him.
"What is the meaning of this?" He asked to the nurses who instantly started stammering and looking at each other.
"Abhi beta please stop tormenting your staff! I asked them to lie and practically forced them to play along with my hoodwinking" the older woman calmly stated coming to a stand between Abhimanyu and the two nurses.
"Maa please, I don't have time for this and you two" he said and pointed to the nurses "you both, I will deal with after I talk to my mother, you can leave but meet me in my office in exactly 30 minutes. Don't bother showing up to work tomorrow if you are late". He threatened causing the two nurses to rush out of the room and probably make their way outside the boss's cabin already.

"Maa, what's the matter now?" Abhimanyu asked his mom aka Manjari Birla "Are you ok? Are you unwell?"
"No" Manjari replied. "I have not seen you in 7 days so I thought I should probably check on my first born to see if he is alive or not. Please come home beta, you can't stay away for this long"
Abhimanyu hated making his mother upset and wanted to ease her pain but what she was asking of him was impossible. He could not and would not bow down to her this time.
"Maa please you know I do not like coming to that place. Must we do this every week?" He asked in a harsh tone.
Manjari tried to hold back her tears and tried to formulate a response with a shaky voice. "It is your home , I am your mother. Shouldn't these be reasons enough for you to visit?"
"It is not my home" Abhimanyu spat out and immediately regretted his choice of words as he saw his mother visibly cower.
Abhimanyu led Manjari to the bed and knelt down near her feet and grabbed her hands in his own and tried to let go of his anger so he could have a civil conversation with his mother.
"Look I am sorry Ma. I love you the most on this entire planet but I simply cannot come to that place, which you call home" he started in a whispered tone. "It is your home but it will never be mine, I don't want to stay there even for a single night. I feel claustrophobic in that house and the people...."
Abhi tried to not speak about it any further but for his mother's sake he continued the conversation "The people you call family could never be my family. I don't like them and have made it extremely clear that I don't want anything to do with them. They have done nothing but lie and caused all this grief for you"

"But Abhi, ok if not for Taiji Tauji..." manjari started in an equally gentle tone " what about the kids? What have they ever done to you? What about your brother Neil?"

Abhimanyu sighed loudly and said "Maa you always do this. You always guilt me into coming in that house and then spending a night which turns into two and I refuse to do that ever again. All that stupid house has ever done to me is give me grief. Please don't ask this of me anymore"
"But Abhi.. family.." manjari stuttered.

Abhimanyu almost roared and the effect that was caused by the empty walls of the room caused Manjari to jerk her hand out of Abhimanyu's hands.
Abhi tried to calm himself down while Manjari continued "ok, I am just worried about you and I feel like if you looked at this from an adult's perspective as opposed to your childhood you might realize that everyone has come a long way after your father's death"

Manjari started tearing up and with a quaking voice replied "ok beta I will not mention him but what about the other members of the family? Parth and Shefali need you, Nishtha needs you. Anisha and Neil can't even go a day without mentioning you. Please come home for them" she tried one last time.

Abhimanyu saw the toll this was taking on his mother and decided to relent one last time "ok Maa. I will come home over the weekend"
"Oh umm oh right.. actually.." Manjari started stuttering sheepishly.
"Actually uhh we are holding a pooja before Anisha's roka next month and I know how you are about poojas..."

"Maa c'mon you know i refuse to sit through such bs. I am a doctor and I only believe in science. You know I don't believe in all this mumbo jumbo" Abhimanyu responded fed up with this whole conversation and the turn his day had taken. "Fine. I need to go back to my patients but just know that I refuse to sit in the pooja. I will come say hi to the kids(his siblings) and leave. That's it. No more blackmailing from you" he stated and pointed at his mom threateningly as she got up with a big smile and hugged her precious son. "See you on Saturday,bye" she said as she left the room knowing she had just won the battle.

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