Chapter 43

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 The Goenka's vacation home was situated atop the hills overlooking the valley beneath and was as grand as they were. Abhimanyu looked around the manicured lawns and the sun glittering on the stunning pool and felt like he could finally let go of some of the tension accumulated in his shoulders. A lot of that might have to do with the gorgeous girl standing next to him chattering away happily and just when she turned to him, the sun rays hit her beautiful hair making it glow, Abhimanyu felt like his breath hitched in his throat. What had he ever done for him to be bestowed with her attention and her care? How could he have gotten so lucky?

He stood there staring at her as revelations unraveled the knots in his heart and he didn't realize that she was talking to him until she snapped her fingers in front of his face. "Abhiiiii, are you paying attention to me?" Abhimanyu shook his head trying to dislodge his thoughts and come back to his reality. "Always" he whispered making color rise to her cheeks and he had to physically refrain from bending down and pressing a kiss to her rosy cheeks.

"Accha come I'll show you around and take you to your room" she said before grabbing his bicep and dragging him towards the waiting Goenkas-Birlas. Once again he realized that he would follow her to the edge of the cliff if she were to ever take him to it, he wasn't sure how deep his feelings for her ran but if he was waxing such poetic stuff he was sure he was in pretty deep and he was tired of fighting it and pushing her away every time she peeled another one of his layer back. He had never had someone all to himself and he desperately wanted to see this through, he realized.

This acknowledgment almost caused him to stumble, and he probably would have if she hadn't stabilized him with her hand. "Abhi?? What's wrong? Why are you being weird?" She whispered looking over at him in concern and trying to check if he had any outwardly signs of something. "Uh nothing" he murmured back wiping a hand over his face trying to find his bearings and not weird her out anymore. "Oooookay weirdo" she said before bumping his shoulder with hers and skipping over to her family. He wanted to yell after her to be careful and to not skip and run so much as she was still in recovery, but his words were caught in his throat, his feelings currently warring internally. How would he proceed? How did he tell her what she made him feel? What does one even name a relationship as unique as theirs? They weren't lovers YET but they weren't what the kids called a situationship as well.

He was still in a daze as he followed their family so it took him a moment to realize that him and Neil were to share a room for the Goenka siblings all had their personal room, Ani was obviously sharing with Kairav and Abhimanyu would have had his hackles rise at this, but he would be a hypocrite if he voiced his opinions. The Goenkas had decided that Parth Bhai and Shefali Bhabhi needed the master bedroom and Nishtha would share with Aarohi leaving the two brothers to share the guest room. Neil tried to say something, but Abhimanyu grabbed his arm not wanting to bring any more attention to his state of mind. Abhimanyu couldn't sleep in the same bed as someone for his nightmares sometimes made him act crazily and he would fidget and kick about and scream and nobody should be a witness to that. He groaned internally at the sleepless nights lying in wait for him for the next 2 nights, but he was resigned to his fate. He wouldn't be the cause of tension and honestly the less they knew about him the better for them for he wouldn't be able to handle anyone's pity.

Once they all freshened up, everyone was supposed to meet by the lawns where a table was currently being set up for lunch. Abhimanyu made his way downstairs only to run into Akshara who quite literally ran smack into his chest before stumbling back. "Akshu" he groaned before grabbing her forearms trying to stabilize her. "You are going to send me to an early grave, why can't you be careful" he shook her gently and as expected she giggled up at him blinking her beautiful big eyes. "What will I do with you?" he wondered out loud before shaking his head and gently letting her go and waving his hand to let her take the lead. Before they could step out, they heard some murmurs coming from the kitchen and to both of their horror, they saw Kairav and Anisha locked in a deep embrace with their lips fused together. Akshara gagged and covered her mouth to stop any sound from escaping but Abhimanyu had no such qualms, he determinedly started to walk towards them to stop whatever they were doing but Akshara dragged him out unbeknownst to the couple and dragged him to a corner room which looked like a console room with a big tv and gaming systems hooked to it. "Why did you stop me?? I need them to not do this shit in front of me or preferably ever.." Akshara dissolved into giggles before smacking his chest gently "Abhiii they are going to be doing much more, please you cannot be serious."

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