Epilogue 4

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Abhimanyu had left work early that day wanting to help Akshara, as they were meant to leave for the Goenka house that evening but when he entered the house he was greeted by silence, which considering the time of the day was not as surprising. But normally when Abhimanyu got to the house at night he was greeted by Akshara's singing or some sort of music playing and their 5 year old son Abhir dancing and giggling with his mother, something he only deemed worthy of doing with Akshara and nobody else. The house would always be a mess when he got in and Abhimanyu would have to spend minutes picking up after Akshara, yeah Akshara, and not their toddler, but right now the house was spotless.

Grinning to himself he walked over to their bedroom and leaned by the door frame. The sight that greeted him, made his heart clench and he felt like it would burst with contentment. Akshara was laying on her side dressed in his shirt, sleeping peacefully, one of her arms thrown over Abhir holding him close while her other arm cupper her swollen belly, protecting their unborn child. One of his other spare shirts was next to her pillow, the smell probably calming her. She looked so peaceful and serene and their little boy, so like his father in looks and demeanor, was cuddled as close to his mother as possible.

Abhimanyu glanced around their bedroom where it looked like a hurricane had passed by and all of Akshara's clothes, jewelry, shoes, music instruments had somehow found itself to be on the floor. Looking around the floor with a deep sigh he noticed Abhir's spiderman suitcases, neatly placed next to Abhimanyu's packed ones. He chuckled to himself, his little minion so like his father. Everyone who saw Abhimanyu and Abhir interact would tell him how much he resembled Abhimanyu.

Abhir looked, acted, talked, and even walked like his father. Their 5-year-old son, even as a toddler was aloof, strong willed and barely spoke unless he absolutely needed to, but when he did he made sure even the adults listened. There was a perpetual frown on his face if he wasn't around his family or friends and he was way too wise for his age, Akshara kept trying to bring him out of his shell, but it was futile because they both knew who he went after. "UGH your son" she would whisper exasperatedly and roll her eyes before letting Abhimanyu handle whatever crisis was ongoing because Abhir and Abhimanyu had a bond like no other. Abhir even when he was 6 months old, would listen so attentively every time Abhimanyu spoke that he would sometimes talk to him about his cases and his surgical plans and their son would listen without blinking, highly amusing Abhimanyu.

Yet every time that Akshara or their family or friends told him that Abhir was just like his father, Abhimanyu felt some part of his inner child healing over and over. Abhir had put a balm over the old scars on his soul given by his own father and healed them to the point where Abhimanyu wasn't even sure they were there to begin with. Every night Abhir would crawl into Abhimanyu's lap and demand to be told what he had done and how many patients he had seen during the day and every day diligently, Abhimanyu would tell him. Patiently going over every single detail he deemed fit for a toddler.

Shaking himself out of his musings, Abhimanyu rounded the bed and placed a pillow next to Abhir's side, hoping this would deter their little escape artist who somehow always found a way to be on the floor in the morning. Akshara had initially panicked and forced Abhimanyu to put a thick carpet in little Abhir's room but no carpet was thick enough for a worried Akshara. Placing a thumb on his sleeping son's brow to smooth out his frown, so like Abhimanyu's own, Abhi dropped down on his haunches and gently removed Abhir's hair from his face and kissed his head whispering a soft "I love you" before walking into the ensuite bathroom to take a shower.

Dressed in his sweatpants, Abhimanyu walked around the room, careful to be as quiet as possible not wanting to wake up his family, he began to pick up and fold all of Akshara's belongings placing them in suitcases next to his and Abhir's neatly packed ones. The three of them were supposed to move in into the Goenka house for the last 3 ish months of Akshara's pregnancy. With Abhir, when they had asked Akshara to move in so they could pamper her and take care of her, she had been ecstatic and said yes not realizing that according to customs it was only supposed to be Akshara. But nothing would have kept Abhimanyu away from his wife and so he kept sneaking in for the first couple of nights until one day within the first week itself he was confronted by a giggling Goenka family asking him to just move in.

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