Chapter 50

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After she had shared her deepest secrets with Abhi, she felt lighter, especially at his unwavering support and the gentleness with which he handled her. He had been treating her like a glass doll after she confessed to him almost 2 whole weeks back and while it was inherently sweet, she wanted him to throw caution to the wind and go back to how things were. She bitched and complained about it non-stop to him, but he maintained that he hadn't changed and he was still treating her the same. If something didn't change soon, she would strangle him with her own hands. Determined to take matters in her own hand in the coming week, Akshara made her way over to Rooh that Sunday. She wasn't sure if he would be there, but she had a lot of work to get through anyway and he would only distract the kids.

Akshara had told the kids that she taught music to them which wasn't really true, her job profile didn't actually include training people in music. What she did was, under the garbs of teaching kids instruments they liked, she made them open up about their feelings, thoughts etc and took notes for herself to later look at and create a better counseling session, the added bonus was that the kids learned some music on the side. Because of the long way they had come, Akshara decided to run an idea with Parth Bhai during their staff meeting about a fundraising opportunity. She greeted the kids but made her way over to his office when Jay told her everyone was already in the office, she was surprised when her heart thudded letting her know that he was here!!

She knocked once and entered to see everyone gathered already in some conversation about the schedules and routines, her gaze flitted over the room until she saw her man leaning against the desk staring at her already, his expression blank but his eyes heated with an emotion only the two could understand. She greeted everyone and stood by the sidelines until there was a lull in the conversation "Parth Bhai, I was thinking that a lot of the kids have come a long way, especially with their interest and talent in music, I was thinking of a fund raiser of sorts in a couple of weeks, and we can invite umm family and friends and charge them for tickets?" When Parth Bhai did not look wholly convinced, she pattered on "I can perform on the sitar for an hour, I'll ask Riyansh to see if he can do flutes ,Mimi's friends will come, trust me!" She grabbed his arms to convey her idea effectively making him grin at her.

"Fine. Fine! Send me a draft and budget, I will see what we can do" he muttered exasperatedly making Akshu jump in joy and hug him "thank you thank you, I won't disappoint you" When she let him go, her eyes clashed with Abhimayu's who was shaking his head at her and her antics but all she could do was grin widely at him. Not even Sakshi and Sunita murmuring in the corner, probably bitching about her, could dull her happiness today.

After the meeting was adjoined, Akshara wanted to rush out to see the kids and begin her day. She hadn't asked Riyansh to come in today but there he was waiting for her on the lawn surrounded by two of the kids. "Ugh doesn't he have a job or something?" She turned around and poked Abhimanyu with her elbow when she heard Abhimanyu mutter acidly. "Abhi, come on" she glared at him with an eye roll making him throw his hands up in surrender "Fine whatever. If I see him touching you again though, even if it is to rile me up, I will break his hands, you have been warned baby" saying that he left her standing at her spot reeling as butterflies fluttered around in her stomach. What he said was barbaric and kinda crazy, but she couldn't help her reaction to it. She walked over to Riyansh after taking a moment to gather herself.

"hey, what are you doing here?" She whispered to him not wanting to startle the kid he was talking to

"Oh, I was bored and I didn't have anything going for me so I just decided to come here, why what's wrong? Did your cold hearted strict boss say I wasn't allowed in?" Akshara felt the first trickle of irritation at her friend, and she couldn't help that it bled onto her tone "He's not strict, he just demands excellence. I don't think that's a bad thing" While she didn't like confrontation, nobody was going to get away with insulting Abhimanyu, especially in front of her. If she had looked closely at Riyansh, she would have seen the flash of annoyance and jealousy that crossed his eyes.

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