Chapter 53

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Things had been very smooth sailing with Abhi and Akshara fell deeper and deeper if it was even possible however some part of her was waiting for the other shoe to drop. Life had taught her that bumps were to always be expected, especially the moment you got too comfortable with things. Little did she know that her anxiety wasn't completely baseless and the bump was far closer than she expected.

Akshara had started sleeping over at Abhimanyu's at least once a week for the night and spent quite a few days after work over there and if she didn't start planning things better her family was soon to get suspicious. She could already see the wheels turning in Kairav Bhaiya's head wondering where she was all the time, they expected Aarohi to keep odd hours but after the third night in a row where Akshara didn't come home for dinner, Vansh and Kairav finally had had enough and accosted her at breakfast. "Akshu, where have you been all this while?" his suspicious tone caused her some internal panic and she dropped her spoon hastily onto her plate

"Bhaiya umm just out with friends, you know how it is. I've been back after so long that I am just soaking it all in" she did hate lying to her family like this because Bade papa and mummy had always taught her that she could go to them with anything and they had a pretty open and honest relationship with the kids and expected them to reciprocate as such with them and each other. However she wanted to be cautious because while she knew Abhimanyu and his heart, nobody else did. Heck even she didn't know the story behind his deep scars and while her family seemed to like Abhimanyu, she wasn't sure if they would be as accepting of him as her boyfriend.

"We barely get to see you; we see Aaru more than you which is saying something" Vansh bhaiya grumbled and Akshara felt immensely guilty because she hadn't meant to ignore her family and she too missed them. It was just that Abhi had become as necessary to her as breathing and every minute spent away from him made her miserable, especially when it felt like a big chunk of her soul was missing if he wasn't close by.

"Sorry Bhaiya, this weekend I am all yours" she promised guiltily.

She hurriedly finished her breakfast mindlessly chattering with her family before she had to leave for the hospital. She had a tough patient this morning and she wanted to make sure her treatment plan was solid before she had the appointment. Unfortunately, the patient had grown quite a liking to Riyansh and had requested if he could be there as well to ease their anxiety before their big surgery and before Akshara could respond, her supervisor Dev had already agreed. She knew Abhi wouldn't like it but her hands were tied. She was sure he understood if it was about the patient's welfare.

She tried to ignore Riyansh as much as she could considering their circumstances, but he was like a bee, buzzing around her incessantly. "Akshu, we need to talk" he murmured right before they got to her office after the session, "I've been trying to text you or come see you at Rooh but you seem to always be busy or avoiding me"

She groaned internally before turning towards him "Look Riyansh, I don't know what to say, we're friends are we not?" at his nod she continued "I need to be very frank with you, I don't think we could ever be more. We gave it a shot and it didn't work, I'm sorry I don't feel the same way."

He looked down his face contorted in pain before he masked it and gave her a stony glare "Is it because of Abhimanyu? I see how you look at each other and let me tell you he could never be the man you want him to be." Shoot, she didn't want people knowing about them just yet or their families would get involved and she desperately didn't want that.

"It has nothing to do with him Riyansh. I can make decisions and think for myself you know. Friendship is all I can offer and honestly it makes me a little uncomfortable that you keep asking me out, I feel guilty that I must let you down again and again. I understand if being a friend to me is too much and I will respect it if you need space from me but please this is all I can offer right now" she let him down as gently as she could before patting his arm and walking back to her office.

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