Chapter 45

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Two days after the trip and Abhimanyu had fallen back into his routine of barely any sleep and nightmares overtaking his mind, every time he were to close his eyes. Now that he had had the pleasure of sleeping with Akshara and getting rest for two days in a row, it was hard to go back to life as he knew it and not seeing her for two full days was surely taking a toll on him. They tried to call and text frequently, but it couldn't even hold a candle to her physically being there, her hugs and her kisses. It was currently 12AM and Abhimanyu massaged the back of his neck trying to relieve some of the tension after a day full of surgeries and paperwork, he was dragging his feet trying to gather his things and go home for he knew all that waited for him at his place was darkness and misery. When his phone rang in the background, he groaned in relief out of hope that it was maybe someone who needed his medical attention and this would postpone his return home.

Abhimanyu was surprised to see Akshara's name flash on the screen since it was so late in the night, his heart began pounding hoping that she was okay "Baby??" he spat out into the phone.

"Abhiii hii" his breath rushed out in relief; she sounded okay!

"Akshu, you scared me. What are you doing up this late?"

"Abhii are you done with work? Will you come get me?" her delicate voice filtered through the phone releasing some of his tension.

"Now?? Baby it's late, you should be resting" he couldn't be self-centered especially when her health was in question, but he desperately wanted to see her and hold her.

"Just do as I say, smartass. I'll wait for you outside in 10." Before he could comprehend what had just happened, she had cut the call. Nobody on this planet could boss him around except this girl who had stolen his heart so. He grabbed his stuff and hurried out not wanting to cut into a second of his time with Akshara. As he got closer to the Goenka Villa, he saw a small lonesome figure standing outside in what was once again his hoodie, making his heart rate pick up. There she was!! His Akshara!!

He had barely stopped his car when she ran up to the passenger seat and got in filling his car with her beautifully addictive perfume. "Hiiii" she said turning to him and pulling his cheek, making him groan. He swatted her hand away with a whiny Akshuu making her grin at him. "Okay now can you tell me what we are doing here? Where are we going?"

"I slept the entire day you know, how much more can I sleep. I needed a break, and it has been almost 72 hours since I last saw you, don't you think that's torture?" at her words, Abhimanyu was filled with a smug satisfaction. He had always had to fend for himself, and he had learned to be fiercely independent, especially when it came to feelings and emotions so to finally find someone who was his and who felt the same way about him was so refreshing and while she might not need constant reassurances, he definitely did. She had a whole army who would lay down their lives for her, but he had only her!

"Okay" he threaded their fingers together on the middle console "Where do you want to go?"

"I'll go with you anywhere" she blew him a kiss making the great Abhimanyu Birla blush and Akshara to burst out into wild laughter. Abhi decided to just drive to the ghats where they could talk openly in the quiet and maybe sneak in a couple of kisses. She ambled of out of the car as soon as he stopped it after their short drive and bounced around with unspent energy. She looked so sweet doing it with her reddened cheeks and hair flying all around her, Abhimanyu had to walk around the car and steal a hug and then and only then did he feel like his world was righted.

"Abhiii you have to let me go so we can sit" her garbled voice filtered through where her lips moved pressed closer to his chest but she made no efforts to remove herself from his hug as she said it making him grin and squeeze her tighter before letting her go. "Hi, I missed you" he said as they walked hand in hand to sit on the bench overlooking the lake. Once they sat down, Akshara turned to him and cupped his cheeks "did you not sleep in the last two days?" she traced the smudges of darkness on his undereye and finally pressed a kiss on his cheek.

Twin Flames: a YRKKH Abhira ffWhere stories live. Discover now