Chapter 4

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Dr Abhimanyu Birla stomped towards his cabin simmering in anger and with a strong feeling of impending doom. As he saw the two nurses from earlier waiting patiently outside his cabin he couldn't help but let out a lengthy sigh. All he wanted to do was to wrap up the last patients of the day and go take a nap. He could barely sleep through the nights as it is and he didn't need to deal with this drama anymore.

The nurses saw Dr. Birla stomping towards them and gulped visibly. Abhimanyu Birla made an impressive image being 6'1, extremely well toned with muscles popping out everywhere and a jawline that could cut glass. He had one of the most beautiful features but the cold hard eyes he liked to throw around made him menacing to look at and people tended to avoid his general office area for the fear of a verbal lashing. It was hard to ignore him considering his name was on the bloody hospital 'Birla Hospital' also known as one of the best hospitals in the country. Dr. Abhimanyu Birla was a world renowned surgeon and probably the youngest of his kind to have achieved what he had at such a young age. He was a formidable presence in the medical field and demanded the best from his staff and had no trouble reprimanding them if the standards dropped even a little below perfection.

"You both can leave. I don't want to do this right now" Abhimanyu said to them before stalking towards his office door.

"But sir.. we are extremely sorry, please give us one chance. We really love working here and don't want to lose this opportunity" one of the nurses pleaded.
"For f*ck's sake. I am not firing you. I just need you to get out of my office and be on time for your regular nursing duties tomorrow" he said and slammed the door to his office as the two nurses scurried away mumbling a quick thank you and sorry.

Abhimanyu sat at his desk and immediately held his head in his hands. He tried not to think about the upcoming visit to the Birla mansion but his mind unwittingly ended up thinking about his dysfunctional family. Abhimanyu did really love his siblings Anisha and Neil and also his cousins Nishtha and Parth Bhai plus Shefali bhabhi but he could not stomach the thought of going back to that house, the same house which caused him so much trauma. The house which he and his mom almost died at while Taiji and Tauji watched on. How was he expected to visit that same place ? He was tired of putting on a brave mask all the time and shrieking on the inside constantly. That house belonged to his late father Dr. Harshvardhan Birla a man well renowned in their community. A man who founded Birla hospital. A man who was so ugly on the inside yet was praised constantly by the media and the public even after his passing away. This was the same man Abhimanyu was constantly compared to and he was sick and tired of pretending that he liked his late father when all he wanted to do was yell and scream at the world and tell them how much of a despicable human Dr. Harsh really was. Abhimanyu hated that he had to keep it all under wraps for they were one of the if not the most affluent families in the city, state and possibly the entire country. He needed to save his mother from the backlash that was sure to be oncoming had the media got even an in-linking of the actual Birla clan relationships.

Abhimanyu was just so tired but he knew sleep would once again evade him or the nightmares would keep him up. Whichever scenario happened, he knew he was in for a long night and so decided to look through some patient files first.

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