Chapter 69

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After spending a couple of days and sleepless nights mulling over her future, Akshara after long painful moments concluded that her anxiety shouldn't be the reason for her to not be able to achieve her dreams and it was indeed simply that, her anxiety. Because logically she knew that it didn't matter what the staff thought of her, she knew who she was and how she had gotten the job so what did it really matter if they thought otherwise? The people who knew her, knew how she ticked would never doubt her and her patients loved her. She was good at what she did dammit.

At her profound epiphany, Akshara felt her skin itch, it felt too hard to breathe and too hot to be in her own skin. The Ac was blasting in her room but that still wasn't cooling her off. No, she knew exactly why she was so uncomfortable and if she didn't fix it this very second, she would have to peel her skin off her body. Not waiting to check the time, Akshara threw on a hoodie over her nightshirt and hurried out of the house in the pitch darkness of the night. She drove away, her mind occupied with the sole mission of getting to her goal.

Parking haphazardly, she rushed into his apartment hoping and praying he was around and the moment she entered she knew from the change in the air that he was indeed home. Trying to be as stealthy as possible she entered his room to see the moonlight highlighting Abhimanyu's profile. He was lying on his back, his arms crossed behind his head and staring at the ceiling probably burning holes in it with his irritated gaze. Akshara's eyes skimmed his body appreciatively rejoicing in the fact that he hadn't yet clocked her presence.

Not being able to hold off any longer, she tiptoed into the room coming to a stop by his side and hastily toed off her shoes before straddling his very naked waist causing him to startle and reach out to grab her waist in shock.

The two of them kept staring at each other's faces, their only source of light the moon highlighting their profiles, both taking catalogue of the other's body trying to drink as much in as possible after their admittedly short but painful separation.

"You've lost weight" he declared in voice laced with fury "were you not eating?"

Choosing not to respond to his question she stared at him back, equally furious "And you look like you haven't slept in a week." Guess they were at an impasse.

"I uh couldn't, not without you-"Abhimanyu whispered hoarsely after a moment's hesitation and Akshara's annoyance left her body. Their pettiness was not worth his wellbeing, she was an idiot for forgetting that he was struggling with his nightmares which were probably made worse by her absence. But if she showed him that she was feeling guilty about it, he would be offended and maybe get furious with her, so Akshara decided to remain quiet staring into his beautiful eyes.

"You came" he breathed almost dreamily into the dead quiet of the night.

"Sorry it took me this long" she whispered back, hesitantly reaching out a hand to stroke his stubbled jaw. Suddenly he closed his eyes, pressing his cheek firmly into her palm. Their fight and the ensuing pettiness felt so silly in that moment as her heart felt like it was finally thrumming back to life after a quiet hiatus.

"Our first big fight" Abhimanyu declared, eyes still closed, making Akshara smile despite herself.

"I'll say sorry if you say sorry" she declared in a voice laced with humor but when he didn't respond, Akshara huffed gently "Always so stubborn."

Grabbing his hands from her waist she raised them up over his head causing him to open his eyes in shock and stare at her, but not waiting to give him a chance to speak she bent down and took his parted lips into her mouth in a harsh punishing kiss, the moment she felt him returning her kiss she pulled away smirking "Say sorry" she demanded.

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