Chapter 40

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Akshara felt like someone had hit her multiple times with a bat, everything hurt and she wasn't sure why. She tried to focus and figure out where it was coming from but it felt like her body was in a chokehold and she couldn't move. She tried to slowly flex her toes and it frustrated her when she couldn't, she went in and out of consciousness and remembered fleeting conversations happening around her but nothing was concrete enough for her brain to grasp.
After what felt like days, her head finally cleared enough for her to try opening her eyes and she slowly blinked trying to clear her head and see something besides the white flashes. Slowly the room came into focus and she looked around her surroundings to find out that she was on a hospital bed with a bunch of tubes running through her right hand and machines beeping around her, the room seemed surprisingly empty but she couldn't move her body up to check. As she took catalogue of her body, she realized that everything was sore and if she could find a way to voice it, she would have groaned loudly but her throat refused to move and her mouth was so dry she could barely swallow. As her brainfog cleared some more, she was startled to find someone resting their head on her bed on the left side their face away from her. No not someone, Abhimanyu!! What was he doing here? What had happened?
She willed her arms to move so she could wake him up and preferably ask for some water and finally after what felt like a thousand years, she successfully raised her left hand and grinned at herself for completing such a normal task. She slowly stroked his soft hair causing him to stir sleepily before jerking upright and getting up frantically. His eyes were red rimmed and he looked like he had barely slept in weeks, his face had lines of exhaustion and his normally smooth face was covered with a scraggly beard. He was talking to her, asking questions in rapid succession but her brain was too mushy for her to comprehend anything.
"Water" she choked out causing him to run around and grab a small glass with a straw. As she began gulping water greedily, he pulled the glass away "slowly slowly baby, you'll choke" she tried to slow down and sip the water. There was something odd in his voice but Akshara was too uncomfortable to even think, let alone figure out what was going on. Once she drank the water it felt like her clarity was returning to her and she blinked up at him "Hi". She wasn't sure why he spluttered at her words. "Sorry I woke you up"
At her words, something seemed to unleash on his face for the next second he sat down next to her grabbing her hand and to her horror tears were dripping down from his eyes.
"Are you okay?" She whispered trying to move but her body wouldn't comply yet.
"ME?? You are worried about me? You silly woman, I almost lost you" he looked so sad, she still hadn't caught up to what he was saying.
"Abhii don't cry it's ok I'm here." She took her hand out from his grasp and wiped his eyes as best as she could with only one working hand. Abhimanyu grabbed her hand and kissed it fervently "I was so worried Akshu, don't ever do this to me again" at this point she would have promised him anything if it took away the haunted look on his face.
"Ok" she whispered "what happened? Why am i here?"
He startled and then came closer to stroke her cheek, "you don't remember? You were brought to Birla hospital last night and you had an emergency surgery, Akshu I-" he couldn't complete his sentence without choking "I was really really scared"
If her normally strong Abhimanyu was this scared maybe it was bad? Her brain started alerting her. "What surgery?"
"Baby you don't remember anything? Bade papa bringing you here last night? You had an ovarian cyst rupture and a lot of internal bleeding." He continued stroking her cheek in awe. His words should have caused her some semblance of alarm yet all she could think of was how much she like him calling her baby! After she stared at his handsome face for a few minutes blinking up at him.
"Ok where is everyone? What time is it?"
"Akshu, things were really bad for a bit, we were worried about an infection and I can't let anyone else meet you yet. Aarohi and I have been alternating staying with you and it's 1AM the night after you were operated" his voice held so much pain that Akshara felt herself tearing up. Abhimanyu thought it was because she wanted her family around "No no baby please don't cry. I'm sorry I can't let them come in yet but hopefully tomorrow okay? After your blood work comes through" he was so gentle with her and wiping her tears that it made her cry harder. Amidst sobs and shaking her head she managed "no i am worried about you" and when he didn't respond to her words and stopped stroking her cheeks, she looked to see him watching her stunned.
"Akshara I am telling you we almost lost you and you're worried about me? Why?"
She cried harder at this "because you are so sad. I don't like you sad"
"Ok ok I'm ok. Please stop crying, you can't take stress right now. Please." At his panic, Akshara's crying subsided. "Ok".

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