Chapter 5

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It was Thursday, a full two days after Akshu's return to the Goenka house and she had finally somewhat gotten over her raging jetlag and her days had started to have some sense of normalcy. Akshu stretched while looking around her room and wondered how things could stay exactly the same within the room even when years seem to have gone by and she had completely changed.

Akshara knew that Bade Papa and Kairav Bhaiya would soon like to have a conversation with her about her future and she was wary of the same because even though she had a Bachelor's from a reputed University in Udaipur and a Master's from one of the top most programs in NYC and a much coveted internship with a hospital as Music Therapist, she had not told her family about the diagnosed anxiety issues she had. The only person who knew about it was Aarohi and Akshu has sworn her sister to secrecy. Aarohi's support through her tough years in the USA were the only thing keeping Akshara going for the most part as she tried to find her footing as a music therapist, a program not many pursued.

Akshara's anxiety issues started when she was dropped smack dab into the hustle and bustle of New York. Akshara had pretty much led a quiet, sheltered life and having fought with the family to go pursue her dreams had come at a small price. Even though the family missed her terribly and had initially rejected the idea of her going so far from home, her guidance counselor brought everyone together and told them how coveted her spot in the Master's program was and how only 2 people from the entire world qualified. Akshara convinced the family on the basis of how she wanted to bring classical music to the world and how she wanted to make her city Udaipur and her family proud of her. The family reluctantly agreed and were intensely proud of their daughter for choosing a path for herself. All of this made Akshara feel like she could not tell them about her declining mental health and cause them unnecessary worry.

Seemingly minor things sometimes set her off and she feared that the walls were closing in. She knew that she wanted to work for a charitable organization, preferably with kids, here in Udaipur but she didn't know if she was good enough for them having issues herself.

Akshara tried to shake off this melancholy from her thoughts and jumped from the bed to start her morning routine and go downstairs to get breakfast with the family before everyone left for their day jobs.

"PYAAZ KACHORI" she yelled excitedly and hugged Badi Mummy who was setting up the table. Akshara was known as a 'kachori fiend' amongst her family and the few friends she had because nothing else could get this excited yell out of our girl. She grabbed Aarohi who was sitting on the dining table about to serve herself breakfast and both sisters started yelling and creating a ruckus in general as the rest of the family started pilfering in trying to find the source of this noise.

"Manish, isn't it so nice to have the girls back home? , we must not let them leave again" Mimi whispered conspiratorially to Bade Papa.

"Maa, I know but we know how daughters are called paraya dhan in our culture and now that Akshu is 25 and Aaru is 22 we have to start looking for suitable matches for them " Bade papa whispered back to Mimi.

"Manish!! What is wrong with you? I thought we were better than that and we have been lucky enough to be blessed with two beautiful daughters who have beautiful hearts to match. Even I am not propounding such old fashioned ideas like paraya dhan. I have taught you better than that. " Mimi responded in a harsh whisper to Bade Papa.

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