Chapter 11

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 Abhimanyu looked into the room waiting impatiently for the girl to turn towards him so he could justify the feelings rushing through him. As he watched on, the girl started twirling in his direction before she twisted her foot and tried to right herself with her back still to him . 

"Careful" He almost yelled while starting to turn the door knob to go in and check on the girl but as he moved forward to do this exact same thing a young couple in their mid 30s rushed past him into the room followed by two of his nurses. One of the nurses came to a stop next to Abhimanyu and began talking to him. Abhi let out a sigh of annoyance because he simply did not want to take his eyes off the girl who still hadn't turned  towards and seemed to be happily chatting with the boy's parents and waving her hands around expressively. 

As Abhimanyu went with the nurse a little further into the corridor to look at the files, he heard a rushed but sweet "Thank you so much Dr. Birla " and the girl rushed past him in a flurry of blue, leaving a sweet smell of Jasmine lingering behind her. Abhimanyu almost lashed out at the nurse unfairly simply because she took away his opportunity to look at the girl with the voice of an angel. 

"what the f*ck is wrong with you, Abhi. You are acting in such a bizarre way, maybe I should just go get my vitals checked" he muttered to himself as he walked into the patient room to chat with the parents and check up on the boy before he is wheeled out to get his scans done. As Abhi introduced himself to the parents and the kid, he suddenly realized that the girl had called Rohan as Dr. Birla and he couldn't believe the rage he felt for a mistake someone so inconsequential to him had made, she was a stranger to him and it shouldn't have bothered him that she mistook Rohan for himself. 

"Dr. Rohan, who was that girl singing and creating a ruckus here?" Abhi asked Rohan in an annoyed tone, some of that lingering anger still within him. He knew the singing had changed something within him but he refused to let his vulnerability show in front of his staff and patients. 

"ummm sir woh?? I don't really know her name...she brought the boy in as she saw him on the street.." Rohan replied in a jerky tone and continued with "Sir i know you don't like noise and theatrics around you but the lady really helped me out with the patient. The kid took his stitches like a champ just because Madam made it so easy for me. " Rohan decided to be brave in the face of his boss's wrath and felt like he needed to defend the beautiful woman who made the last hour of his job so easy and fun. 

" Dr. Rohan if you need some random woman's help to do your job correctly maybe I should reevaluate if you actually deserve to do this job" Abhimanyu spat out as he stomped out of the room to go back to his cabin. Abhimayu understood that he was behaving like an idiot but he did not and could not deal with all the feelings suddenly flooding his body and needed to stomp out this nonsense before he truly lost his mind.

Abhimanyu had a single philosophy in his life and that was that he refused to believe in the idea of love, luck, hope and dreams. He believed that you had to work extremely hard to achieve your dreams and that fate had nothing to do with how much or how little you got around to achieving said dreams. Abhimayu hated the word 'love' because he knew the world treated it as this all compassing thing which could heal everything. He had seen how his life and his mom's life were ruined because of love and even if he had seen many great successful marriages and love stories amongst his cousins and colleagues he could never buy into that idea. Abhimanyu hated feelings and emotions of any kind and locked everything up tight behind his angry facade because he believed that people never respected love and kindness but they definitely respected power and authority. 

And this is exactly why Abhimanyu shrugged off the lingering feelings caused by the girl's voice and successfully stamped it out of his mind before continuing on to his patients. He had no time to feel things in his cold heart, he had a hospital to run.

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