Chapter 47

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When the Birlas got there, Akshara hadn't had a lick of sleep and she was crabby about it but she tried to get herself out of the funk and go downstairs to greet them. She hugged Anisha real hard for she could see how stressed and upset she looked. As everyone gathered in the living room and got served some refreshers/appetizers before dinner, Akshara snuck away to the kitchen to get a glass of juice. She was surprised when Manjari Aunty followed her "Aunty, are you ok? Do you want anything?"

Manjari wrung her hands in her saree with a look of panic on her face "Beta.. I don't know why I always come to you with my problems" Akshara quickly dropped the glass she was holding on the kitchen counter and took Manjari Aunty's hands in hers. "Aunty what's wrong? You can come to me anytime."

After a bit Manjari looked close to tears as she said "Beta do you know why Kairav is talking about date changes? I would ask the elders, but I am so scared. Bhaisahab, mimi and all seem so..." She couldn't continue for she was trying to hold her sobs in. Did Manjari Aunty think they were somehow better than them? She opened her mouth to retort with that but finally Manjari having gathered herself continued in a broken tone "I am scared, maybe we did something? Maybe Anisha did something Kairav can't forgive?" She wanted to continue but finally Akshara having had enough hugged her tightly "Aunty please. Let's not jump to conclusions. I've been trying to tell my family the whole day that. Nobody listens to me. Kairav Bhaiya told me it was okay, so I need all of you to trust him!!!" finally she pulled away when Manjari Aunty patted her back. "Also, don't mind haan Aunty,  but you and your son both go from 0 to 100 in a second. Do you know I almost had to stop him from going on a warpath." If Akshara was paying attention to Manjari's face, she would have realized what she had just insinuated but when it came to Abhimanyu, she of course was not paying attention to anything and anyone. But Abhi was the same way when it came to her because there he was stomping towards her in the kitchen not even noticing Manjari who was currently standing slightly away from Akshara partially covered by the refrigerator.

Akshara's heartrate picked up when she saw him coming to her, she too forgot Manjari was in the room with them. When he got to her, he ran the back of his palm on her forehead to check her temperature before grabbing her wrist to take her pulse making Akshara roll her eyes. "Abhiiii I am fine. Will you stop?" She swatted his hands away.

"Did you sleep, Akshara?" he asked glaring at her. "I tried but I couldn't fall asleep. Everyone was worried and I had to make sure they stopped. Nobody is listening to me." She groaned before glaring at him and slapping his chest multiple times.

"Will you" whack "Stop" whack "Calling me that" whack "I said sorry 5000 times, now can you let it go". He finally caught both her wrists in his hand and grinned down at her "It was barely twice fyi", he bent down and would have probably kissed her if Manjari hadn't cleared her throat causing both of them to jump apart guiltily without meeting each other's eyes. Akshara mumbled a quick sorry to Manjari who stood there mouth agape "What's going on?" she finally coughed out to a beet red Akshara, asking her son was pointless for he wouldn't explain anything. Akshara tried to divert Manjari's attention "Aunty this son of yours... he is a monster. A slave driver. I make one mistake and now look...see how he is treating me."

Manjari could only stare at her in amazement for she had balls to do what nobody on this planet could and she was even more surprised when Abhimanyu took her bait, once again momentarily forgetting his mother who stood right there. "Oh, I am a monster? Why don't we go out and tell everyone what happened yesterday, Akshara?"

"Will you stop bringing it up? I told you it was a mistake AND CAN YOU STOP CALLING ME THAT" she poked him in the chest "Sometimes I want to strangle you" Manjari had to clear her throat once more to get their attention. She had never seen her Abhi take so much from anyone, she mentally grinned at the progression of events but decided that she shouldn't interfere and let them come to her if/when they were ready. "You know what Akshara, I have to agree. My son can be a monster sometimes" making the sweet girl giggle. Her laughter really was a balm to heal souls and when she looked at Abhimanyu, she saw him staring at Akshara's face with a besotted expression, not even bothering to hide it. HAAAH! Finally, having realized that he was caught Abhimanyu groaned "Maa why are you taking her side?"

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