Epilogue 1

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Akshara was hurrying around getting dressed as Abhimanyu was about to pick her up for some fancy doctor's dinner thing and she was nervous as a cat. There were supposed to be all these fancy surgeons and she wasn't sure how she would live up to everyone's expectations from the great Dr. Birla's girlfriend. She had put her whole heart and soul behind getting dressed, pulling on a red form fitting dress with a sweetheart neck line showing just the right amount of cleavage and spaghetti straps leaving her arms neck and shoulder bare. She grinned as she gave herself a onceover in the mirror, yes this would definitely drive her big oaf insane.

She was nervously fidgeting with her bracelet as she waited for Abhimanyu to pick her up, it had been a couple of days since they had seen each other properly both busy with their jobs. It seemed like the only time they got together was when they met the interior designers or the architects of their new house, which was coming along beautifully and was meant to be ready in just a few short months.

Her ring tone caused Akshara to jerk nervously before hurrying on to pick it up assuming it would be Abhimanyu to let her know he was outside but her stomach sank as soon as she picked the call up and heard the tears in Mrs. Dutta's voice, "Akshara, come quick. Vansh was in an accident, and he refuses to sleep. He keeps asking for you and crying and we can't get him to take his meds or sleep." Shit. Akshara confirmed that she was on her way and the next moment she was dashing out of the house towards her car. She began driving hurriedly trying to call Abhimanyu who's phone kept going to voicemail, god he would be waiting for her but he would understand that this was their top priority. Shooting him a text she focused on driving to Rooh, sending up a little prayer to her Kanhaji hoping and praying that Vansh wasn't in too much pain.

Akshara parked her car haphazardly running in heels to get to Rooh but everything seemed so dark and quiet. Crap, maybe they'd taken him to the hospital?

Suddenly the lights in the garden turned on and Akshara looked around in shock. The entire place was covered in small glittering silver star lights, twinkling softly. But what really got her attention was the small suns and moons dripping from all the tree branches. In the middle of it all, bent down on one knee sat Abhimanyu in a very sexy tux and her breath rushed out of her chest in huge sigh. As she began running over to him, some machines  blew out puffs of clouds making the place look so magical that her heart stuttered in her chest.

He had laid down the galaxy for her. Sun, moon, stars, clouds and him. Her Abhi, the center of her universe.

Crying softly, she went over to him, stroking his cheek. "Abhi" she whispered, once again he had taken her ability to speak.

"Akshara I-" he began nervously clearing his throat, "I was a shell of a person before I met you, living day to day hoping my days would never end so I don't have to face the nights. I was shrouded in darkness and it felt so dense sometimes that I didn't even have the privilege to hope. Hope for a better day, hope for a better me, hope for a future."

She inhaled sharply wanting him to stop but also never wanting him to stop, she loved this man so so much.

"I met you first at my mother's house, but this is where I knew you were Akshara, my Akshara. But all of it didn't even matter because just your name was enough for me to know that I would forever be Abhimanyu, Akshara's Abhimanyu. I didn't have to see you or meet you to know that you were mine but more importantly I was yours, mind body and soul. And now i don't run from my days, because they all have you in it. I look forwards to nights because they lead me to you. Now I wish that each 24 hours of my day could go on forever and ever so I could extend our time together." 

"Please" she whispered softly as she saw a single tear trail down his cheek.

"I wish I could give you the real moon and stars but I promise to aim to get as close to it as possible. If you wanted the real ones, I will somehow find a way because when you smile, I feel like my world is righted and when you touch me I feel like I could move mountains. I can't fathom the thought of ever being without you, so will you please put me out of my misery and agree to be mine?" Akshara was sobbing freely, probably looking like a freak but the love shining in his eyes covered her body with goosebumps.

"Baby, will you marry me and forever become Akshara Abhimanyu Birla?" he asked sweetly and the twinge of nervousness in his voice would have almost made her giggle except she didn't have the heart to prolong his torture.

"YES, YES, A THOUSAND TIME YES" she screamed but it was cut short when he placed the ring on her finger. It was so gorgeous and so her, that a small gasp left her body but soon Abhimanyu's lips covered hers, the gasp remained forgotten.

Crying sweetly she bumped her forehead with his and they stood like that for a few seconds taking their moment in, whispering how much they loved each other.

The pair had to break apart when fireworks went off in the sky all around them and Akshara grinned at him before looking up at the sky in awe. So enraptured was she in her awe that she failed to notice the huge crowd gathered around the two of them. She jumped into Abhimanyu's chest when everyone began to yell their congratulations and greetings. Still in a daze she looked around to see her entire family, his family, all the kids from Rooh and all of their friends.

Aarohi and Neil were the first to crush the newly engaged couple in a bone crushing hug followed by all of their family. "You know Akshara, this guy had the audacity to ask for your hand" Bade Papa said and she whirled her head around to a blushing Abhimanyu.

"As if  if we said no he wouldn't ask" Mimi grinned pulling his ear making him blush some more before he hid his reddened face in Akshu's neck.

"Okay enough, no more teasing my fiancé" Akshara threatened her family running her hand in his hair making him sigh softly.

"oh I see is that how it is now? Fiancé?" Akshara spun around in shock at the voice before shrieking loudly and running towards Shudhanshu. "What? why? How? When?" she asked in a blubbering mess, snot and tears probably running down her face, mentally hoping that nobody took pictures of this version of her.

"Your FIANCE asked me to come and also for my permission" he replied smugly pulling her close but Akshara's heart hammered at his words, she tilted her head in Abhimanyu's direction and she was sure he could read the gratitude and love on her face, heck the entire crowd probably could. He had given her the galaxy but also everyone she held dear in it. 

Soon champagne and food was brought out and everyone was mingling and partying like it was going out of style. All the kids were running around, their joy palpable. Abhimanyu had one arm around each Dwiti and Akash and they seemed to be whispering about something only the three of them were privy to while Akshara bent down towards Vansh who was vying for her attention.

"I told you you were Abhi Bhaiya's princess, see. He even let me help with the stars" he was so goddamn cute that a few more happy tears escaped her eyes.

"I am his princess, aren't I?" she whispered into the air, closing her eyes and thanking whichever god was listening for giving her the privilege to love and be loved by Abhimanyu. When she opened her eyes, her gaze met his and she mouthed a soft "I love you" and smiled widely when he mouthed an "I love you" back.

Her gaze flitted over the crowd, and she felt the peace and love sink into her bones. Sure they will have ups and downs that life throwed at them but this was forever. They had built a community of love and support and finally the darkness always clouding Abhimanyu's eyes had receded in the past year they'd been together.

Walking over to him and interrupting his conversation with the kids who scattered instantly muttering a loud ewww, she hugged him tightly letting him hug her back and kiss her neck.

This was perfect, everything was perfect. 


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