Chapter 62

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That night Abhimanyu was getting ready for bed when Neil called him, making him jump "Neil, it's late, is everything ok?" Abhimanyu murmured as he turned the light on to check the time.

"Yeah I don't know Bhai" He was clearly in distress as he continued "Vansh called and asked all of us to go over to the Goenka house urgently" 

"Fuck, that's not good right? It's almost 12:30" Abhimanyu paced around, grabbing the back of his neck in stress.

"Yeah, I know. The girls were going to tell the family about us, weren't they? Fuck bhai what if they are calling us to beat our asses?" Abhimanyu wanted to laugh at Neil's words but the fact that this could be his reality sobered him up really quick. "Okay, it's ok. Let's just go and see what it is. Don't worry, I'll handle it" Abhimanyu wished he could back his words with some of the confidence he had tried to instill in Neil, but his heart had begun to race as he got dressed and shot out of the door.

He met his siblings barring Nishtha at the front of the Goenka house, Neil looked like he was a soldier being taken in to be martyred and he had a growing suspicion that his face probably mirrored Neil's expressions.

"Oooo you're here, okay let's go" Anisha bounced up and down trying to beat the late-night Udaipur chill. To everyone's surprise she didn't enter the house through the main door instead nodding at the night guard who opened a side door leading to the back of the house where Anisha led them to a set of stairs.

"Ani, why are we sneaking in?" Abhimanyu asked but was immediately shushed by Anisha

"Stop, someone will wake up, I've done this a thousand of times it's okay" Anisha whispered before biting her tongue and glancing at Abhimanyu guiltily.

"Oh, have you now?" he halted on the steps crossing his arms glaring at his sister, he didn't have to look around him to see Neil and Parth Bhai probably matching his stance. "You guys are such losers, play this stupid manly game with someone else. Now move your asses." Shefali Bhabhi prodded Parth who reluctantly waved his hands around to make Anisha start climbing the stairs again.

The stairs led to multiple of the Goenka mansion's floors, but Anisha bypassed it all, instead taking them to the terrace where faint music was playing, and a loud argument was going on between Kairav and Aarohi. Abhimanyu glanced worriedly at Neil before reluctantly moving his feet. He nor the other Birla siblings were ready for the sight that unfurled before them.

Kairav and Aarohi were in fact not arguing, they were arm wrestling???? And yelling profanities at each other, what the fuck? Abhimanyu frantically looked around to find a giggling Akshara literally rolling on the floor in laughter with Vansh accompanying her. The Birla siblings glanced at each other before Shefali Bhabhi subtly pointed to the bottles of alcohol spread around on the floor. Aah, suddenly it all made sense.

"You guys are here!!!!" Akshara squealed, her eyes unfocused and glazed over from alcohol, she looked so goddman cute grinning up at him that Abhimanyu wanted to rush over to her and wrap her in his arms, hide her from the world.

Akshara's squeal caused the rest of the Goenkas to finally look up and suddenly they were all dragged into the middle of the terrace and chaos erupted as they yelled over each other to be heard.

"Kairav bhaiya was just about to lose the bet" Aarohi yelled while Kairav turned to Anisha yelling "No, I was letting her win. Like a good brother" Anisha giggled as she patted Kairav's chest

"We were hanging out, getting some bonding time but then we realized that it's not as fun hanging out without you guys now, so we called you." Vansh sounded very proud of himself as he relayed the info with hiccups, Abhimanyu's heart warmed at his admission though. Amidst all the chaos, Akshara was the only one sitting in the corner squinting at her phone. He wanted to go over to her but Neil stopped him and dragged him in a corner

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