Chapter 9

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Akshara followed the boy to the hospital, out of breath and trying to hold on to her sanity. She needed space from everyone to calm herself down but she knew she had to brave this out for the little boy. They caught the attention of one of nurses and the driver bhaiya asked them to help the poor boy who was still sobbing and calling out for his mom.

The nurses told them that she would page the emergency Doctor on call, Doctor Birla, to come see them and he should be able to stop by soon. Akshara was still gasping for air and trying to calm her racing heart as she asked driver bhaiya to go get Aarohi or she will be worried.

As he left, Akshu sat down on the bed next to the boy and began talking to him softly. She held his hand and asked for his name
"Rishabh.." the boy said amidst loud sobs.
"Ok Rishabh, you are one of the bravest little boys I have met and we are going to be ok. You know only superheroes can stop crying when they are very sad. They have a magical power to make them stop crying, do you think you have that power? Should we try to look for that power?" She asked the boy earnestly having forgotten her own fears.
The boy nodded with tears streaming down his face. Atleast his sobs had quieted down she thought. The door to the room they were in opened and a tall, fairly handsome guy in a doctor's coat walked in.

"Hi my name is.." he began but Akshara in her panic began to say "Hi Dr. Birla, please could you look at this boy? His name is Rishabh and I think he has hurt himself really badly. The blood doesnt seem to be stopping. Please.. please help" she said as she began gasping.
The kind Doctor asked her to take a seat and hold the kid's hand as he began to examine it. He started making conversation with the boy asking him where it hurt and if he had hit his head or not.
The gash on the little kid's hand was quite deep and the Dr.  told Akshu that he would definitely need a couple of stitches. Akshu and the boy both looked horrified but Akshu knew that she had to be the adult as the boy's family wasn't around to console him. As the Doctor started taking out instruments she saw the boy's lips begin to wobble as if he was about to start sobbing.
She started soothing the boy and talking to him about his superhero powers. She told the boy "How about you be the superhero and I can be your silly sidekick?" "I don't have any superpowers like you do, but my Mimi says my voice can heal people, should we give it a try?"

The boy nodded and looked in Akshara's direction and as the Doctor began sterilizing the area  the boy flinched and tried to get away from there. "Hey hey what shall I sing for you Mr. superhero?" She tried to divert the boy's mind. 
"Do you like hindi music?" She asked to which Rishabh nodded with a slight smile on his face. "Ok then.. I will sing a song from Fanaa for you, are you ready?"
She saw the boy grinning and as the Doctor started injecting anesthesia to numb the hand, she began..

"Chanda chamke cham cham cheekhe chaukanna chor, cheeto chaate cheeni chatori cheeni khor..." she began in a melodious voice causing the Doctor stitching up the hand to take a pause and stare at her in amazement.

She had picked an interactive song for the boy so he could sing along with her and possibly forget about his hurting hand. Rishabh was mesmerized by this older didi who was singing to him and sang along at the parts where she asked him to causing the smile on his face to be a permanent fixture.
Akshara got up and even twirled and swirled as to make sure the boy's face never turned towards the Doctor stitching his hand up. The doctor had never had such a quick and successful surgery, especially that of a kid. He looked at her almost flabbergasted as she sang and danced about causing the boy to dissolve in a fit of giggles.
This was Akshu in her element and what a beautiful sight she made in her long blue maxi dress swirling around her and the quiet jangling of her bangles....

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