Chapter 32

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Abhimanyu ran where his instincts told him to, driven by his heart. When he found her, his heart fell through his stomach, for she was standing by one of the large columns outside what looked like a study with her back braced on the column, her fists which were almost white were clutching her lehenga and her eyes were closed and she was gasping loudly enough for Abhimanyu to be really concerned, her lips were almost blue dammit. FUCK FUCK FUCK, he panicked internally before rushing over to her when he saw she was ready to almost pass out and fall flat on her face. "Akshu!!!" he yelled as he went and grabbed her arms to avoid her imminent fall. He slowly rubbed her arms with his hands and started talking to her quickly, but nothing seemed to be getting through to her, she was losing precious air. He hugged her tightly to himself and started asking her to listen to his heartbeat "Look Akshu right where your head is resting, can you hear my heartbeat? Everything is ok! Sudhanshu is safe" she shook her head into his chest but let go of her lehenga to clutch his kurta tightly instead.

"Akshu look, can you match my breaths with yours? Everything is ok I promise..." her anxiety from a few seconds ago seemed to have gone down at least by a couple notches. He clutched her tightly and slowly began rocking the two of them side to side with his arms resting on her back, what seemed to jerk her out suddenly from her spiral was the feeling of his warm hands on her cold cold back. "Good just like that, take a few more breaths for me baby, you're safe and everyone is ok even Sudhanshu" she nodded her face still hidden into his chest. She slowly unfurled her fist and placed a hand over his heart. "Can you feel it beating?" she nodded which spurred him on as he rubbed her bare back with his palms to warm her up. "Sudhanshu..." she asked in a broken whisper before her breath hitched and he could feel her start to get into her head once again.

"Look if you listen carefully, you can hear the sound of everyone singing." He whispered into her hair. "I promise he is ok, in fact if we go out there you will see him laughing with Aarohi and Nishtha." She slowly moved her head away from his chest just enough to look into his eyes with tears streaked on her beautiful face causing his heart to break. He gently let her go causing her to clutch his kurta once again tightly unwilling to let him go far shaking her head. "I'm not going anywhere, I'm right here. Take all the time you need" he said while looking into her eyes and gently wiping her face.

"It's all my fault" she murmured into his chest and if he had his sanity about him he would have stopped to think how her closeness did not repulse him, in fact quite the opposite.

"Ofcourse it wasn't your fault, don't be silly. You can't control how people think but you can control how it affects you. None of the people who matter would judge him or you for something this normal."

"Did he leave?" she asked forgetting what he had said moments ago "NO! ofcourse I wasn't going to let him leave. You love him, so he stays!" She looked up at him suddenly at his words before hugging him tight to her once again.

"Abhimanyu Thank you, you don't know how much this means to me" he didn't know how to respond to this. He murmured almost to himself "for you? I'd do anything" and refused to meet her startled gaze. He couldn't start making promises he was very well going to break, but he had just needed a moment to gather himself. He brushed a soft kiss on the top of her head before creating some distance between them. "Do you feel better?" At her nod he held out his hand for her to take "Come, it's time to go back to your family. Aarohi probably is turning the house upside down for you" She took his large, outstretched hand and squeezed it with all her might before letting it go and walking side by side with him to the main hall. When they got to the main hall, Abhimanyu slowly slipped away creating some distance between them but his watchful eyes followed her to her sister and Sudhanshu who she hugged tightly. Slowly he saw the stress leave her body as she was swept away by the hustle and bustle of the ceremony. Soon everyone was dancing and singing loudly, the drama from before forgotten completely. He had to do one more thing before he could go and find his siblings and grab some much needed food for his stomach was growling now that he knew Akshara was safe and happy. He found who he was looking for standing with his mother who looked like she was ready to have a nervous breakdown, his bua who saw him walking towards the, immediately seemed to change demeanor in front of his very eyes. "Abhi beta..look this is not right that Akshara is.." Abhimanyu saw his mother's tearful eyes and clenched his fists

Twin Flames: a YRKKH Abhira ffWhere stories live. Discover now