Chapter 23

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Akshara hurried into Donny's with her mind running at a thousand mile per hours. She was so sure that Abhimanyu was listening in on her conversation with Neil. What did he want?? He was the one who had told Parth that she wouldn't be stepping into the hospital and working for him so what had changed? Was this some sort of a test? This man would send her to an early grave, she was so sure of it. She picked a table in the corner as she waited for Sudhanshu but her mind was still on Abhimanyu.

She played with the silver bangles on her wrist as she contemplated ordering a Gin and Tonic to soothe her frazzled nerves, she was an adult after all and what was stopping her, she wondered before giving in and ordering a G&T. She wasn't driving anyway and she needed alcohol to take that edge off that seemed to be ever present every time Abhimanyu was in the picture. She looked around at the crowd in Donny's and couldn't help but feel nostalgic. This used to be her stomping ground when she was younger and somehow even though years had passed, nothing had changed. The café/bar was still as busy as it always was with white furniture and walls painted in varying shades of blue to give the patrons a calming ambience. Akshara sipped on her drink and looked around, but her brain couldn't register anything except Abhimanyu it seemed. No, she was going to reject Neil's proposal and that would be the end of it. She could avoid HIM on Sundays if he chose to come over to the foundation, but she won't put herself in a vulnerable position in front of him anymore, especially now when he seemed to be taking up so much space in her mind and heart.

As Akshara sipped on her drink casually, she suddenly felt a crackle in the air. There was just this subtle shift around her causing her to startle and start looking around, her gaze flitted over the space until her eyes locked with Abhimanyu who was stalking over to her. He made such a imposing figure that the crowd immediately parted for him without him having to do anything. Akshara could make out atleast 4 women who had stopped what they were doing to stare at Abhimanyu, who demanded respect and attention even dressed in matching sweats. Once her brain had caught up with her and she registered that it really was Abhimanyu, she spluttered and choked on her sip of the drink. WHAT THE HELL WAS HE DOING HERE NOW? She coughed and spluttered over the straw still in her mouth as her face turned red.

Her brain screamed at her to get it together because she couldn't bear to look like an idiot in front of this man who dressed and composed himself in a way that just grabbed attention from everyone, men and women alike. "Akshara you fool" she muttered to herself before finally getting herself in order to look at a smirking Abhimanyu who was peering down at her from his height.

"Are you okay, Akshara?" he asked her while still suppressing laughter by pressing his lips together.

"You.. you.. YOU! What are you doing here?" Akshara asked in between coughs while waving her hand to let him know he could take a seat. Akshara could all but watch in between chokes and coughs as an amused Abhimanyu took out a chair and brought it uncomfortably close to her and straddled it in a way that should honestly be illegal. She finally gathered herself enough to ask him "are you stalking me Dr. Birla?" He was too close for comfort and his aftershave smelled so delicious that Akshara could feel her mind floating in outerspace making her heady. Who smelled like this after a day full of seeing patients? Kanhaji why are you punishing me, give me one glaring flaw of his because I cannot do this she silently muttered to herself.

Abhimanyu was still looking at her with a bemused expression as he slowly pushed a glass of water towards her. "Drink" One word, that's all it took for her stupid heart to start pattering loudly and she followed his command without questioning it. Stupid stupid akshu her brain yelled at her as she started gulping the water.

"slowly" Abhimanyu nudged her to slow down while patting her back and that small contact was felt by both through the thin barrier of her kurti and her startled gaze was met with an equally startled Abhimanyu, she knew he felt the same zing she did and before he could say something Akshara backtracked and cleared her throat dropping her glass of water on the table and angling her body towards Abhimanyu.

Twin Flames: a YRKKH Abhira ffWhere stories live. Discover now