Chapter 31

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Abhimanyu was the last of his family to arrive because he refused to travel with them. He would quite literally rather bite his hand off than spend any more time with them than absolutely warranted. As a result, when he entered the Goenka house he knew everyone would be waiting to pounce on him like bloodthirsty suckers. He hated the attention, especially from people who probably wanted a donation or a business partnership with him and that was precisely why he voluntarily missed out on most of these atrocities. The worst was when people came close to him and tried touching him or tried talking to him about how he was upholding his father's legacy. Abhimanyu scoffed mentally as he thought about it, what legacy? He had to take over the running of the hospital and every other investment they had under the Birla name when he was merely 18 and about to enter medical school and you know what his father left behind? A debt so deep that he was in it up to his eyeballs and he had to wade through it, HE was the one who made the Birla legacy debt free, forget debt free he made it into the billion dollar enterprise it currently was, he thought bitterly as he slowly walked over inside the Goenka house. He took a moment to look around as he entered the house and he automatically compared the goenka house to his mother's and he realized that while his mother's house was impressive in size it couldn't hold a candle to the goenkas because this house screamed warmth with it's white marble interiors while birla's had a much darker undertone. He thought bitterly of how that also was the difference between the characteristics of everyone here vs the birlas. Before he could go into much detail about the difference, he felt a tug in his heart as he stepped in and walked closer to the gathered crowd to find his family. Akshara was close, his heart sending a signal to his brain. He looked around trying to find her, but he couldn't see her through the throngs of people. Where was she?

Soon Abhimanyu was surrounded by crowds of people wanting his attention and he had to actually physically remove a couple of aunty's hands stroking his shoulder or grabbing his arm. Why did people have to touch him to get their points across he thought in disgust. "AA GAYA MERA BACCHA (my kid is here)" Bua exclaimed loudly from the other corner of the house causing every head to turn to him and he was horrified to see that there were over 200 people here. Abhimanyu let the mask he wore in public to slip over his face and mask his emotions completely from everyone as he ambled over to where his family was. The only person he acknowledged was his mom and his sister Anisha who looked stunning in a royal blue lehenga. He felt his breath hitch in his throat, when had his baby sister grown up so much my god. He said those exact sentence to her before kissing her on her head as she looked at him with watery eyes. Bua grabbed him as he was chatting with Anisha and soon he was dragged from one influential person to the next by his bua singing praises about how HER son was better than everyone present here. Abhimanyu felt like a prized pony and he knew he couldn't create a scene with all these people around but what he could do was not give people an inch of his time or his thoughts. He simply nodded at everyone and contributed exactly 0 things to the conversations. He would be damned if he let these vultures get even an inch of his meat.

As his Bua dragged him to another group of some young women chattering, he felt like he wanted to scream and rage on the inside, he knew he wouldn't be allowed to spend time with his siblings today for surely bua was smart enough to know that she had been played yesterday. However, luckily for him, he saw Mimi and freed his arm from his Bua's grasp and went to the group of older women sitting in a circle. He touched Mimi's feet and was as shocked as yesterday when he felt the warmth in her as she blessed him by stroking his hair and then cupping his cheek, if he did physical outwards affection he would have hugged her god forbid!! He politely excused himself before nodding at others in Mimi's circle as he saw Aarohi fluttering around with Sudhanshu, where was SHE? Was she ok? "Dr. Birla, how are you this lovely evening?" Aarohi had a huge smirk on her face...had Akshara mentioned something to her he wondered? Did she think he was mention worthy? "Abhimanyu please, Aarohi. You will be calling me Dr. Birla out of fear soon enough, let's try to postpone it as much as we can" At Aarohi's wide smile, he felt an opening to ask if she was here. Should he ask her? He tried to give the room a quick onceover to see if he had missed her which was highly unlikely, he would be able to pick her out even in Kumbh mela. "She's not here yet" Aarohi smirked before giggling with Sudhanshu. "what...who.." he played with his collar, his neck suddenly hot as he saw Aarohi roll her eyes at him. Whatever Aarohi said was drowned out as he felt his heartbeat rush in his ears..Akshu was slowly descending the stairs in a green lehenga and he for sure thought that he had died and gone to heaven. She looked so beautiful that he could almost hear the stillness that had taken over the room as everyone turned over to watch her, she had been gone long enough and he could tell that these vultures were ready to pounce on her. He saw the sheer panic take over her face and his heart froze. He willed her to look at him and as he watched over she started frantically sifting her gaze through the crowd as if looking for someone. When her gaze snatched with his, he tried to tell her to move her feet which were still frozen on the top of the stairs. He wanted to give her all his strength if it meant she could walk through the crowd without a hitch. He had to break his connection with her when he heard Aarohi freak out next to him "Shit shit suds we should have been more careful and never let her walk down by herself. What the fuck were we thinking?" In the few seconds it took for him to look at Aarohi before dragging his eyes back to Akshu, he saw her stumble on the last step before catching herself. He clenched his hands because he almost wanted to yell out for her to be careful. Their gaze snatched once again and he implored her through is eyes to be careful when taking the stairs, this caused her to giggle before biting her tongue. Soon he lost sight of her as she was crowded by someone or the other and he could finally breath better knowing she was ok.

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