Chapter Six

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The girls ran towards the alley, to help whoever was in danger, Nergal got there first and she was shocked about what she saw. "Demons! In the city! Since when!" Nergal mumbled in her mind, as she couldn't believe what she was looking at, but the screaming brought her back to reality. A woman with her child is surrounded with herds of demons, she immediately used her gun and shot the sky to shift the demons focus to her, then draws her sword and was about to charge but Galvina stopped her.

-"Hey! What is wrong with you! They are running toward us!" Nergal said angrily

-"I know, but we need to plan our move, look most of them are still with the lady" Galvina was looking around, and had an idea. "Hey! Quickly attack them, I'll jump above, and save the lady and her child, I will get them out of here and join you back ok!" she said firmly

Nergal nodded, and charge towards them, as for Galvina she managed to get to the lady, carried the child and ran away. The child hid his face into Galvina's shoulder and held her tightly, her heart suddenly beats fast, her eyes opened wildly "w-what is that" she murmured to herself, she felt weird, but at the same time she felt that this child, and his mother needed her protection, she massaged his head and said softly "it is going to be alright, I will save you and your mother ok?".

After few minutes of running, they managed to get as far as possible from the fight, Galvina put the child down, as he was smiling to her "thank you lady!" he raised both of his hands for a hug, but Galvina was discombobulated, didn't know how to react, so she patted his head with a smile, and said "you are most welcome, now go away just in case" the mother is panting, and trying to catch her breath while looking at Galvina "thank you, y-you save us today, w-without you or your friend we would be dead by now" a tear rolled on her cheeks, Galvina looked at her sadly, if she did not follow Nergal, or insisted to stay, they would be killed by then.

-"its ok lady, no need to thank us, now please leave this area" she pointed to the other direction, "go this way for now ok!, bye" she smiled and ran back to her sister.


-Nergal is fighting amazingly, as she swings her sword, and shoots left and right, she was having a blast. "Finally! It has been a while, since I used my sword, come on you filthily things, attack me!!" she exclaimed happily.

Galvina, ran towards them, draw her sword from its sheath and with a swift motion of her sword, which she is able to cut through a dimensional barrier, as she unleashes a vortex of destruction and kneeled in style. She stood up and sheaths her sword back, as every single demon has fell on the ground, Nergal stood shockley, but her smile got wider when she saw the move, gasped surprisingly and said "DUDE! What a move!! How did you do that! Since when you can teleport"

-Galvina looked at her sister, and smiled evilly "Since I'm cool, amazing, fantastical and magical my dear sister, do you want my autograph?". she facepalm herself "My god, remind me to NEVER praise you ever again, you are so full of yourself!"

-"Anyway are you ok thought? Sorry I'm late I had to take them as far as possible" she asked worryingly.

-"Well if you didn't interrupted me with your dramatic move, they would be dead and I will be asking for more, but yes I'm alright" she answered with a tit smile.

Both of them fixed their looks and walked away, they were cruising around the alleys for fun, their intention was not shopping, it was more bonding with each other than anything else. True Nergal had a plan, she is still on the hunt, but spending time with Galvina was one of her other plans as well, as they are barley have time because of their work schedules.

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