Chapter Fifteen

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The air was thin as her scent was all over the place. Anahel was panting and shaking, Karael's mouth was opened widely the more she gets closer. Nergal was standing so close to their table, her eyes were fixed on Anahel as it's like nobody existed around her, she was lost in her beauty. She couldn't say anything, the only thing she did was looking at her. However she is not willing to lose this opportunity, her mouth was about to open to ask her about her name at least, but such wish wasn't meant to be fulfilled as the waitress burst into Nergal.

-"Hello boss! it has been awhile, we missed you by the way, shall I prepare your usual order?" she asked happily. Nergal groaned annoyingly, as the moment that she has been waiting for was interrupted, she looked at her coldly "yes, the usual". she looked back at Anahel and smiled softly, Karael stood up as they definitely were late for Eva's speech, "we are late let us go" she said in low ton.

-Ana nodded uncontrollably and stood up, as her cousin held her hand and walked away, but Nergal held her arm to stop her. She gasped loudly and turned to look at her "p-please, j-just tell me y-your name, p-please" She said stutteringly.

-Anahel's lips were trembling, her heart was beating as if it is about to break her chest, her mind was numb, she couldn't even move. She looked deeply into her dark blue eyes, a sudden feeling moved her body, like an electric shock, her breath grew even heavily as she felt that she is about to faint at any moment. "her name is Anahel " Karael answered with a small smile.

-Nergal smiled even wider, she nodded and removed her hands disappointingly "n-nice to meet you, off you go then, b-be safe, I hope that I will see you again" she said nervously.

-She nodded as her cousin dragged her away giggling at her. Nergal on the other hand stood still as she is looking at her walking away, she couldn't help but to keep smiling while her hand is massaging her nape excitedly "finally! I will make sure that I will see you again Anahel" she murmured under her breath.

-They entered the car as Ana's face was completely blushed, she couldn't believe what just happened moments ago. "T-Theo, t-to Eva now!" was the only words that she could say at the moment.  Karael was looking at her in awe "take a deep breath, because I can hear your heart beating loudly" she said teasingly.

-She clenched her fist as her legs were shaking rapidly, "w-what is happening to me" she said pantingly. Karael sat closer to her and cupped her cheeks, "hey, hey listen breath, ok breath" she said softly. she nodded and did what she asked for until she calmed down "I-I'm sorry" she whispered under her breath.

-"no need to be sorry, alas you finally met her, but honestly both of you were on fire, if I wasn't there she will claim you right away" she said devilishly. Ana couldn't help but to close her eyes and leaned back, she just wanted to be calm, her heart is still beating fast, but her feelings was beyond the moon. "I cannot believe that she has talked to me, oh my god I was so lost in her scent, her eyes and that smile! aargh she is driving me crazy!" she murmured in her mind.

Karael couldn't help but to chuckle, she was happy for her cousin, scared for her safety, anxious if someone could've seen them, all those feelings collided in her mind but chose to keep it for herself, the last thing she want is to ruin her happiness. She knew that her cousin is pretty much all alone, hard to understand her as she don't talk as much, the calm, love, and spark was filling her eyes, maybe she is the one? maybe it is a wrong choice, but who knows maybe her father and her uncle change their perspective, for now keeping the whole situation a secret is the best option.

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