Chapter Thirty Three

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Deep within the labyrinthine streets of our bustling metropolis, a silent war rages on, unbeknownst to the unsuspecting inhabitants. Major demon, nefarious manifestations of evil, have entrenched himself within the very fabric of our city, spreading his malevolent influence far and wide. But as darkness threatened to consume all hope, an astonishing alliance emerged. Angels and devils, sworn foes for eternity, set aside their differences to wage a righteous battle against these nightmarish creatures.

The city, once a haven of innocence and virtue, had become a hotbed of vice and corruption. Major demon thrived on the desperation of the weak-willed, poisoning hearts and minds with their vile temptations. A group of courageous devils, side by side with their angels. Overcoming centuries of deep-rooted hatred, they found common ground in their fight against the major demon. Together, they forged a bond that transcended their inherent natures, cementing an unprecedented collaboration in their shared quest for salvation.

The angels, ethereal in their beauty and resolute in their purpose, brought divine power to bear upon the city's murky corners. Their radiant glow pierced the dense shadows, offering a glimmer of hope to those beleaguered souls lost in despair. Armed with their celestial weaponry, they rallied against the major demon, determined to vanquish evil from the city's depths. Marching alongside their sisters, the valiant devils revealed a side long concealed from mortal eyes. Displaying unwavering conviction and their formidable dark arts, the devils forged fearlessness from the flames that raged within them. Their malicious reputation had been largely unwarranted; they too yearned for a world free from the tyranny of the major demon.

Yet with such powers the demons were flooding like a dam that was breached. The angels were covering the left side of the city, where the devils split between the middle and the right, trying their best to save whatever they can. Regardless of their efforts, people as still curse and shaming them, blaming them for the cause of the emergence. Even if they fought fiercely in front of them, putting their life in danger, yet all of that wasn't enough to convince. Galvina let her lover to join her sisters, as she flew away to the shop near her company, checking on the lady that she once saved. Upon her landing she made a call to her secretary and Ri, asking them to evacuate immediately, the demons were close to her company, the last thing she wants is more casualties.

-She forcefully broke the door and entered the shop, frighteningly she was looking left and right, as she tries to get any clue if they are here or they flee the area. She went to the storage room, as she heard someone silently sobbing, when she walked close she saw the lady and her child. They cried in relief as they both hugged her tightly. "thank you! thank you young lady" the women said in fear. Galvina shed a tear when she managed to get there in time. "no worries, I had to check on you since you were close to my company" she said "now let us get out of here before it is too late". She carried the child and ran outside as his mother followed, she ran towards the company knowing her bodyguards are still around that area. The closer she reached the more her stress becomes unbearable, until her eyes catch her bodyguard ushering people from afar.

-She ran to him, while he sensed her presence, he stood stunned and merry, witnessing his lady being safe and sound. "Barax" she urged "please take care of this lady and her child, take them somewhere safe, then come back and assist my employees" He nodded and carried the child as he ran away with them, Galvina kept watching them until they disappeared from her sight. She then flew to the roof of her company, looking at the mess and trying to find an entry point so she can struck him on the head. The Major however was unlike anything that they faced before, he was shielded by some sort of power, unabling them to deal any damage. "shit! how can we beat this thing!" she said to herself, as she flew away to join her sisters. Devers saw Galvina flying above them, she took the opportunity to group up, as they are losing time and energy.

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