Chapter Thirty Eight

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The days passed like a cruel relentless storm, each one a painful reminder of her absence. Her lover, the one who once filled her days with laughter and her nights with passion, had vanished without a trace. It felt as if the ground beneath her had crumbled, leaving her lost and betrayed. They had shared a love that was once filled with defiance and trust, or so she believed. Their few days were a symphony of stolen glances, soft whispers, and tender touches. They had built a world of love and affection, promising to be there for each other no matter the storm ahead. But now, it seemed like those promises were nothing more than empty words.

The days without her stretched endlessly, blending into one another, as if time had lost all meaning. She was haunted by memories of their once blissful moments. The laughter that filled their shared spaces echoed painfully, taunting her heart with her absence. How could love turn into such isolation? A bitterness settled in her soul, a combination of anger and sorrow. She couldn't comprehend how her lover could leave without a trace, without a single word of explanation. The betrayal cut deep, like a dagger to her heart. Was she mere nothing? Were the promises they shared just an illusion, a fragile facade painted over her true intentions?

She stopped searching for answers, as desperation stranded her lost glimpse of hope, letting go the last part of her, that kept her alive to fade away into the deep. As she stopped yearning for closure, for the truth that would make sense of his abrupt departure. As the days turned into weeks, she found solace in reflecting on the person she had become without her. She had spent so much time pouring her partially soul into the love they shared, that she had forgotten the lostness that existed within her. Feeling alive, living her moments with the person who she once loved.

-The angel that she once believed in, had neglected her wishes, her only demand, and the urge of being whole once more. The betrayal and perfidy had forced her to dive within, reaching to her depth where her last glimpse of herself was there to reside. She then slowly began to surrender to the deepest corner of her lostness, seeking a path that what she might have thought of, to ease her pain. The time passed each day like the sands stuck in the hourglass trying to push through, her body decided to seek refuge in the corner of her room, where the darkness had already begun roots in her heart. "S-she betrayed me...she tricked me...she used me" she grindingly repeated those words, since the day after she knew the truth. It wasn't only their separateness that caused her this ordeal, it was her parents those who she thought were loving and caring, dropped a bomb that made the situation worse than ever before.

Her sisters of course were scattered around, drifted away from each other as they battled between themselves, seeking solace and comfort. Each one of them had a conflict within, with questions are yet to be answered. The more they parted away, the more agony they held within, the more ordeal they would have endured. Deep down they felt deceived, let down and tricked, as they lived most of their lives being agonized and demolished. However, regardless of this situation, Merihim did not surrender to the truth, she is yet to remain calm and observant. Even though she once said that she is done from taking care of her sisters, Galvina remained special for her, she cared about her deeply, despite her burden and guilt, she always there to take care of her. Undoubtedly, Merihim knew that her sister's state was mere imminent, every day she cheek on her making sure that she is still stabilized. Nevertheless to her efforts and comfort, Galvina was rapidly slipping away from her reality.

To contain the situation and trying to hold onto what is left in her, she sought help from the used to be the wised one. Unfortunately such epithet was forever gone, since the day she read the message. She truly was disappointed on her parents, not only because they were hiding the truth, but because they were acting like nothing happened. Despite her pleas, countless research and questions, their only answer was time will tell. Instead of seeking solace and alleviate in her room, she decided to walk in the backyard, marking her destination towards the tree, that once she and her sisters used to play underneath. With each step she took, her heart was soaring, with each breath she took, her breaths were stuttering, with tears that were burning her cheeks. After her long walk, she reached her destination, raising her head towards the branches, when a smile finally formed on her lips. Her smile was faded away, when she heard a footsteps close by, their steps were aggressive and full of anger, as they made sure to crack the scattered tree branches and leaves apart.

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