Chapter Thirty Six

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The sun sank beneath the horizon, casting a vibrant cascade of colors across the sky, mirroring the bittersweet ache in their chests. It was the beginning of their heartbreak, the moment their lovers had to leave. Their time together, though fleeting, had been an ethereal dance of passion and vulnerability. And now with every breath they took, they could fell their heart shattering into a thousand fragmented pieces. As she stood next to her sister, looking through the opened window, the cold wind whipped through their hairs, as they tried to hold onto the memories that danced before their eyes like a fading dream.

Their laughter, soft and melodic, echoing in their eyes, their touches warm and tender imprinted on their skin. But now, all that remained were echoes lost in the wind, and the torturous emptiness that consumed their soul. With each step they took towards their car, they felt a part of them being torn away. It was unbearable to witness them fading into the distance, knowing that they couldn't reach out and hold them close, whispering sweet nothings into their ears. Their love, relationship and bond, even if it was quick and short, but it has been like a shooting star, brilliant and intense, filling the void, that once occupied their hearts.

The seconds turned into minutes, and the minutes turned into hours, but their absence remained a constant void in their world. The moon no longer seemed to shine as brightly, and the stars lost their twinkle. The bustling city around them became a blur of people living their lives while their heart lay suspended in a state of perpetual longing. But amidst the agonizing ache, a faint glimmer of hope ignited within them. It whispered tales of reunion and a love that transcended time and distance. they clung to this whisper fiercely, allowing it to guide them through the darkness. It was this flickering flame that reminded them that their love was not bound by physical proximity, but by an unbreakable connection that surpassed the realms of the tangible.

-They held that hope, deeply within their hearts, it was hard, cruel and painful, to admit that everything is on the verge of collapse. During their lamented ride back home, they were looking at the stars, hoping for a sign that everything will be alright, all of what happened was a dream after their long battle. But their reality was atrocious when their cars stopped in front of their gate. Devers eyes, the blue eyes that catches the soul of an angel, has turned pale, lifeless and weary after weeping for the past few hours. Before she exits, she looked at her sister, the one that they called the teaser, the mischievous and the blackmailer, has turned into an empty shell, as her soul left her body the moment her angel stepped out from that door. She slowly reached out, holding her hand, trying to comfort what has remained. She turned her head, looking at her with her lifeless face, when a mocked smile suddenly formed on her lips. "w-we won't....see them again...right?" she quivered "Anything that happened so fast....has to end with the same speed.."

-Devers's eyes submerged beneath her tears, her lips twisted and shivered, her throat was dry like a desert, her voice was gone after he long agonized screaming, her only answer was firm her grip to comfort her. They kept looking at each other for minutes to come, when Merihim's shadow passed them, holding the sister that they dearly afraid to lose, after she wakes up from her slumber. They exited together and they follow her footsteps, lowering their heads as the burden was heavy to lift, only to find themselves standing in her room, when Merihim placed her on the bed. She silently walked pass them, grabbing some clothes to change her sister satined suit. She returned back and they are still standing on the same spot, looking like a ghost waiting to haunt it's next victim.

-She sighed loudly while changing Galvina's clothes. "are you two going to stand here all night long?" she wondered "or you are going to move forward? as what will happen next might not be promising". Both of them startled, and looked at her questionably. "what do you mean?" Devers asked worryingly. Merihim glanced at her, as she is still full with her hands. " is hard, devastating....etc, but acting this way will not solve anything" she said "right concern is her". Nergal shook her head and sat on the bed next to Galvina. "where is mom? the house is completely empty, and it is still 7pm, I don't remember her sleeping this early" Nergal said with a fumed tone. Devers raised her eyebrow. "why? don't tell me that you will start the interrogation?" she seethed "trust me...I am not in the mood for this! let's hold it till tomorrow"

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