Chapter Thirteen

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Further away from the Silver Wing tree lies a vast oak-brown and primitive forest . Some creatures lives in there like the orchestra of birdsong which can be heard from any corner, some wildcats slinking away. Although, such peace never last forever as there are some hunters who camp in here to hunt, for them such creatures worth a lot if they caught them. The beauty of the forest comfort the heart, as further you go the more magical the place be, as the trees in the night releases some sort of floating light which create a beautiful shimmer in the area.

Anahel on the other hand enjoys reaching this deep into the forest, she hunts some creatures but those who are preying at her or another hopeless creatures, but most of the time she just sit beneath those magical trees to escape her reality.

Anahel POV;

I felt bored during breakfast, everyone was chatting around me, Eva was enjoying her time with Karael, mom was busy with something and dad was focusing with Layla. After I finished I excused myself and started walking towards the forest, after the incident I could not think about something else except her, I tried my best to ignore it, but I couldn't, a trip to the forest might help my mind to calm.

-I went straight to my usual spot, thank god no one was in there, otherwise I will kick them off, I want to enjoy my time in peace, if they need to talk they are welcome to join my family. I sat down beneath the tree looking at the sky for a while, "why I cannot think about something else except her" I said to myself. I closed my eyes for a moment, as her smile was the first thing my brain could show me, there was billions of things that I could be thinking about, but her smile will always be the first thing I see.

-Suddenly I sensed a movement around me like something is running towards me, I summoned my bow and aimed at the direction of the sound, I draw and held my breath, out of the blue an injured fox like creature jumped towards me from the bushes, it was shaking in fear, I looked at the state of it, and lowered my bow, "calm down little one, I'm going to help you ok?" I said calmly as I was walking towards slowly.

-I've managed to get closer to it and check where the injury was, it was an arrow which hit him on the back of his foot, someone might have tried to kill him, "you poor little thing" I said to him as I patted his head, he looked weak and breathing heavily, I have to treat him but I don't have anything with me at the moment, so I decided to take him home, managed wrapped him up with my jacket, and ran back as soon as I can.

-I got out of the forest running like my life depends on it, after a while I saw Karael sitting next to Eva I yelled to get their attention, Eva without any hesitation ran towards me, Karael followed her as well, "Anahel! are you ok! is something happened to you!" Eva asked worryingly.

-I was catching my breath I couldn't even speak I just pointed at the fox on my hand, as they saw the blood covering my jacket "Quick Eva lets carry it home, Anahel catch you breath and follow us when you can" she said concerningly.

-Eva carried it and ran back home, as I sat on the ground to catch my breath, I was glad that I could return home before it's too late. I raised my head and sigh loudly " I wish I could fly, why I was born with one wing" I murmured in my head. I stood up after my short break and walked towards home, I'm pretty sure that creature is safe by now.

-I got closer to garden and heard Eva giggles loudly, Karael was standing with her arms crossed looking at Eva playing with the fox, I walked towards them as the fox suddenly sensed my presence and ran towards me, I kneeled patting his head "aww look at you, being cute and craving for attention" I said in low tone. Eva kneeled next to me looking at me with awe "never thought you will save his life, I thought it was you who caused her injury" she said surprisingly.

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