Chapter Sixteen

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There is something profoundly beautiful yet gloomy about the way the city is so full of life yet dead, when it's raining. With the grey sky swept over the busy streets of the city, the rain has such a fascinating effect. As the people, scattered across the city, are seething through the streets, not stopping to look at anyone or anything. While the street lamps, like diamonds, and the car's headlights are the only source of light in the city. Vehicles glide across the streets, with their lights on to guide their way through the roads, and then disappear again into the dark corners of the streets.

The office was in tranquility, the only thing that can barely be heard is those who respire. The rain has captured their eyes, looking at it with sorrow and melancholy, drifting into their own mind as the flashback of their dearly friend was haunting them grudgingly. They kept waiting as the time passes, is she alright? Was their question to ask, are we going to do something? Was their challenge to take, is she going to open up to us? Was their last expectancy. They couldn't dare to say anything, their eyes was their source of communication, as they waited patiently for her return.

Merihim POV;

Never thought that I will witness such incident, her tears, voice, and eyes was as of someone who lost their soul. Ever since she was young she always acted tough, even if she got hurt severely, she will bit herself and swallow down the pain, she doesn't want to feel small or pity among us, she doesn't want to be weak. She trains every day effortlessly, dad was tough on her ever since she held her sword, "never ever show your weakness Galvina, even if you lose, forfeit with you dignity" was his words every time he beats her in their private training sessions.

Even though such words hurt her a lot, but she did not give up, she kept training and pushing herself every day. But her sudden coldness it was one of things that we couldn't understand about her, she laughs more rarely than she used before, she barely shows any affection towards us, but she cares a lot, it's like something in her is missing. She however, respect Devers a lot, as she sees her like a guide or a person who can calm her heart down. True all of us are really close, but she considers Devers as her ocean of peace. Could it be that because of dad and his words made her to be such person? Well I know we were born this way, but we are not dead inside!

Honestly, I don't think the endless hours or training, the strictness from dad, the long days of hard work was the cause of her heart being this soulless, could it be that incident was the trigger point for her to dwell in her cocoon and suppress every single feeling in her? but how did we not notice? truthfully, a lot of things have in our lives but this particular incident could be the reason.


12 years ago,

-"come on Galvina we are going to be late! the shops are going to close soon" mom yelled at her since she took ages to get ready.

-"ok mom! I'm coming now" she said as she jumped from the top of the stairs. "hey! Careful now! stop being reckless and watch out!" I said angrily. She looked at me with her puppy eyes as I couldn't say anything except giggle. She was cute and always excited to leave home, even if she doesn't want anything from the city she will never miss out the opportunity to leave.

-We got into the car just the three of us, she was looking from the window as her smile didn't fade from her face, anything she sees excited her, pretty much she will talk about it until she sees something else. "Merihim look! can we fly there? that place look amazing" she said excitedly. I leaned closer and followed her gaze. "umm, sure but you need to learn how to fly, you always descent instead of rising" I said teasingly. She looked at me as her face blushed "hmph, I can fly better than you". she pouted

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