Chapter Eight

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The incident about the major demon has been the talk of the day, pretty much every corner of the city is talking about it, our girls were trying to avoid the crowds who were standing and cheering for the destruction of that demon, most who noticed Nergal were giving her the look of shame. Merihim decided to change their route to somewhere between the alleys away from the main streets.

She noticed how suddenly their moods change, they were teasing each other moments ago, but it faded in a thin of air. The only thing that she wishes to understand why those people can't coexist with them, she can see that Nergal is very successful, true most of her employees are devils, but she has some humans with her who are really friendly towards her, she saw them hanging around her with ease. The rest however still looking at them like they are the reason for everything bad had happen. Dever's on the other hand, is handling cases like no tomorrow, despite of her being a devil not just that, she is Damien Aegrotus daughter, but no body actually cared.

Such questions were hitting her mind left and right, first is about the demons sudden emerges, the hate toward them as in their mind just because they are devils' creatures of darkness, most of them believed that the demons are the same as them, thus why the hate towards them. So many questions with no answers, their parents did not explain the reasons, we were raised as being hated for centuries, no valid reasons apart from what we were told, that we are born cold hearted, hated from everyone. The why is still unanswered as their parents always find a way to hide their past for now.

They grew up with those unanswered questions, angels hated them the most of what happened, their question is what happened? Their mother told them her fair share of stories, where did she live, how did she met her father, the tragedy of losing her parents as they died from a mysterious disease, nothing more or less, they grew tired of asking so they ignored it and live their life, as they are trying to not get into troubles.

-"Why do they hate us this much? I mean we did not do anything wrong? Dad did help them a lot and tried to convince them that we are good right? But those demon hunters will always keep teasing us to break the truce of no such force will fight in city grounds." Nergal said in frustration.

-"People believe that the devils and the demons are the same, demons will always kill anything in their way, they believe that we have a demon side in our souls, at some point such thing will take over our bodies turn us to be one of them." Merihim said in disappointment.

Galvina looked at her sister worryingly, as she did not expect such answer "do you think we have such things inside us?" she said sadly

-She shook her head "of course not, we are different, I don't remember I've heard any devil turned or such thing happened anyway." Merihim answered while her hand on her chin.

-"Then why" both of them whined.

-"Sigh, from what I have learned that such hate existed before we are even born, what happened at that time, we don't know about, such stories that have been telling about right now is basically people's gossip, everyone will tell you different story and so on, I think because it has been a while they forgot the past." she said wonderingly

Both of them looked at their sister curiously, as they remembered asking their parents about why such hate existed, but they always find a way to deviate their answers, thus why they gave up asking.

-"Listen, I know some of them already know the answer, like those idiots for example, they know a lot about us, you can tell from the way they talk to us, but I choose to ignore them, one day the truth will be revealed." She said with a tit smile

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